We first brought this incredible organization to everyone’s attention last year. They are a group that encourages reading and literacy.
They have several ongoing projects, but one happening right now is called What Book Got You Hooked?
According to the site:
“What Book Got You Hooked?” invites readers everywhere to celebrate unforgettable books from childhood and help provide new books to the children who need them most. First Book asks visitors to share the memory of the books that made them readers and then vote for the state to receive 50,000 new books from First Book, helping to get more kids hooked on reading.
Past winners include Oklahoma in 2007 and Kentucky in 2008, with each state receiving 50,000 new books for children in need.
Join us this year in sharing the joy of great books with kids who need them most.”
We’ve heard from so many people over the years that Twilight was the book that actually got them hooked on reading. No matter what that book is from Goodnight Moon to Harry Potter, something out there captured your imagination and made you want to read more. Please share your experiences over at What Book Got You Hooked and vote for teh state that you’d like to see get 50,000 books for needy children.
Alphie and Pel decided that the books that hooked them were the Anne of Greene Gables series for Alphie and the Little House on the Praire series for Pel. And if by any chance Pel’s 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Jezniack is out there reading this, you gave all the girls in your 2nd grade class Little House in the Big Woods as a Christmas present in 1973. Pel still has her copy and wants to say thanks for turning me on to reading!
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