Robert Pattinson talks about Twilight and his upcoming Water for Elephants that he is currently filming.
“How do you sympathize with Edward in respect to women? Is he the knight in shining armor about whom we apparently all still dream?
I hear often that this story is too old-fashioned and encourages women to take on subservient roles. I don’t think that at all! Even when Bella sometimes has moments of helplessness, she is still only a fictional character. What are we coming to, if every fictional film character is automatically a role model for our society!
“Twilight” represents very old-fashioned values. Bella and Edward first go to bed with each other after their marriage. Are you also against sex before marriage?
I believe rather, that everyone has sex before marriage (laughs)—then and now. I also don’t believe that girls ‘must respect themselves’ or that boys only want ‘the one’. If you behave like a gentleman, because chastity really suits you—okay. But if you take it for the newest fad in the dating world, then it’s rather off the mark.
You said once, you find that the saga, without sex, is sexy…
Yeah, I think so. Every one of us knows the time, before something happens between a couple, when you’re still totally insecure: Does the other person like me or not? That is definitely the riskiest time! This moment can last an eternity. To this sweet uncertainty also comes anxiety, especially if it’s the first time for both people. I believe this worry stirs up desire. And in this case, the period of desire lasts almost four books.”
See the rest at Pattinson Online
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