Here’s an on site report from Lexiconer Saskia
It was amazing! Such a cool experience. But first things first.
At about 5am I drove to Munich with a friend. It’s about 2 hours from my hometown, so not far away. The streets were icy and I had to drive very slowly. So we arrived at the cinema, where the event should take place, a little bit later than we planned. When we came in there we were like … WHAT? So many people? We didn’t expect so many people since Twilight isn’t that big in Germany… unfortunately.
Anyways, we stood and waited till they would let us in, so that we could run to the red carpet and find a good place to wait till the cast came. We couldn’t really find one and we started to talk with two other girls who were standing in the front row and we asked them if we could come to the front row when the cast (and of course Catherine) arrived. The one girls answered, that we could have her space since she wasn’t a Twilight fan and only here because of her cousin. So my friend and I were standing in FRONT ROW!!!
While waiting two hours that the cast would arrive the people from the cinema gave some tickets away for a screening of some scenes of the movie. My friend and I were soooooo lucky to get two tickets! Now we stood in the front row AND we were able to see the scenes! (I have already seen the movie, but there were some rumors that the cast would say something about the movie etc. in the cinema so we were really happy to have 2 tickets.)
Then the waiting continued. The press was there took tons of pictures of the waiting fans while we were freezing and hoping that Rob, Kristen and Catherine would come soon. Some girls at the entrance started screaming every time a car would pass by and the press would always run to the entrance. It was quite funny.
Then FINALLY the moment arrived and the cast appeared. The screaming was unbelievably loud. They took the time to give autographs (I’ve got one from all of them!!) and they were so nice. I talked to Catherine or a short moment. About the movie, and that I liked it. She was so nice and told me that she was happy I liked it. And I told her that she did an amazing job. She was so cool. And she looked beautiful! Her dress amazing! Then Kristen came and I got her autograph. When I thanked her she said that it was no problem, and that there was no reason to thank me. She was nice, although I think, that all these events are a little bit too much for her. After all she is only 18. So my age… and I think something like that would also be too much for me. Of course Rob came too and the screaming next to me got louder. He came and I told him that he was an amazing actor and that he did a great job. He smiled and laughed and said: "Thank you so much. It’s always nice to hear that." Then he smiled again and continued giving autographs. He is really handsome! He looks better then on all the pictures on the internet. At least that’s what I think 😉
After that everyone with a ticket to the cinema got into the cinema to see the screening. After everyone was sitting the cast appeared again! They were asked some questions (by a man who could barely speak English… so embarrassing!) and got some gifts. Rob was funny as always. When he was asked a question and everyone started screaming again he said: "Don’t mind… I was not going to say something important" and laughed again.
Then we some the scene were Edward introduces Bella to his family. The long trailer in German (which sucked :D), the ballet scene and some behind the scene stuff which I hadn’t seen yet.
I can say that I had an amazing day! Rob, Kristen and Catherine were as nice as I thought they would be. It was a great experience and I am now owner of a copy of Twilight with the autographs of the three of them. I am so happy =)

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