Archives for 2010

Nikki Reed on Indie Film Love

This summer Nikki Reed was interviewed at the Tribecca Film Festival. The footage was only just released. Believe it or not, all the Twilight Saga films are independent films, granted they make a ton of money but they are indie projects. Each one has had the ability to do things that Nikki talks about in the interview.

Merry Christmas 2010: A Stephenie Meyer Short Story


Remember fall 2006? New Moon had only just been published. There was no movie.  There was no wild buzz in every corner of the Internet. There was no official release date with in-store midnight parties. There were just two books in a series.

Stephenie Meyer wrote an article for Ensign Magazine, the magazine of the LDS church, about the spirit of Christmas. It has become the Lexicon’s traditional Christmas post.

A very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year to you and your families.

Hero at the Grocery Store
by Stephenie Meyer

Christmas Present From Bill Condon: Photo of the Swan Home

Bill Condon has sent this out for all the fans. It’s the Swan home decorated Christmas style. You can find a larger, high resolution shot here. Photo credit goes to Andrew Cooper.

The 12 Days of Twilight 2010

We started this musical tradition last year. Check out the 2009 version here.

We also want to say a HUGE TY to OpenHome from our fabulous forum mod team for the matching Bella and Edward Santa hats and 24601 (aka Laura’s husband) for making it snow!

2010: Happy Birthday Stephenie Meyer!

A very Happy Birthday and a thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating this wonderful universe that we love to get lost in.

Happy Birthday Stephenie

May you have a year filled with laughter and love!

Christmas Decorating Twilight Style

Amanda Bell, the Twilight Examiner, has a really great article up featuring people who have decorated their trees in a Twilight style.

Check out Amanda’s article and a great photo gallery here.

On the other hand SNL seems to have gone beyond tree decorating and has a pop culture manger scene.

What do you think of SNL’s choice(via Twifans), does it go too far? What do you think about holiday Twilight decorating?

Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani an Indian Twilight?

According to Reel,

“The Indian supernatural television series ‘Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani’ is churning out more excitement with each passing episode and with it also moving away from the incidents described in Stephenie Meyer’s novels which serve as the inspiration for this supernatural love story between a vampire and a normal human being.”

A quick Google on the words “Pyaar Kii Yeh Ek Kahaani” and “Twilight” and you get a Wikipedia entry that states,

Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani (translation: a story of love) is an Indian Supernatural television series that airs on STAR One every Monday to Saturday at 8:30pm. Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani premiered on October 18, 2010, the show got an instant hit TRP’s and good critics on it premiere week due to the fact that its the Desi (Indian) version of The Twilight Saga.

The show is produced by Ekta Kapoor and created by Balaji Telefilms. The show is to be inspired this is because it’s the Indian version of The Twilight Saga, which Balaji Telefilms has acquired rights from Summit Entertainment.

Piyashree Jaiswal has always been a different girl, a girl with a mind of her own. Not the one who would get lost in the crowd; Piya never cares about fitting in with the trends and fads. Unlike most girls her age, she is averse to love (the reason being-her past). But life has something else in store for her. Destiny holds something else for her.And this happens, when on getting a scholarship, Piya moves to Dehradun to pursue her degree.

In the chill of the dense forests, she meets Abhay Raichand, a strikingly handsome boy who completely sweeps her off her feet. But Abhay’s mysterious disposition raises questions in Piya’s mind. He is a recluse and very unlike the other boys in college. There is this charm in him that draws Piya towards him. She feels a strong connection with him and yet, gets the unmistakable feeling that Abhay decidedly does not want to get too close. However, in time the heart wins and, they are swept off their feet falling passionately in love with each other. But it’s an unusual love, a queer one.

Abhay is not ‘human’. Because he is an IMMORTAL with SUPERNATURAL POWERS. To Abhay, Piya is that person he has waited ages for – his soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Abhay must struggle to resist his inherent instinct of killing a human. However, facing this, the two will have to nurture their impossible love.

A contemporary, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair – between a non human and a mortal – Dangerous Love! The show is an adaptation of the Twilight (novel) written by Stephenie Meyer.”

We don’t believe that Summit Entertainment sold the rights to the Indian company as the article states (if for no other reason we believe that Stephenie Meyer would have to OK that and not Summit). On the other hand, it doesn’t sound to us, based on the Wikipedia description, that it’s really what you would call a true adaptation of Twilight. We haven’t seen the show, so it’s really impossible to judge. If you have seen the show, chime in on the comments. Do you think it’s close to Twilight or not?

Edi Gathegi Talent Show Judge

Edi was on the judging panel for a talent show at Pechanga Resort & Casino .

According to the PR: “The talent was provided by a select few of the thousands of employees of the casino.
In all, 10 different entries were a part of the contest and show, hosted by musician/actor/comedian Chris “Kid” Reid, and they battled it out for the chance to win the $2,500 first prize.”

Tinsel Korey Helps at Food Bank in Phoenix

It’s great to see another Twilight star reaching out in a hands on way.

Bronson Pelletier Beat Up In Music Video

Bronson Pelletier is featured in a recording star from Denmark’s music video. Bronson has been spending a lot of time in Denmark because his girlfriend is from there.

According to the Google translation of the MSN Denmark site:

“In biting frosts recorded Basim, 18, Monday her new music video Take Me Back at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen.

– It was crazy cold. I sat some of the time in a Citroen, and the thermometer inside the car showed minus 12 degrees, “said Basim, who got a little heat in the body again when he had to contend with Twilight star Bronson Pelletier, 23

– He needed some beatings, wildcard Basim on scenes with him and Pelletier, which was coordinated to the smallest detail.

– It was not really that hard. He is a good actor. When he is good, I am also good, he explains, but reveals that it went wrong a few times.

– There were a few times where I got to kick him too hard in the crotch. it’s quite cool to show off that you have kicked a Twilight star in the crotch.

In the video, and Basim struggling Bronson on the same girl.

– It’s a brilliant story – it is something I and others can relate to, “said Basim, who had been going from pm. four thirty in the morning to midnight, before the music video was in the house.

– I think I drank 1:07 to 8:00 Red Bull. I could not have survived without it.

The actor is in Denmark to celebrate Christmas with his girlfriend Sabine and immediately sprang to when Basim offered him a role in the music video.

– He is a super cool person. We have much in common. It’s cool that I can play against a Hollywood star like him, “says Basim.

The video for Take Me Back will premiere in late January.

Basim and Bronson Pelletier got acquainted through a mutual friend in Los Angeles when Basim spent a month in the big city in the fall.”

See more including a very extensive photo gallery on the MSN Denmark site. Hopefully no one confuses this story with an earlier story that later proved to be entirely false that Bronson was attacked at a convention in the UK.

Via TwilightNinjas