Kidsday Interview With Peter Facinelli


Pel love’s this story. It reminded her of her childhood on Long Island. The main paper of Long Island is Newsday, and back in the late 70’s they launched a feature where kids were reporters on various subjects and they had a section each week called Kidsday.  Well, now a Kidsday reporter,Matthew Cebulski, landed an interview with Peter Facinelli!

What made you want to take a part in the “Twilight” series?

When I first got the call about doing a vampire movie I wasn’t that excited. I was thinking it was going to be some kind of blood and guts horror film. But then I read the book, and I fell in love with it. I loved how it mixed this Romeo and Juliet love story with the folklore of the vampire tale.

Which one of the “Twilight” movies did you enjoy working in the most?

I enjoyed working on “Eclipse” the most because I got to do action, and the action stuff was a lot of fun. “Eclipse” is also my favorite book.

Was it difficult acting blind in the movie “Touch the Top of the World”?

I had them make contact lenses so that I actually was blind when I shot the movie. I felt like having to play blind all the time would be distracting, and I wanted to experience what Erik Weihenmayer had to experience on a daily basis. At the end of the day I wanted to focus my attention on who Erik was. Being blind isn’t who Erik is, it is just a physical attribute, and in the end something he had to overcome. So having the lenses not only gave me a fuller experience as to what Erik had to go through, but, it allowed me to put my focus on Erik’s persona.”

Read the rest of Matthew Cebulski’s interview here. A huge congrats to Matthew who asked better questions than a lot of adult reporters!