(LTT & Twifans) ask Stephenie Meyer TwiMerch & TwiRoom by twifans
LTT: So what have you been given where you’re, like, “Oh! Okay…that’s interesting…”
SM: What’s the weirdest thing I’ve been given? I been given some really amazing stuff, because someone gave me a quilt that…….I mean, I don’t have words. It’s amazing. Each square was made by someone different. And they depict scenes from different scenes from the book. And it’s lovely.
Someone knitted a giant Twilight book cover with the hand and the apple. It’s a bed-size blanket. And it’s amazing. That took a lot of effort!
Meghan: The drum?
SM: Oh, the drum….that was amazing. That’s one of my
favorite things. From the Quileute Nation, they sent me a drum, and I guess part of the package was “you have to make your first drum,” and it was somebody’s first drum that they had made, and it’s really beautiful. There’s one very similar to it hanging in Emily’s house. That was really cool. But they want things that are funny that I’ve gotten.
You can also read the rest of the transcript over at TwiFans.
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