Archives for 2011

Edward’s Most Romantic Gesture

So many people love the Twilight Saga for the romance.  We’d like to know what you feel is the most romantic gesture that Edward made toward Bella.   Vote first and then tell us why you made that choice by leaving us a comment.  And if you feel we forgot to mention one of the most romantic gestures, then let us know in the comments.

Favorite Edward Moments in the Books

We’d like to know what you think is Edward’s finest moment from the book series.  We have a list of what we thought were some of his best moments for you to vote for,   Then leave us a comment saying why you chose that moment.  If you think we missed a moment, let us know about it in the comments.


Edward’s Best Quotes

There are many quotable lines throughout the Twilight Saga and many of them belong to Edward.  In honor of his birthday we’d like to take a poll to see which of his famous lines is the most popular.  You can vote in the poll and tell us why you chose that line in the comments below.  Also, if you have a favorite line that isn’t included in the poll, let us know about it and why we should have included it in the running.

Billy Burke: Would He Consider Being on the Twilight Soundtrack?

Fender Hosts 100 Monkeys Listening Party This Sunday

From the Fender site:

“Raucous, perpetually instrument-swapping L.A. funk-rock quintet 100 Monkeys previews its new album, Liquid Zoo at a private listening party on the evening of Sunday, June 19, at the Fender Artist Showroom in Burbank, Calif., followed by a live concert. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. PST, Fender will webcast the listening party and the concert in a special streaming event that will also include the debut for the new music video for “Wandering Mind.”

The band custom painted two Fender guitars seen in the “Wandering Mind” video; one of the instruments has been donated to the Fender Music Foundation, a non-profit music education organization. Stay tuned for auction details!”

See more on Fender

Elizabeth Reaser Talks Different Mom Types With New York Magazine

Elizabeth Reaser is in The Art of Getting By ( a much touted Sundance film) that opens shortly. She talks about playing way different mothers and talking Twilight with co-star Emma Roberts (picture of Emma reading New Moon on the set of Valentines Day).

Was playing Charlotte an antidote to playing Esme, the picture of maternal perfection?
That was exactly it. I was fascinated with someone who would behave like that, who was clearly free of inhibitions, who’s okay with herself and is not a perfect mother. Esme is perfect. There’s not a bad word you can say about Esme. She does everything right. She just loves with every ounce of her being, while Charlotte is drunk, walking around in a negligee and tickling her daughter’s underage boyfriend! [Laughs.] I think women who don’t understand boundaries are fascinating. I sort of modeled her after a girlfriend of mine who is the most fun, the most outrageous, life of the party — hang out with her and you will end up in the hot tub at the end of the night. And that’s what I thought about in terms of Charlotte. It was a little bit of a leap for me, that scene in the garden LizReaserKalebwhere I tickle Freddie Highmore, because I kept thinking of him as the boy from Finding Neverland. But he’s not a boy. He’s a young man.

Did she [Emma Roberts]pepper you with Twilight questions?
Yes! She’s a bit of a Twihard. I remember she was Team Jacob at one point. She definitely played it cool, though. Those movies, I’m always surprised when older kids are obsessed with them. You’d think they’d be too-cool-for-school for them. But the films seem to capture all ages. I’ve met a lot of Twi-Moms. I get a little uncomfortable when they start talking about Taylor Lautner’s body, because I’m like, “He’s a baby! Don’t talk about him like that!” But the movies definitely capture the imagination of even older women. I’m 35, so I guess I would be a Twi-Mom.”

See more on New York Magazine

Carlisle Cullen Ranks Number 10 on Best Movie Dads List

PeterscarfNext movie has come up with a list of the top 13 movie dads.  Carlisle Cullen landed in the number 10 spot.

“We wouldn’t want Dracula as a dad, but Carlisle Cullen? Yes, please. His enhanced ability is compassion, for heaven’s sake, and he has a penchant for adopting lost and lonely souls. Anyone you love, he’ll love. (He may even offer to transform them.) His capacity for kindness means he won’t spend the centuries lecturing you, reminding you of that one time you scratched his car. He’ll probably just give you a big hug, and remind you that time washes everything away, and the material is immaterial. Oh, and he’s loaded (Forbes estimates his fortune to be $34.5 billion). If you have to pick a dad to spend centuries with, Carlisle is the one to choose.”

See the whole list on Next Movie.

USA Today: Rami Malek On Working With Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, and Bill Condon

Rami Malek who plays Benjamin in Breaking Dawn is in the upcoming Toms Hanks and Julia Roberts film Larry Crowne. Rami talked about working with these two modern movie giants and the Twilight Saga with USA Today:

“It [working on Larry Crowne] was an experience where you just kind of watch what’s happening. You can’t take your eyes off her[Julia Roberts] and he [Tom Hanks]has you in stitches the entire time. Some call it work, but I wouldn’t call it that.”

In November, Malek bites into The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, playing a vampire. So is he team Edward or team Jacob? “Wow. No comment on that one. I’m team Bill Condon, how about that,” says Malek, giving the director a shoutout.”

See more on USA Today.

Melissa Rosenberg Comments on YA Based Movies

melissa-rosenbergheadshotThe Wrap has a great article on what has become the latest Hollywood trend: snapping up YA novels to make into movies. Melissa Rosenberg points out that just because Harry Potter and Twilight hit big, it doesn’t mean every YA adaptation will. For every Twilight there are several I Am Number Four and The Golden Compass duds.

“With Harry Potter set to conjure his last spell on the big screen next month and the last “Twilight” movie due later this year, the race is on for studios to transform the next young adult literary property into theatrical gold.

There are a number of young adult adaptations in the works: Lionsgate has its hopes pinned on “The Hunger Games,” a New York Times No. 1 bestseller due in theaters next year with Jennifer Lawrence in the lead role. Screen Gems is readying “The Mortal instruments,” first in a series of six popular books, with Lily Collins as its star.

Melissa Rosenberg, who wrote all five of Summit’s “Twilight” films, is writing and producing “Earthseed,” Paramount’s entry into the young adult novel-to-movie sweepstakes.

“‘Twilight’ did really well as movies and suddenly everyone’s like, ‘Let’s get the next of that,'” Rosenberg told TheWrap. “A popular book is no guarantee,” said Rosenberg. “What works is good storytelling.”

Check out what The Wrap is listing as the hot YA properties.

You Are Cordially Invited To Edward Cullen’s Birthday!

We will be celebrating all day long here and on our forums.  Be sure to drop in from time to time as you never know when someone might stop by to chat with everyone.  We hope to see you there!