When Is A Nude Scene Not A Nude Scene?

Today we watched and shook our heads as various media outlets picked up on the Jamie Campbell Bower interview with Larry Carroll on MTV and Jamie’s dry British humor went right up and over their heads.  We got the joke straight off, and even indicated that in our initial write up.

Alas other media outlets picked up on the MTV story and took it literally. In fact one of them went so far as to say “perhaps this is why the film is getting a PG-13 rating”…(um, we’re pretty sure if there was a full frontal threesome in a Roman Bathhouse it would at the very least have been an R or NC-17) It’s been spiraling into the more absurd ever since.

Anyway, because more and more media outlets are now picking up on these misinterpretations of the MTV story, this has prompted Christ Weitz to write the following statement:

“Dear all,

I would like to put everyone’s mind at rest and let them know that the
Volturi are not naked! Jamie (Campbell-Bower) has what you might call a
dry sense of humor and almost managed to convince me — which is why he’s
such a good actor. Anyway, be assured that, even though we do want the
look of the Volturi to be a bit of a surprise, they are always — as in
the book! — fully clothed.

Chris Weitz