Booboo Stewart is the latest Twilight star to be featured in Troix Magazine. Previously features were done on Jackson Rathbone and Christian Serratos just to name two.
Check out the issue here.
A Twilight Saga Fansite
Booboo Stewart is the latest Twilight star to be featured in Troix Magazine. Previously features were done on Jackson Rathbone and Christian Serratos just to name two.
Check out the issue here.
Taylor Lautner supported Chris Weitz at his opening for A Better Life, now if looks like Chris has returned the favor.
Abduction opens Friday. Will you see it?
Check out how to enter for your chance to go to the Breaking Dawn premiere and how to win some cool runner up prizes as well. All the details are here.
So what do you think of the book club and the new banner at the top that Twilight France pointed out to us?
Around the country on Thursday were Abduction Fan Experiences. We have a first hand account of the Los Angeles experience from Jimmy Bean of Hypable who was our reporter on site for the event.
Before Thursday I never had the pleasure of walking over the hand-prints of over a century of legendary actors to get into a world premiere at the world famous Grauman’s Chinese Theater. How did the experience go?
To borrow a phrase from Abraham Lincoln, it was freaking awesome…
Before the big TL made it to the carpet, there was a sudden shift. Everyone rushed to the other side of the fan pen since none other than Justin Bieber was spotted making his way into the theater via the normal-people street. He was wearing large dark sunglasses and looked like he didn’t want to be noticed. He obviously failed since there was so much screaming I immediately sought out the exits for fear that something had gone terribly wrong.
The moment that Taylor’s face was caught by the light, an eruption of high pitched voice reached for the sky. Taylor was polite, personally greeted his fans, took pictures with them (can you say profile picture?) and signed autographs. After he was done with us, he jogged over to the other side of the street where a number of fans awaited and greeted him with their screams. I gotta admit, I’m a straight 22 year old man and I’m no stranger to meeting stars, but I couldn’t help but feel a little star struck when this tween idol was so close that I could see the stubble on his chin.
Check out the rest of Jimmy’s report, including a great photo gallery, here.
Mandy attended the Seattle-based event.
It was such an amazing event and the movie was so much more than I expected. I mean, I knew it was an action film and hottie Taylor Lautner was in it BUT I thought the plot was really great. The story was well written and the twists and action scenes were just right.
I was impressed with Taylor’s skills, I know he is a talented martial arts guy, but seeing him fight and jump and move – amazing!
I also thought his scenes with Lily Collins were quite emotional, their chemistry was pretty good and there is a scene on a train that was pretty hot!
The “bad guy” played by Michael Nyqvist was really awesome! Perfect villian really! I also enjoyed Denzel Whitaker as Nathan’s best friend.
I won’t spoil the plot but I realized I knew very little about this film before going in and was plesantly surprised by how it all played out. There was often uncertainty about who was good or bad and what their connection was to everything going on.
The best part for me was that I know I can take my husband to see it because he will love it also. It is a huge jump for Taylor Lautner, and I hope its a sign of the kinds of movies we can see from him in the future. He said on the red carpet how he had to leave Jacob Black behind while filming this movie because it was such a different role. I think it showcased his talent for stunts and acting and will lead to more big roles for him. The comments of being the next action star are NOT far-fetched, trust!
I also really liked knowing that there is room for a sequel, and on the red carpet before hand John Singleton hinted that there may in fact be on…. I really hope so!
See more of Mandy’s report here.
Did you attend an Abduction fan event? What did you think?
Collider has a really good interview with Taylor Lautner about his Twilight Saga experience and doing more movies like Abduction.
Where you see yourself two years from now, after all of the Twilight stuff is done? What direction do you want to go in?
LAUTNER: That is a good question. If you had asked me that question two years ago, I would not have guessed that I would be sitting here today. But, my goal is to continue to challenge myself to a wide variety of roles and genres. Another thing that attracted me to this was that it was different than anything I had ever done before, and I had a great experience with it. I love it, but now I am definitely looking forward to doing something completely different.
But, we’re not going to see you doing a musical or anything, right?
LAUTNER: I do want to challenge myself, but probably not that much. My fans would not want to see that.
After doing Twilight, would you do another franchise?
LAUTNER: Yeah, if it made sense. You take it one movie at a time. If people enjoy it and I love it, then I’m definitely open to the idea.
What are your thoughts on this turning into some sort of teen Bourne franchise?
LAUTNER: I guess it could make sense, but I try and not think about it. We try to just take it one movie at a time and, right now, our focus is Abduction, and Abduction alone.
How difficult is it for you to let all of the Twilight stuff go, leaving the cast?
LAUTNER: It’s different. Whenever we would finish filming any of the other movies, we would be bummed, but we would know that it was just a matter of a few months before we would be back filming another one. So when we wrapped these last two, it was tough for us because we had been playing these characters for so long and spending so much time together for so long. It was a little emotional. But I mean the good news is, we will be able to promote them together for the next year and a half.
How was the last day of shooting?
LAUTNER: It was emotional, for sure. My last day of shooting, I was by myself, so that was kind of sad. But, my second to last day, I did a scene with me, Rob [Pattinson] and Kristen [Stewart].
Check out more on Collider.
Kristen Stewart is in the UK filming Snow White and the Huntsman. This weekend she sat next to model Kate Moss during a fashion show.
Lots of Taylor Lautner interviews today. Which is your favorite so far?
Don’t miss out on today’s live chat with Taylor Lautner! Click here for the details!
To tide you over, check out Twilightish’s photo gallery of the premiere. Twilight Saga pals Booboo Stewart and Chris Weitz also showed up to support Taylor!
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