Archives for 2011

Taylor Lautner to Appear at the VMA’s

According to Hollywood Crush:
“f you want to catch a glimpse of megacutie Taylor Lautner before his action-thriller “Abduction” hits theaters next month, you best get yourself down to L.A.’s Nokia Theatre Sunday afternoon. Or better yet, just tune into MTV’s Video Music Awards, because everyone’s favorite werewolf is set to present at this year’s ceremony!

The 19-year-old was among a slew of VMA presenters announced today, including Nicki Minaj, Drake, Joe Jonas and Jared Leto, who join previously announced stars Selena Gomez (she’ll help host the black carpet pre-show), Seth Rogen and newly wed Kim Kardashian.”

New Abduction Clip Featruing Taylor Lautner

Taylor was also announced to be appearing at the VMA’s this weekend.

Taylor Lautner Talks to Tommy Jacket on The Australian Abduction Red Carpet

Are you looking forward to seeing Abduction?

Taylor Lautner on Australia’s 7:00pm Project for Abduction

Taylor is in Australia to promote his new film Abduction.

Marisa Quintanilla To Play Huilen in Breaking Dawn

His Golden Eyes unearthed the news that Marissa Quintanilla will be playing Huilen in Breaking Dawn Part 2.

You can find her official website and see her previous work here and here

She is also on Facebook and Twitter.

In case you don’t remember who she is, check out her character bio.

Video: Winky Dink Media Parodies Twilight

So is the parody funny enough? What do you think?

What Twilight Items Do You Covet?

MTVs Hollywood Crush is having a little fun this morning by asking fans what they covet most from the Twilight Saga franchise.  With the announcement that a replica of Bella’s wedding dress will go on sale soon, MTV names four more things they would like to have.  The items they name might be on your list as well.  They would like to have the dirt bike from New Moon, Bella’s engagement ring from Eclipse, and the chess set from Breaking Dawn.  Consider that the bikes in New Moon could be bought or replicated, Infinite Jewelry  has been selling a diamond version of Bella’s ring for years while NECA sells a costume version of the film ring, and red and white chess sets have been available since possibly the dark ages, it isn’t unimaginable to find the first three things on their list.  It’s the 4th item on MTVs list that is the real unattainable item.  Edward Cullen.

Not a poster of Edward Cullen. Not an action figure of Edward Cullen. Not a screen-printed, person-sized, strategically-stuffed-to-look-like-a-human-dude body pillow with Edward Cullen’s face on it. We want the real, actual Edward Cullen, and we want him now. NAME YOUR PRICE, “TWILIGHT.”

I think most fans can agree with that statement!  Unless you’re Team Jacob and then you want a real Jacob Black!  So let’s hear it from you – what do you covet?  If you could have anything mentioned in the books or seen in the films OTHER than what MTV has named, what would it be?

Live Blog Patrick Brennan, Bill Tangradi, and Guri Weinburg Boston Q& A

Initial reactions to auditioning/getting cast:

Bill was bar tending in Brooklyn Heights in a gay bar in and any audition was welcome. He was super excited a week later to land the role.

Guri didn’t know what it was and then his manager’s assistant gave him Twilight 101 and she was a rabid fan and he got it was big

Patrick was literally down to being a Romano’s pizza delivery guy and was grateful to get the gig. He hadn’t gotten a gig in a year.

Jobs they would never want
Guri working in a morgue
Pat deliver pizza
Bill can’t think of one

Fav Food
Guri—-anything break fast

If they can be immortal a day what would they do

Guri jokes I’d deliver pizza
Bill..that sucks that I’d be back to being mortal again the next day

Special talents
Pat—great dancer
Bill–roll tongue and juggle and can do puppets play drums

Pats’ ironically is heights
Guri is snakes
Bill people with blank stares…what do they really want

If they could be any age:

Guri—30, you’re young enough to do things but old enough for people to take you seriously
Bill—not sure

YouTube video favs
Pat—“Charlie You Bit My finger” and the fainting dog

The guys seriously are totally bouncing off each other and way off topic, they are on this whole Lady Gaga googoo thing

Pet peeve
Bill–condescending people
Guri—loud talkers in restaurant
Pat-people who lie

Weirdest Fan Experiences:
Guri—having a girl on hotel balcony opposite his in Eclipse gear staring at him
Bill-during a private Q&A some guy starts telling him about his time in as a storm trooper and he wasn’t all there and the guy had to be removed
Pat—-wow I am so happy I don’t have these problems!

If they could be a Cullen which one
Pat—-Emmett, Kellan is the baddest dude around
Guri —jokes Bella
Bill—laughs and starts singing little mermaid song with different lyrics about who would I be….now he says I wouldn’t be one

Weirdest place fan has asked for photo or autograph
Bill went to his Moms daycamp and they were very excited he was in ICarley. Bill’s mom is here and just got huge applause.

Guri just gave Children of the Night ( a charity he works with) a plus

What do they think or what was first impression of Twilight Fans:

Guri—they were really intense and he was intimidated
Pat—just thrilled that they had such love of a project because actors get so much rejection
Bill–scared before his first convention, but now thinks they are great

Booboo Stewart Live Blog Boston Convention Q & A

The part of Seth that is most like Booboo is that he is laid back, he’s generally happy.

Booboo says he can’t imagine a world without music. Movies without music is really boring you miss a lot if you see early cuts.

He started acting when he was 10.

Odd thing a fan has done was in Orlando at his table he noticed a girl hiding behind a palm tree (but the tree was too small and he could totally see her) and she was taking secret pictures. Eventually she came over to talk to him.

Booboo definitely prefers acting to stunt work but he really loves stunt work too.

Robert Pattinson is very cool. He worked with him a bunch in Breaking Dawn. He is a really funny and really cool guy. He loved working with him.

Booboo hasn’t had to deal with too many crying fans. But his sister burst into tears when she met Channing Tatum.

Booboo really enjoyed the live concerts he did to support a group fighting child abuse.

Music is way harder than acting. Lots more work comes down to you alone you don’t have a staff to do other things.

Booboo loves amusement parks but does not like roller coasters. He does like the Mattehorn and the Tea Cup Rides at Disney

He’s enjoying White frog

He really likes working with Tyler Posey. he’s a cool guy.

His favorite part of being on Eclipse was finally meeting everyone.

The hard part was keeping it a secret for so long. It was also hard to cut his hair because it used to be really long. He never had short hair before Twilight.

If he could change places with any person dead or alive it would be…not a Medievel person, too many wars and arrows hurt…hmmm…couldn’t it be an animal…he’d want to be his mom’s dog elvis who is pampered. If it could be a fictional character it would be Ace Ventura.

More Breaking Dawn Images

We’ve been seeing a few new images around the web today in various places like RobStenation and PattinsonWorld and even from the German article that we posted about earlier today.  We’re not sure if the foreign press were given different images than we were, but the photos are simply great! Let us know which of these new photos is your favorite in the comments. UPDATE: With Laura at the convention in Boston, Lori is doing the news!  I don’t speak Spanish so I couldn’t figure out what was going on.  But the photos were originally posted on Aurum Producciones Facebook page.  They are a distributor for the Twilight Saga in the Spanish market.  Mystery solved!


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