This past summer the Lexicon staff has gotten to know the Hillywood Show main cast members, AKA Hannah and Hillary Hindi, Jacob Jost, and DrewLorentz who play Alice, Bella, Edward, and Jasper in their parodies. Aside from being incredibly talented, the Hillywood cast are some of the nicest and most down to earth people you are ever going to meet. Kim Sherman, the Parents Examiner, interviewed the group:
“In the meantime, a gaggle of Twilight fans spurred the girls to parody Twilight, a book with which they were completely unfamiliar at the start of production. “We saw the movie three times before going into production. The rooms we filmed in were smaller than the originals, so I had to be tighter on the shots,” said Hilly. “We have a crane, but it doesn’t rotate 180 degrees, so we had to take it on top of the building…”
Cue a screeching halt to my barrage of questioning. “You have a CRANE?” I asked. Blankly, like their porcelain faces, they dryly answered, “Yep. The crane was an investment. We saved up for it for a year and bought it with money from jobs we’ve had.”
Further questioning revealed that these quality, remarkably copied parodies are the sole work of two young women who have a wealth of experience in nothing other than… dance.”
See the rest on Parents Examiner.
Have you watched the Hillywood parody? What do you think?
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