Archives for 2011

High Resolution Breaking Dawn Trailer Via Yahoo

Did Bill Condon and company do a good job? So how does this trailer rank among the other movie trailers in your opinion?

Access Hollywood: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Before They Were Stars

Just a little something to tide us over before we get the goods we all want.

Low Resolution Version of Breaking Dawn 1 Trailer

High resolution (AKA good quality) coming between 7:00 and 7:30 tonight eastern time

Via RPattz News

Abduction VIP Ticket Giveaway

We have tickets to give away for the Abduction VIP Fan Events across the country. To enter just which which city you would like to attend and why you are Taylor’s #1 Fan we’ll do a random draw for a ticket for you and a friend to attend. Right now we think we will have a pair of tickets to give away for each city.

Entries close tomorrow (don’t have an exact time from the giveaway company so enter early!).

See here for the list of cities:

Here’s a sample how your comment should look:
Mary Smith
I love Taylor because he’s so nice to his fans.

Winners have been randomly selected (and notified check your email) from the cities where they had availability. Thanks to all who entered

Fandango Announces Breaking Dawn Ticket Sales for Part 1

Fandango has just announced the following:

Happy Birthday, Bella Swan! We have a special announcement to make in honor of our beloved Twilight celebrant: Tickets to Breaking Dawn: Part 1 go on sale on Fandango on October 1! Get your calendars out – that’s not something you’d want to forget. The film opens in theaters Nov. 18, so that gives Twi-hards plenty of time to get those tickets in advance – more than six weeks, actually. According to a recent survey, Fandango moviegoers named Breaking Dawn: Part 1 as the most anticipated movie of the fall season, and the scene they’re looking forward to most is (SPOILER ALERT!) the infamous headboard-breaking honeymoon scene. The wedding event and Bella’s childbirth rounded out the list:
– The Honeymoon 37%
– The Wedding 32%
– The Childbirth 31%

To sign up for a Fandango FanAlert to be notified when tickets become available at your local theaters, visit the Breaking Dawn: Part 1 movie page and click on the “Get Tickets” button.

TY to Rathbone Online for the heads up.

Also check out this really cool wedding invitation replica that they mentioned to us!

New Breaking Dawn Stills Via Twilight France

Twilight France let us know about the following stills put out by the French distributor. TY to Twilight France!

[Read more…]

Taylor Lautner Talks Carrying a Movie on His Own

Taylor Lautner has been doing some press in South America for Abduction. The interview is in English with Portuguese subtitles.

Don’t forget, tickets for Abduction fan events are on sale TODAY!

Top Ten Things Twilight Fans Want in the Breaking Dawn 1 Trailer

The Breaking Dawn Trailer is set to release tomorrow, and according to Love Film it will release at the stroke of midnight in the UK (that means 7:00pm eastern for us USA folks). So what are you hoping for in this trailer? Here are our top 10:

  1. A look at the brides maid’s dresses
  2. Jacob at the wedding
  3. We know we won’t get the dress, but how about a little bit of the “I do’s”
  4. Skinny dipping at Isle Esme
  5. A little more headboard sequence couldn’t go wrong
  6. Jacob and Rosalie name calling
  7. Wolfpack split
  8. Some reference to Bella being in labor
  9. A Jacob/Bella moment
  10. Renesmee moment: kicking, crying, Edward hearing

Taylor Lautner: Life Beyond Playing a Wolf

There’s a really cute interview with Taylor Lautner that was done in Brazil to coincide with the released of his movie Abduction.

“Is it very strange to play a normal kid and not a wolf?

Taylor: (Laughs) Yeah, yeah. I was so used to being Jacob. I’ve played the guy for many years. It was weird having to detach myself from Jacob so that I could bring Nathan to life, but soon enough I got used to it quickly. It was harder at first. But since this film is much closer to reality, it was easier for me to approach the character. I love challenges! It was fun.”

See the whole interview here. Just throw it through Google Translate, and you get a really clear picture.

Introducing Your Very Own Twilight Body Wash

Well, not exactly, but right now Bill Condon is in London in conjunction with the score for Breaking Dawn happening. His partner, Jack Morrissey just tweeted a photo of an unusual product he found on UK shelves.