We’ve gotten lots of Tweets and emails today about actors being on Twitter or not, so it seemed like today was as good of a time as any to repeat this list.

Updated as of 11/18/11
Stephenie Meyer: no social media only her official website (yes, we know she doesn’t update it often)
Summit Entertainment Twilight Saga Movies
Cullen Family Members
Peter Facinelli Carlise Cullen http://www.peter-facinelli.com/
Ashley Greene Alice Cullen (no longer uses MySpace)
Kellan Lutz Emmett Cullen http://www.kellanlutz.com/
Jackson Rathbone: Jasper and also Twitter for his band 100 Monkeys
Elizabeth Reaser: Esme Cullen no social media
Nikki Reed: Rosalie Hale Official Website http://iamnikkireed.com/
MacKenzie Foy: Renesmee Cullen no social media
Robert Pattinson: No social media
Kristen Stewart: No social media
The Volturi
Michael Sheen Aro
Jamie Campbell Bower Caius
Chris Hyerdahl: Marcus No Social Media
Charlie Bewley Demetri http://charliebewley.com/
Daniel Cudmore Felix
Cameron Bright Alec
Dakota Fanning: Jane no social media
Justine Wachsberger Gianna
Forks Humans
Billy Burke Charlie Swan http://www.billyburke.net/
Justin Chon Eric Yorkie
Anna Kendrick Jessica
Christian Serratos Angela Weber
Michael Welch Mike Newton
Angelo Renai Minister Weber
Quileute Tribe Members
Gil Birmingham Billy Black http://www.gilbirmingham.com/
Kiowa Gordon Embry
Tyson Houseman Quil
Tinsel Korey Emily http://www.tinselkorey.com
Taylor Lautner Jacob Facebook only http://www.facebook.com/TaylorLautner
Alex Meraz Paul Official Website http://www.alexmeraz.com/
Bronson Pelletier Jared
Chaske Spencer Sam Official Website http://www.wix.com/dreamreve/chaskespencer
Boo Boo Stewart Seth
James’ Coven
Rachelle Lefevre Victoria (Twilight/New Moon)
Edi Gathegi Laurant
Victoria’s Coven (Eclipse)
Bryce Dallas Howard Victoria (Eclipse)
Jodelle Ferland Bree
Xavier Samuel Riley
Maria’s Coven
Kirsten Prout: Lucy
Leah Gibson: Nettie
Amazon Coven
Tracey Heggins Senna
Judi Shekoni Zafrina
American Vampires
Valorie Curry Charlotte
Erik Odom Peter
Lee Pace Garrett
Bill Tangradi Randall
Toni Trunks Mary
Denali Coven
Myanna Buring Tanya
Christian Camargo Eleazar
Casey LaBow Kate
Maggie Grace Irina
Mia Maestro Carmen
Egyptian Coven
Andrea Gabriel Kebi
Rami Malek Benjamin
Omar Metwally Amun
Angela Sarafyan Tia
Irish Coven
Marlane Barnes Maggie http://www.marlanebarnes.com/
Patrick Brennan Liam
Lisa Howard Siobhan http://www.lisahowardnyc.com/
Romanian Coven
Guri Weinberg Stefan http://www.guriweinberg.com/
Noel Fisher Vladimir http://noelfisher.net/
French Coven (written in for BD part 2)
Chilean Coven
Marisa Quintanilla Huilen
JD Pardo Nahuel
Other Actors in Breaking Dawn, Beats Us Who They Play!
Ashlyn Ross (Dakota Fanning’s stand in)
Ben Jeran McGinn (stand in, we aren’t sure whose)
Chris Weitz (New Moon)
David Slade (Eclipse)
Jack Morrissey (Director Bill Condon’s partner) Breaking Dawn
The Twitters supposedly run by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner are all fakes. Ways to tell: mislabeling of photos stating where & when the pics were taken, Tweeting while clearly performing , all created around the same date, claiming they are posting personal photos when in reality are actually recycled paparazzi shots, official sites of actors don’t list a Twitter, etc. Also if they were real, Mr. Uber Twilight Twitter himself, Peter Facinelli, would no doubt mention it. Additionally Summit Entertainment confirms when each actor comes on twitter. They are also such A-list stars that their account would be verified by Twitter right away. So don’t get fooled by the fakes!
100 Monkeys The Band Jackson Rathbone plays with
Carter Burwell (Twilight and Breaking Dawn)
Twilight Soundtrack
Bobby Long Writer of Let Me Sign along with Marcus Foster, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack
Sam Bradley Writer of Never Think, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack
Marcus Foster Writer of Let Me Sign along with Bobby Long, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack
New Moon Soundtrack
Death Cab For Cutie – @DCFC
Anya Marina – @anyamarina
Muse – @muse
Band of Skulls – @bandofskulls
OK Go – @OKGo
Sea Wolf – @SeaWolfMusic
Lykke Li- @Lykke_Li
TY to Devon for compiling the New Moon band list!
Eclipse Soundtrack
Metric: @Metric
Muse: @MUSE
The Bravery: @thebravery
Florence & the machine: @flo_tweet
Fanfarlo: @fanfarlomusic
Beck: @beck
Bats for Lashes: @Bat_For_Lashes
Vampire Weekend: @vampireweekend
UNKLE: @unkleofficial
Eastern Conference Champions: @eccmusic
Band of Horses: @bandofhorses
Cee Lo Green: @theladykilla
TY to Megan for compiling the Eclipse band list!
Breaking Dawn part 1 Band List
The Joy Formidable @joyformidable
Angus & Julia Stone @angusjuliastone
Bruno Mars @BrunoMars
Sleeping At Last @Sleepingatlast
The Features @TheFeatures
Christina Perri @ChristinaPerri
Theophilus London @TheophilusL
The Belle Brigade @TheBellBrigade
Noisettes @Noisettes
Cider Sky @CiderSkyBand
Iron & Wine @IronAndWine
Imperial Mammoth @ImperialMammoth
Aqualung & Lucy Schwartz @Aqualungmusic @lucyschwartz
By Mia Maestro @MiaMaestro
15 Love Death Birth – By Carter Burwell @CarterBurwell
16 Like A Drug (Bonus Track) – By Hard-Fi @Hard_fi
17 Turning Page (Instrumental) – By Sleeping At Last @sleepingatLast
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