Remember the Italian version of the Coming Soon site is supposed to broadcast the Twilight footage. I’m currently looking at the site (not sure if it’s just my connection or not) but the feed is slow and choppy. Hope they have a great server and tons of bandwith.
I was able to screen cap a bit of the choppy footage.
According to Lexiconer Italian Twilighter "the footage should eventually be added to the site’s archive found at the same link as the live feed (scroll down). Also, 2 scenes were shown during the press conference. 1. Bella meets the Cullens, with Claire de Lune, the Italian food and the spider monkey thing; 2. the second scene is the scene we already saw at the Comic Con (the ballet studio scene)."
EDIT: Still broadcasting choppy, but the Q&A is here. My advice( for the people who can’t wait for this to be YouTubed as no doubt it eventually will be) is to let it start to play, hit pause and let it download in segments, and then play the less choppy version.
EDIT 2: Partial English translation here. TY to Andrea over at Bad Taste IT.

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