Kristen Stewart is number four in Metro Canada’s ongoing five-part series. They have previously given an overview, talked with Chris Weitz and Taylor Lautner, and next up they are promising Robert Pattinson. On a side note, in a year and a half of covering movie related stories, this is hands down the best Kristen Stewart interview we’ve seen.
What are the changes in this second installment? Your character Bella takes risks again…
Well, she loses what basically gives her the drive to do anything in her whole life. She loses the man she’s in love with, but she also loses her entire life plan, and she’s so young to have to be forced into a decision like that. It’s just a glorified, elaborate version of the worst breakup you’ve ever been through. All of a sudden you question everything. All of a sudden you know nothing and you’re dropped in the middle of a freezing cold ocean.
Oddly, we have a character that’s warm enough and bright enough to bring her out of that, and it’s truly gut-ripping. Because as perfect as Jacob is for her, she holds on to an ideal, the ultimate fiery love that she has for Edward even though it’s not comfortable, it’s not practical and it’s not a good idea. So it’s really a very strong thing to do. It takes someone who really trusts themselves…”
So what does Kristen prefer, the werewolf or the vampire?
Kristen shouldn’t open her mouth (Laughs). Kristen is entirely torn. Kristen should stop using her name in the third person…”
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