Buzz Sugar talked with Parks and Recreation star Aziz Ansari about an upcoming Twilight episode when the show returns from hiatus.
“BuzzSugar: The third episode of the season revolves around the Twilight books, and a few months ago, you live-tweeted the Twilight movies rather passionately. Did you have anything to do with making the storyline happen on the show?
Aziz Ansari: No, but it did help that it was still pretty fresh in my mind, that I knew the movies, I knew all these details. I haven’t seen [the episode] yet so I don’t know what made it in, but there’s a lot of scenes where we improvise stuff, and I remembered real things from Twilight, and I had real questions. That was the funny thing, because Donna is in the Twilight group and she’s read all the books and knows everything, and I’d read a little bit and had a discussion with her for real, so it actually worked out really well for the arc of the story.
Buzz: Have you actually read any of the books?
AA: I haven’t read any of them, I just saw the first two movies. When I did the [MTV] Movie Awards, those were obviously the big movies, so I watched those two movies for research for that, so I knew a little bit about the Twilight world.”
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