New Website Not an Endorsement Like You’d Think

The LA Times has an interesting piece on a new website called Filed By Author.  They are highly critical of the site. According to the LA Times article:

“Without permission or advance notice, FiledByAuthor has cataloged the information of about 1.8 million authors into individual pages. There are biographies, photos, links to purchase books from online retailers and links to share the author’s FiledBy page through a dizzying list of social networking sites. And everyone is there, from the novice self-published author to Stephenie Meyer.”

Now FiledByAuthor hasn’t broken any laws or anything like that, but after a quick look on our part accuracy isn’t their strongest point. We found a couple of hilarious errors regarding Stephenie’s work:

Our Take: It takes true talent for an author to publish the third book of her four-book saga 40 years before the first one comes out and a good decade before the author herself is born.
And it pretty much goes downhill from there.