Well, we’re sure that the last thing Sony Pictures anticipated was a New Moon blow out on their 2012 polls. They ended up asking viewers in a poll what movies, books, music, etc they would save if the world was ending. To say that Twilight was a dominating force in their polls would be an understatement.
Now, HitFix talks about how these two films are slated to be the big Thanksgiving money makers. Only according to HitFix, it’s going to be another blow out:
“Conventional wisdom has long assumed that November’s two biggest releases would be Sony Pictures’ “2012” and Summit Entertainment’s “The Twilight Saga: New Moon.” In theory, both pictures seemingly should be successful as they have little audience cross over. As the second installment in the “Twilight” series, “New Moon” should dominate with women and younger women especially. “2012” is an old fashioned disaster movie that should be a four quadrant sell (i.e., movie for everyone) that drives older audiences, teens and regular moviegoers. Based on the latest pre-release polling, however, one of the films is in much better shape to dominate the box office than the other.”
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