The Lexicon Turns Four!!


The date was March 6, 2006.  Very few people had heard of Twilight at the time.  In fact,  only had about 35 stories posted under the Twilight heading.  When you looked up the name Stephenie Meyer it was probably spelled with an “a” and if you said the name to someone they most likely replied, “Who?”  The number of Twilight related websites on the Internet could be counted on two hands.  There was no Twitter.  There was no Facebook.  There was just the hope of someone finding your web address.  And so it was with little expectation that the Twilight Lexicon went live.

When we opened the site we honestly thought that maybe 100 people would ever visit us.  We celebrated and cheered when the hit counter reached 500.  We were amazed when people actually recognized us at book signings.  And we never ever thought that we’d end up on a convention stage telling our stories or going on set visits or even on the red carpet.  We have always been a couple of fans of a really fun series who feel so fortunate that we have been able to ride this wild ride.

In honor of our birthday, we – Pel and Alphie (Laura and Lori) – have gone and done something that we haven’t done since before Eclipse was published: we have recorded a podcast!  If you were around “back in the day” you might remember that we called them Forkscasts.  We stopped doing them because, frankly, other people were doing it better than us!  But we figured we’d record one for this occasion and fill it full of stories of things we’ve done over the last few years.  Hopefully you will all be entertained and laugh along with us as we prove just how silly we can be.

Now, a birthday wouldn’t be a birthday without gifts!  As a thank you to our readers who have kept us on-line and come back every day for their daily Twilight fix, we will be giving away special prizes every Wednesday for the rest of this month.  We promise you that these are prizes that you will want!  All you have to do to win the prizes is answer the trivia questions that we will post on the next few Wednesdays.  All the trivia questions will come from the stories we tell in the birthday podcast, so even if you haven’t been around since the beginning, you can still have a chance to win.  Keep checking back for more info on how to enter.  And watch our facebook and twitter pages because we might give away a few things over there, too!

But for now, leave a post to this entry about how you found the Lexicon or your first memory of visiting the site.  And if you know what we mean when we say “red leaves” then let us know!  No prize this time, but we’re just curious if anyone remembers them.  They were sorta pretty!

Again, many thanks to all of you for visiting us!  Here’s to another great year!