Archives for 2011

Jackson Rathbone’s Aim High Trailer Debuts on EW

EW has the exclusive on Jackson Rathbone’s new web-based project about a teen agent( We couldn’t embed the trailer click here and scroll down to see it.).

Jackson Rathbone may be best known as Jasper in the Twilight films, but he’s taking on a new role in Aim High, Warner Bros.’s new web series produced by McG (Chuck) that premieres Aug. 1 on Facebook. Rathbone will play a high schooler, Nick Green, who moonlights as a U.S. spy when he’s not hitting the books. EW has the exclusive trailer for the series below, as well as some more details from Rathbone about the series.

Rathbone says his character Nick is all about leading a double life. “He’s kind of inundated with class work, and at night,” Rathbone explains, “he goes out and takes out terrorists. Nick is like a mix between Ferris Bueller and Jason Bourne. I played the awkwardness in school, and confidence out on missions. It was a blast for me.”

See more on EW.

Taylor Lautner Abduction Poster

So how do you think Taylor Lautner will do as an action star?

Here is the official fanhub on Facebook

Stephen Moyer: True Blood vs Twilight

Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill Compton (incidentally a national newspaper yesterday had the name as “Bill Condon” and I died laughing imagining Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon on True Blood) commented on how he sees the whole vampire craze going.

GM: What do you make of the current vampire craze? It really shows no sign of abating.

SM: It doesn’t seem to be abating. It’s one of those unanswerable questions because when you think it’s one thing, it turns out to be another. … I think in the teen world, there’s a beautiful romance about that stuff. I believe this year the Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart characters [in the “Twilight” saga] have a baby. It’s this perfect romance, this perfect ideal. Ours isn’t quite as fluffy as that … our characters and the way that Alan works is, as soon as a character has a semblance of happiness, he digs a hole for them to drive into.”

See more on the LA Times

Taylor Lautner Greets Fans at A Better Life Premiere

You want to start at around the :40 mark.

Fansites Interview With Chris Weitz: Twilight and A Better Life

When I attended the MTV Movie Awards back in June, I had the amazing opportunity to see a preview of Chris Weitz’s new movie A Better Life that is currently opening in limited release in select cities (see details here). What really struck me as I watched the story was that it didn’t have a specific political agenda and avoided stereotypes. It was a very human story of what a father would do to put himself last in order  to give his only son A Better Life.

Just yesterday I was again fortunate and was able to be part of a last minute fansite phone interview with Chris where he talked candidly about his film and what’s in it for Twilight fans. Shout out to my fellow site ops from: Twilight Examiner, Twilighters Anonymous, Team Twilight, Twilightish, Twilight Series Theories, and Twilight Moms.

Q: How were you able to get such amazing emotions out of the actors, especially [Jose Julian] – I just read on his page that he’s never done anything like this before. The movie’s so powerful; how did you get the actors to portray that on-screen?

Chris Weitz: Well, I mean Demian Bichir is a big actor in Mexico. He’s been in many movies; he’s incredibly technically accomplished and a brilliant actor so that was never in doubt for me. Of course, when you’re starting with a newcomer, you don’t really know what you’re going to get, but I think the thing that we managed to do was to schedule it so that the scenes which he was being a difficult teen and kind of a pain in the butt were early on, which is kind of easier for a sixteen-year-old actor to go to, and then the more emotional scenes, by the time we got around to shooting that, he had lived in our little circus for you know a couple of months. He had learned from Demian; he had learned how to focus; he had been through all this thinking about things, and so that helped him. And of course acting with Demian when he’s delivering that sort of final speech in the detention center, I would find it hard not to convey a hell of a lot of emotion myself.

Q: Twilight fans obviously, certainly we love our good-looking men and the abs, but we do like more than that, and one of the big themes in the Twilight series is family and relying upon your family. Can you speak to those similar themes in A Better Life? [Read more…]

Happy Birthday Lori!

Today is Lori (Alphie’s) birthday. As you probably know, Lori is the founder of The Twilight Lexicon. If she hadn’t read Twilight in December 2005 and had it “eat my brain” there would be no Twilight Lexicon. It’s thanks to her that the site was up and running as of March 2006 with many of the features that you see today. She’s the person who is the master of the Lexicon’s much quoted timeline, personal correspondences, and many of the character bios. Not to mention she’s proofread and edited and put in the links on just about every chapter summary. So if you can find background information and cross referencing it’s all her. Her brain works for trivia better than mine ever will. So please if you enjoy coming here wish her a happy birthday in the comments below.

Chelsea Rendon From A Better Life Is A Twilight Fan

Chelsea Rendon, (pictured far left) who gives a fantastic performance as a girl who future is uncertain because of her gang connected family, wanted to work with Chris Weitz not only because of A Better Life but also because of New Moon.

“18-year-old actress Chelsea Rendon, who plays Luis’s tough-as-nails gang-related girlfriend, also drew on real-life relationships for her role. “I grew up in the East L.A. Montebello area, and I do have family that has been in gangs and has been in jail,” said the high school senior, who graduates on Thursday — a day before A Better Life debuts in limited release.

Still, Twilight fan Rendon was especially excited to land the role for a very specific other reason. “I first heard about [A Better Life] through the Twilight circle, because Chris had mentioned it in a New Moon interview,” she recalled. “I read it and my mom said, ‘Oh, you have an audition for this,’ and I was like, what!? I got all excited. And when I got to the auditions and first met him I was like, ‘Oh my God, I love you so much!’ Then I touched his hand and was like, ‘Oh my God, I technically touched Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner in some way or form!’”

(For the record, she’s on Team Switzerland.)

See more on Movieline

Also check out Chelsea at the 1:05 mark on this video

Kristen Stewart, Chris Weitz and Taylor Lautner Slideshow

There are tons of pictures out today of Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner supporting Chris Weitz at the LA Film Festival premiere of A Better Life. The best compilation slide show is over at Examiner. Check it out.

Chris Weitz Gratful To Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner For Supporting His Movie

Unfortunately they wouldn’t let us embed this so click here. Definitely a worthwhile watch. You really want to get past the preview part to where Chris and the movies co-stars talk.  chris is at the .40 mark and there’s a great tidbit with Chelsea Rendon at the 1:05 mark

USA Today: Michael Sheen Proud of All Roles

Michael Sheen Talked to USA Today about being mistaken for a member of the American Sheen acting family, his latest movies, his daughter, and that he is proud of the projects he’s chosen to do even though they befuddle some people who want to categorize him.

“He’s had memorable roles in the Twilight series as a royal vampire, a werewolf in Underworld and as Tony Blair in The Queen and HBO’s The Special Relationship, and that kind of variety keeps him busy as well as entertained.

“The big stars in our industry are partly big stars because they’re recognizable for doing a particular kind of thing, and I’ve never really been that interested in doing that. It’s the difference in parts that I play that I enjoy the most,” explains Sheen, who appears in November’s Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 1 and the indie comedy Jesus Henry Christ later this year.

“I’m not surprised that people might go, ‘Well, hang on. He’s the guy who plays the politicians.’ Or, ‘No, he’s the guy who does the werewolves and vampires.’ I’m not really looking to become the sort of actor who gets known for doing one thing. I quite like the fact that people don’t know what column to put me in.”

See more on USA Today