Word leaked out early that there was a Twilight star making an appearance at the Wallmart in Salt Lake City. Early reports on Salt Lake radio stated that it was Ashley Greene; however, those reports turned out to be false and it was actually Rachelle Lefevere who made the appearance in Salt Lake while Ashley was in Los Angeles.
Our own Nena Cullen and Danobano with members of the Salt Lake City Twilighters Anonymous were at both a local Borders to lead off the games and then they ran over to Wal-mart to meet Rachelle. Here is Nena’s report:

After we lined up for an hour we got the chance to have our DVD’s signed by Rachelle Lafevre, she was really sweet and gave a special shout out to our Administrator and webmaster Laura aka Pel..( sorry Lori, I said both of your names, but she only heard the last one). Then she went on to sign every single DVD that was lined up. She stayed past 2 am, until the last person was through the line. We wanted to say bye and to my surprise she turned around, recognized our Lexicon t-shirts and came to give me a hug, then she went on to say bye to the rest of the people waiting and left with a ” We tried very hard to work on this and make it right, thank you for coming”.
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