100 Monkeys had a great show up in Vancouver this weekend by all accounts.
Vancity Allie described the show as, “I thought they did a nice job with the stage setup and the lighting. Shadows, vibrant coloured lighting, and tall dark angular shapes danced across a back screen as the band played to hundreds of photo flashes going off every minute for the duration of the show.”
She shot video of one the the standard part of the group’s act which is to make up a song on the spot using a word suggested by the audience. The word that night was acorn.
100 Monkeys and Jackson Rathbone Perform at the Rickshaw Theatre from VancityAllie on Vimeo.
Mandy was also at the concert and described it as, “100 Monkeys are amazing performers and rumour is they will have another show in Vancouver announced VERY soon :)”
She also met the band at a signing event the following day that has an amusing story and video to go with it.
Mandy also was able to meet Stephenie Meyer, who was at the concert. You can see her encounter here.
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