What Can We Do?

Our inbox is just about shutting down for all other business due to the large number of emails that we are getting regarding various aspects (Taylor, Catherine, Melissa, budget, etc.) of New Moon.  We have people emailing in support of and not in support of those people in roughly equal numbers. It’s at the point where we are having trouble finding emails about anything else. 

The one common factor in each email is people asking, "What can we do to let Summit know our feelings?" The answer is relatively simple; write an original letter. Internet petitions don’t work, form letters don’t work. Be original, be concise, we would also suggest be polite, and give Summit your opinion at the below address (which is a matter of public record found on their website), because writing to us doesn’t help you.

Summit Entertainment, LLC
1630 Stewart Street, Suite 120
Santa Monica, California 90404
Atten: Twilight Saga Concerns


Just reiterating that the Lexicon is not taking "a side" in any of this. We are merely responding to people who wanted to know how they could legally contact Summit and express their opinion, whatever that opinion happened to be . From what we’ve seen that opinion is divided roughly equally as far posts on our blog, forum, and email goes.

About the only two things we have seen fans unite on is:

1.  The want the story to stay reasonably true to the original book with the understanding that things need to get cut/changed when going to film.

2.  They want enough money spent so the werewolves don’t look like rabid Gund plushies