The sound you hear are English fluent fans who live outside the USA in countries where the Bree Tanner novella doesn’t come out in their native languages for a few months. They are screaming because now they can read what the rest of us had a few days ago. Also screaming are fans who (let’s face it, the economy is down) were not able to purchase the book.
To ensure that you are getting a legitimate, virus free version of the book, only read it directly from the Bree Tanner official site!
According to the site, “This site will be live from noon EST on June 7th until midnight EST on July 5th. Please keep in mind that you can only read the book here – you won’t be able to download it to your e-reader or phone. And you can’t print it out.” For those of your emailing in asking why the text is too small to read, see the diagram below.
We would be stunned if the site is not slow today due to global demand, so please be patient!
Happy reading all. Please stop by and discuss the book on our forum!
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