Archives for 2011

Video: Taylor Lautner Interviews at Abduction Red Carpet USA Premiere

More clips under the cut [Read more…]

Breaking Dawn Score Recording Sessions Conclude

According to Jack Morrissey, Bill Condon’s partner, September has been a really busy month as Bill Condon traveled to London to work with Carter Burwell on the Breaking Dawn score. Jack Tweeted the following information:

The score was recorded on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at the famous Abbey Road Studios in London.

“*The score is recorded. *I thought you’d be interested in hearing that NEW MOON composer Alexandre Desplat and ECLIPSE composer Howard Shore both happened to be in London this week and stopped by to visit TWILIGHT and BD composer Carter Burwell. The score was recorded at historic Abbey Road Studios still owned by the Beatles. All six STAR WARS scores were recorded there, as were all three LORD OF THE RINGS scores (also by Howard Shore), and at least HARRY POTTER 7

Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg Reacts to the Breaking Dawn Part 1 Trailer

melissa-rosenbergheadshotThe LA Times asked Melissa Rosenberg for her reaction to the Breaking Dawn PArt 1 trailer.

Ever after: Rosenberg was pleased that the trailer in part indicated that this film is about a marriage. “It teases the fact that this a story about … a marriage going through some unusual stresses ….  At one point in the movie there’s a line where Edward says, ‘They say the first year is the hardest.’ It’s very funny.”

Jacob’s heartbreak: We were struck by Jacob’s emotional goodbye to human Bella, as he knows she’ll soon be promoted to Edward’s immortal beloved. Rosenberg says that scene resonates more than we know. “It’s a really sweet moment, and it’s the moment the film turns. It turns into a horror film,” she said. Speaking of which ….

The horror: Robert Pattinson’s previous comments that Bill Condon was making a horror movie were ominous, and the trailer in fact reflects terrible times ahead for the residents of Forks, Wash. “We’re beginning to get into the second half of the film, which turns more into a horror story. The images of Bella — trust me, it only gets more intense,” Rosenberg says.

See more on the LA Times

Abduction Premiere Live Stream

Starting at 6pm PT/9pm ET on September 15, you can watch the live stream from the Red Carpet here:

Movies.Com Breaks the Trailer Down: Is It What the Fans Wanted?

On this week’s column, Laura looks at the trailer and if it succeeded in the key areas of romance, CGI, and the element of danger. How did the Breaking Dawn trailer stack up against other Twilight Saga trailers in these areas.

The first area, without question, is romance. Above all what attracts fans to The Twilight Saga is the romance factor. It’s classic Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. With all that in mind, stunningly, not since the original Twilight movie has the romance played such a significant part in any trailer. In the Breaking Dawn Part 1 trailer Bill Condon and company clearly deliver with multiple wedding and honeymoon shots. It leaves fans wanting to see those scenes and wonder what else he has in store.

Next up is CGI. We’ve come a long way from Twilight and its meager budget. Remember the cheesy effects of the fast moving vampires? In Twilight they were smudgy blurs that looked like they were created in iMovie by someone who dropped out of film school. Chris Weitz first raised the bar in the New Moon trailer with the explosive wolves, and David Slade took it up another level in Eclipse with the newborn battle. Now it looks like Bill Condon has improved on both those elements. The Cullens do battle for Bella and Renesmee with Ashley Greene, with Jackson Rathbone clearly seen leading the charge. More importantly is that Condon has created a wolf pack where every wolf is highly distinct in color, bulk, and expression.

Check out the full story including data from a Lexicon poll and responses from Lexicon readers over at

E! Video: Ashley Greene at the TIFF Butter Premiere

Are you looking forward to seeing Butter? When do you think it should be released?

Video: Kellan Lutz: Lolo Interview

LoloMag Kellan Lutz Interview from Aaron Craig on Vimeo.

have you seen Kellan’s fashion line? What do you think?

Abduction Soundtrack Details Revealed

This press release just in:

Epic Records is pleased to announce a September 20th, 2011 release for Abduction – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, the companion album to the upcoming Lionsgate action thriller release starring Taylor Lautner (the TWILIGHT franchise). The movie directed by John Singleton will hit theaters nationwide on September 23rd.

Abduction – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack features original music spanning a wide spectrum of genres in support of its action packed release. The accompanying soundtrack features brand new tracks from veteran hit makers Train and up and coming alt songstress Oh Land. Superstar Lenny Kravitz adds “Come On Get It” taken from his new album to be released Summer 2011 and Raphael Saadiq contributes “Heart Attack” coming off the heels of his new release, Stone Rollin’. Hitmakers Cobra Starship follows up their latest MTV VMA performance by adding “#1Nite,” co-written by Ryan Teder of multiplatinum band One Republic.

Said Lionsgate’s Head Of Film Tracy McKnight of the soundtrack’s release, “Abduction is a movie with something for everyone – heart-pounding action, the magnetism of Taylor Lautner, a high school love story, and great performances from veteran character actors. It’s fitting that the soundtrack also offer something for everyone – the songs from new and established artists range from moody to upbeat, and make the perfect companion to the film.”

Track Listing:

1. To Be Loved – Train

2. Come On Get It – Lenny Kravitz

3. Heart Attack – Raphael Saadiq

4. Twist – Oh Land

5. Under My Skin – Hot Bodies In Motion

6. Blame It On The Boom Boom – Black Stone Cherry

7. The Witness – Blaqk Audio

8. #1Nite – Cobra Starship

9. Good Girl – Alexis Jordan

10. Novocaine Lips – Matthew Koma

11. DJ Love Song – Superstar Shyra

12. The Chorus – Donora

13. Loving You Tonight – Andrew Allen

14. Abduction Suite – Edward Shearmur


Are any  of these artists that you’d like to see on the Breaking Dawn soundtrack?

Music Details on Breaking Dawn Trailer

The Twilight Examiner has an excellent article up on the music used in the Breaking Dawn Trailer.

“The answer is no, per Jack Morrissey[Bill Condon’s partner]. The score was being recorded in London, England last week, so there was definitely no time for that to be incorporated into the trailer. Besides, most trailers don’t include music from the actual film.

Note: You might recognize a few notes from the Breaking Dawn – Part 1 trailer in the Into The Wild trailer (at the 1:40 mark). One Twilight sleuth noticed that yesterday.”

See more at TwiExaminer.

Crucial Scene Details from Breaking Dawn Trailer

One of our Lexicon readers Kim wrote in to tell us the following:

I noticed that in the first “stand off with the wolves” shot from the trailer that Jacob was nowhere near the Cullens or the pack and then in the next second he is screaming out “If you kill her, you kill me”. I think he is not in the shot when the wolves first arrived because he was imprinting on Renesmee! Also Edward shirt color changes from the line “they won’t touch her” to the fight. I guess we will know in November but that shirt is way too blood stained for it to be anything else. What do you Twilight experts think?

What other tiny details have you noticed?