Archives for 2011

Kellan Lutz Teams With Danny Guez For Abbot+Main Clothing Line

According to New York Magazine, Kellan Lutz leaped at the opportunity to help design and be the face for a line of clothin. He partnered with Danny Guez who has worked with celebrities such as Justin Timberlake on similar projects.

“Guez…worked closely with Lutz even when he was on location for Twilight in Vancouver. “I’d be designing in my trailer — I love drawing — and he’d create the samples back in L.A., send them up to me, and I’d try them on over Skype,” said Lutz. Skype? “I mean, it looked kind of sexual, but at the end of the day, we were trying to make a good product that I’m proud of.” Named for an intersection in Venice, California, where Lutz lives, the line is a combination of knit tops, henleys, hoodies, and cardigans. “I feel like John Varvatos has the Malibu-area vibe, so I wanted to create something that could capture that Venice feel,” he said.”

See more on NY Magazine

City TV: 8 Ways Canada Is Taking Over Hollywood

City TV has complied a list of evidence of how Hollywood has moved north. Twilight came in at number7.

“7. Even if “Twilight” fans/Robert Pattinson gawkers have figured out the “Twilight” series is shot in Vancouver, the natives of the city can really see Stanley Park standing in for the forests where Bella and her vampire friends hang and spot the city scenes featuring the yuppie area colloquially known to Vangroovey’s as “Kits”.”

See more on City TV

Kellan Lutz Greets Fans in New York City

Kellan is in NYC filming Syrup with Shiloh Fernandez

Peter Facinelli On Good Day LA

Nurse Jackie’s Peter Facinell on GDLA:

Chris Weitz Talks About the Ups and Downs of the Post New Moon Experience

chris-weitz-new-moonIt’s no secret that Chris Weitz had a really bad time making The Golden Compass. New Moon was his chance to do book adaptation the way it should be done. However, he soon found out that it wasn’t all a bed of roses. Indiewire interviewed Chris about his post New Moon life and his new film A Better Life:

“New Moon” was all about getting back on the horse for me and working with some very talented people – Kristen Stewart, Alexandre DesPlat, the great Spanish cinematographer Javier Aguirresarobe. I wanted to make a lush widescreen romance out of a ‘tweener phenomenon and I knew the audience would come. I would say, “They’re expecting a cheeseburger, but I’m going to give them foie gras.

Such is the naiveté of late-early-middle age. The restaurant critics were not supportive. Nonetheless, I was able to compose hybrid real-action and CGI sequences on a grand scale, create sheer cliffs and raging seas from pixels, and transform people into horse-sized wolves at the side of the legendary Phil Tippett.

We built it and they came. Our release day remains the biggest day in box-office history, a testimony to the wizardry of Summit’s marketing department more than anything else. Now, with the kung-fu of CGI at my disposal and a big old blockbuster puffing wind into my sails, it was time to find the biggest movie, with the biggest robots, the muscliest superheroes, the starriest stars…

…Except it wasn’t. My brain was shot. My home was distant. My family was unfamiliar. I had been inducted into the high mysteries of CG, but the secret inside the box was a little scrap of paper that read, “You are now making two movies at a time, not one.” I grumbled about quitting. Then, when no one tried to stop me, I returned my thoughts to a script that was then called “The Gardener[now entitled A Better Life].”

See more on Indie Wire

Chris Weitz’s Gardener Demian Bichir Was Almost In New Moon

Chris Weitz is doing lots of press for his new movie A Better Life (which is fabulous, I saw a preview and it’s well worth seeing).  The film, like New Moon, is a Summit Entertainment film and marked Chris’ second collaboration with the studio. Here’s what Chris had to say about working on a lower profile film with Summit:

“We didn’t have the pressure day to day of getting calls from the studio or anything like that because they are, rightly, preoccupied with what was going on with ‘Breaking Dawn,’” Weitz says. “It’s always wonderful to be the little movie that is being shot while the gigantic movie is being shot at the same studio. I’ve been in that situation a couple of times. It takes all the attention away from you. You get to get away with a lot more.”

Chris also dished a bit of new information regarding New Moon’s (we assume Volturi) casting:

“The whole point of this film is it’s kind of about the invisible people in our lives,” he says. “It’s the people who are trimming hedges or filling up a water glass or bringing your car. So to put someone like Benicio Del Toro or Javier Bardem in that part would instantly, I think, signal to an audience that everything was going to be alright, whereas in this case, you meet somebody for the first time in this movie and it’s astonishing how good he is. So we had kind of the double whammy of [Bichir’s] technical abilities and his relative unfamiliarity to American eyeballs.”

Weitz first sparked to Bichir when he saw Steven Soderbergh’s “Che,” in which the actor portrays Fidel Castro. He actually called him in to read for the part of the vampire king in “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” largely to check him out for “A Better Life,” which was a bit confusing for the actor.

“He didn’t know he had been called in to play a vampire gardener or something,” Weitz says with a laugh. “He had gotten kind of a garbled message.” But Weitz knew instantly that this was his guy, and that he would crank out a portrayal that would connect with the audience in unexpected ways, given his largely unknown status in the States.”

Check out the full interview on Incontention

Carolina Herrera Comments On Bella’s Wedding Dress

Apparently E! talked to Carolina Herrera about designing the wedding dress for Breaking dawn 1 and got this brief statement:

“Kristen is a stunning girl and Bella will make a beautiful bride.”


Next Movie: Who is the Best Twilight Dad

The Male Twihard blogger over at Next Movie just did a piece on which Twilight character makes the best dad.

“I am not a father, nor do I even pretend to know how to be a good one. (It involves owning a briefcase and knowing how to throw a baseball back and forth, I believe?)

However, I do know “The Twilight Saga.” So with Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I’m paying tribute to the dads from the series.

But who is the best “Twilight” dad? (Besides all of them?) Allow me to lay out the facts.

Charlie Swan, Carlisle Cullen, Billy Black and (future screen daddy) Edward Cullen are the men under the microscope. While everyone has their own ideas on what makes the best father, I’ve done some in-depth research (thanks, Ask Jeeves!) and these are the qualities most will agree on:

They should be of high integrity, but never high on other things. They should be able to provide for their kids, meaning they need some cash money — Benjamins, if you will. And a father needs to be responsible, offer guidance, and spend quality time with children. These are proven techniques that keep daughters (and sons) off the stripper pole.”

His analysis is tongue-in-cheek and hilarious. Check it out.

Taylor Not Repping Bench and Cue Possible Legal Action

The other day we reported how Taylor Lautner was going to be the new face of Bench in the Philippines. Well it looks like that’s not going to happen despite it being put out on several reliable news sources that quoted information given by local entertainment reporter Ricky Lo (who has now backpedaled).

“Prior to Lo’s clarification, Joyce Ramirez Director for International Publicity of PR Asia Worldwide, the agency behind “Gossip Girl” star Ed Westwick’s endorsement for another local clothing brand, Penshoppe, and his much-talked-about Manila visit two weeks ago, also dispelled the alleged Lautner-Bench collaboration, telling in an interview, “It doesn’t exist.”

“There’s no authorization from the U.S. agency. It’s illegal to use the name of an international artist without endorsement contracts,” Ramirez added.

In a separate press statement, Ramirez—who is said to be in constant communication with US-based WME Entertainment, the agency that represents Lautner, reiterated, “His lawyers are now discussing all probable legal rights they have against the brand who used Mr. Lautner’s name for the free publicity.”

See more here.

Carolina Herrera Confirmed as the Bella’s Wedding Dress Designer

The official Twilight Twitter just confirmed what Reelz Channel had the scoop on this one dropping the news a few days ago that Carolina Herrera was the designer of Bella’s wedding dress. However, were pretty sure they are going to try to keep the look under wraps until the movie or just before considering the message that you can see it in November.

New here is the larger question for you would be brides. Would you want a Bella’s wedding dress to walk down the aisle in? How about the veil? How about the ring?