The New York Times has a retrospective on the Calvin Klein underwear campaigns over the years. They interview Kellan about what his current campaing means to him.
““It is simple: whoever represents Calvin becomes a star,” said Sam Shahid, the art director who worked with Mr. Weber and Mr. Klein on many of the early campaigns. “What’s amazing is the longevity this has had.”
The work that goes into a single campaign image is considerable — Mr. Lutz worked with a trainer for weeks to bulk up his chicken legs, gave up candy and thought back to all he had learned from his earlier modeling days to capture a look, he said, that suggested he could just as well have been walking down a street, holding a smile and having a conversation with someone without thinking, “Gosh, I’m in my underwear.”
“You have to look like you enjoy what you’re selling,” Mr. Lutz said. “It doesn’t look that hard, but a lot of people don’t think about what goes into it.”
The effect, as intended, was almost immediate.
“I won’t lie about it,” he said. “I started getting text messages and calls from producers, and when I went into meetings for scripts, people were always commenting on the billboard and asking for pictures for their daughters.””
Kellen is making an appearance in the Macy’s flagship 34th Street store this weekend. You can read the entire article on the New York Times.
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