Archives for 2011

Gil Birmingham Q & A Live Blog Boston Convention 2011

Gill will be out in a second

The crowd is uber excited to see Gil

He is doing a film in the Danvers area locally

It’s called Crooked Arrows with Brandon Routh of superman and Chuck fame

Gil just gave major props to Hillywood

Gil jokes he’s doing Billy Black Twilight Saga Part 6 My Unknown powers revealed

He will have a 300 type film in the works

Rango is the closest gig he’s ever had to Twilight as far as a similar genre because it’s fantasy

He thought Rango was amazing fun. They would act out the sequences as they are recording.

His creepiest fan experience, he doesn’t have one knock wood fans have been great with him

Acting in a wheel chair is a challenge he has a lot of respect for people who have no choice but to use one daily. He enjoyed the parody Vampires Suck where his character flew over people.

It was fun back in the day when he was a Conan lookalike at Universal. Best part was taking photos with young kids who were totally into it

A favorite actress is he doesn’t really have just one. Is impressed with a lot of up in coming young talent.

He loved the lizard in Rango and just did a dead-on impression. real animals he loves white tigers

Gil jokes “Taylor who”

Gil says there’s been such a transformation with Taylor from the young kid on Twilight to where he is now. But thinks he’s still a down to earth and realistic person.

Gil misses the days of Twilight when they were all more anonymous and could all go out to dinner without lots following

Wedding scene was very cold and wet weather.

He fell asleep waiting for his scene and Peter Facinelli pranked him by tickling his nose with a feather.

Pet peeve is rude people. He tries not to be rude when he has a short temper

When asked if he was president for a day what he’d do he say quit and then get rid of taxes give Indians back their land and then we’ll play monopoly

Gil has read teh Twilight Guide and wished it was out before the filming was over. He would have wanted to know more details

Tinsel Korey Q & A Live Blog Boston Convention 2011

Tinsel Korey just hit the stage

Tinsel is doing theatre games exercises with the audience again. Crazy 8 Game. Going to get video!

Tinsel would be a florist if not in performing art

Tinsel would be a lazy sloth if she was an animal

Tinsel loved going back to La Push. She was so glad to see the kids there again and did an acting class for them

Tinsel urges the audience to sign the Tsunami petition for the Quiluetes to be able to move out of the danger zone

Favorite BD experience was a beach scene that the entire wolfpack was there for it was a way to wrap up and say goodbye

Bill condon is officially awesome as far as Tinsel is concerned!

Tinsel would work with Gwenneth Paltrow given the chance.

She’d also loves that she is working w/ Bronson Pelletier in the upcoming Fishng Naked. She thinks of him like a little brother.

Tinsel says that she is looking forward to the new Ryan Gossling movie because he looks so hot in it.

She is also looking forward to Taylor Lautner in Abduction

Tinsel is half-way done on her new single called Into the West

When asked who would she imprint on other than Sam Tinsel says “Seth once he turned 18!”

Tinsel says Gil and Booboo are both handsome. They would be great if she were older or younger

Tinsel is a crier for TV and movies. She always cries at sappy stuff like Undercover Boss

Tinsel Loves teh BOSTON accent. There’s a whole group of people doing it for her.

Tinsel is a gamer girl loves Zelda and Mario Bro for starters

Tinsel just Medusaed Hannah and Hilly…LOL

Her favorite Potter Character is Luna Lovegood

German Interview with Rob and Kristen

Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson in Breaking DawnThe folks at Robsteners and Robstenation have been able to translate an interview that was done with Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at SDCC for a German magazine TVMovie.De.

TV Movie: Be honest: Was the film sex difficult for you?
Rob: Oh yes! I felt really uncomfortable.
TV Movie: Too many people on set?
Rob: No, a fear had rather something to do with Taylor and his fantastic body. Jacob, as a werewolf, has bared all already in the last two films. And to be honest, I can’t keep up with him.
TV Movie: The fans will be pleased with the new passion nevertheless…
Kristen: After for year it’s about time! (laughs)
Rob: They’re very emotional scenes. For the first time I felt like a human, not like a vampire.
Read the whole translation and see scans at Robstenation.  Thanks to TwilightPoison for the heads up!

Fandom Flashback: The Casting of the Twilight Saga

Now that filming has wrapped for the five films that will make up the complete Twilight Saga, I thought it would be interesting to take a look back at what happened in late 2007 when the saga was first cast. Speculation ran rampant with who should be cast as which character. The fandom was smaller then and totally book based, but everyone had their own opinion as to who should play their favorite characters.

For Bella Swan, fans debated over Emily Browning, Alexis Bledel, and Danielle Panabaker as front runners. Fan wanted a true brunette with a small frame and a kind of innocence to her. (Keep in mind that the casting for the film happened before Breaking Dawn was published!) When Kristen Stewart landed the role, the feeling we got at the time from the fandom was that fans weren’t completely thrilled, but they were at least happy that Bella wasn’t being played by a Disney-esque actress and that the film was at least being made.
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Breaking Dawn: What We Know and Don’t Know

Giving a run down of the facts, MSNBC’s Today Movies section breaks apart recent interviews from Entertainment Weekly and USA Today as well as various comments from Comic Con to hone in on just what we know will and won’t happen in Breaking Dawn Pt 1.  From the simple but elegant wedding dress to the pillow biting honeymoon, through the blood drinking pregnancy and the C-section birth, they catch all the details the stars and filmmakers have managed to let slip out over the past few weeks.

So we want to know what isn’t confirmed?  What is something in the books that we haven’t heard about that you are really hoping makes it into the final cut?  Leave us a comment telling us which unconfirmed moments you are still crossing your fingers for.

Read the whole story on MSNBC Today Movies.

Reuters: The Impact of Vampires on Pop Culture

Starting the day off with what should be a good discussion, Reuters takes a look at how vampire books and movies have impacted our culture, especially for teens today.  The discussion started after a man broke into a woman’s house this weekend and claimed to be a 500 year old vampire.  Reuters talks to Anne Rice, who gave us my first vampire crush, Lestat, and even mentions the RPG Vampire, the Masquerade.

But no look at vampires in pop culture would be complete without a mention of Twilight.  Dr. Thomas Garza, who teaches what sounds like a fascinating class on vampire lore at the University of Texas, had this to say about our favorite vampires:

“I would say that it is the Twilight saga in particular that has brought out the younger teen fans. In that connection, Edward is a very ‘safe’ vampire, a kind of ‘starter vamp’ for beginners, if you will,” Garza said.

“He’s pretty, yes, so the seduction’s there, but he’s more than reluctant to act on his and Bella’s sexual desires. He can go out in daylight – and even ‘sparkles’ in the sun, giving him a completely non-threatening character. He drives a Volvo, for goodness sake.”

So what do you think?  How do you think vampires have effected pop culture and the lives of teens today?  Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Read the whole story at Reuters.

Summit Entertainment Releases EW Photos and 2 New Breaking Dawn Photos

Summit Entertainment just released two new photos and the EW feature article photos that came out last week. The newest two are below. We’re are working on uploading hi-res versions of all of them, but it’s going to take awhile because there are 9 and they are huge.

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Movies.Com Covers the Changing Look of the Twilight Saga

This week in Laura’s column on she covers the ever changing looks of the the Twilight Saga on screen.

“Change. Either you’re a person who likes change, or you go with the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” theory. The Twilight Saga has had its changes, ranging from casting, to directors, to character appearance, to Edward’s Volvo, and those are just for starters. Most fans realize that when you are going to adapt a book to screen, or switch out directors, inevitably, some things are going to get cut or changed. The question is how much change is good and how much is distracting.

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Cameron Bright Dishes Volturi Details From Breaking Dawn Part 2

So what do you think of Cameron Bright’s, who play’s Alec, Breaking Dawn details?

Bronson Pelletier Talks Breaking Dawn and His New Movie At the Teen Choice After Party

Are you interested in Bronson Pelletier’s new film? It costars Tinsel Korey.