Archives for 2011

Get Bella’s Wedding Dress from Alfred Angelo

Let’s face it Bella’s wedding dress is the best kept secret in Breaking Dawn.  Kristen described the wedding dress experience to W magazine “The wedding dress experience was a huge deal. I tried on one version of the dress, and it was like tweak and tweak and alter and tweak and change, and then it’s done.”

   Now you can own your very own Bella wedding dress.  According to PRWeb bridal retailer Alfred Angelo will have replicas of the gown in stores by the end of November.

The gown will be a replica of the wedding dress worn by Kristen Stewart in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN – PART 1. It will be priced in line with Alfred Angelo’s popular bridal collection, and available in sizes 0 to 30W to fit every Twilight bride.

You can read more about the gown and Alfred Angelo HERE.

We Have A New Look

As you probably noticed, we have a new look. The Internet has changed a lot since we first started in 2006: only college students had facebook, there was no twitter, everyone online used screen names, and YouTube just had quirky videos of babies and pets. And just like those things evolved and changed the Internet, blogging styles have changed too.

We recoded the site this weekend to change the sizes of our sidebars, header, and content container. It mostly had to do with keeping the site functional as far as speed goes. It also had to do with specs required by advertisers, and their revenue is what keeps us running.

We are reasonably confident that we didn’t lose anything. All former content should be there. However if you find something missing, just shoot us an email and we’ll fix it. Web updates are like home upgrades. Every time you think you are done, you find one more minor detail.

Robert Pattinson Cast in “Unbound Captives”

It’s been confirmed that Robert Pattinson has been cast along with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz to star in the film “Unbound Captives.”  It’s a dramatic western written by Madeleine Stowe and scheduled to start filming sometime next year.  A San Antonio report says:

While at the ranch, Stowe came up with the idea to write “a large romantic  Western” that was inspired, she said, by stories of the Hill Country in the late  1800s. “I heard about children who were abducted by Comanche Indians and became  so acculturated that they had a hard time returning.

We are assuming that as a western this will mean Rob will try his hand, or voice rather, at a southern accent!  Leave us a comment on how you think Rob will do with such a different and new type of role.

Read the whole story on MySA.

Breaking Dawn Pt. 1 Soundtrack Available Nov 8

The Official Twilight Twitter just tweeted that the soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 will be available on line and in stores on Nov. 8, 2011.

Given that The Twilight Saga was one of the book franchises to change the way authors can effect music sales, it’s no surprise that there has been a great deal of hype over which songs and artists have managed to be featured in the films and who has yet to make the cut.  So we want to hear from you!  What songs and artists are you hoping to see on the soundtrack this time?  Leave a comment and let us know your thought!

New “Like Crazy” Trailer

Here is the second trailer from the film that stole the show at Sundance and features Charlie Bewley.

In an interview with IAmRogue, director Drake Doremus talked about how the project came together.  “The project came from trying to make a really personal story that hopefully resonates with audiences as being really true and really authentic. The film is mostly improvised from a fifty-page outline that my co-writer and I wrote. We wanted to just do a story from our generation’s perspective that was really honest.”

Read the whole story at IAmRogue.

New Photo: Bill Condon Directs Honeymoon in Brazil

The Twilight Facebook just put up the above image of Bill Condon directing part of the honeymoon sequence featuring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in the Lapa section of Brazil. Make sure you check out their special feature of Bella and Edward’s Wedding Book. You can sign the book as a guest at the wedding.

So what do you think of the photo delivered just in time to celebrate Edward and Bella’s anniversary?

Stevie Nicks On Twilight, Reese Witherspoon, and More Inspiring Her New CD

Check out more details under the cut [Read more…]

Kellan Lutz Talks Greets Crowd and Thanks Fans at His Abbot and Main Launch

Kellan Lutz Has Fun at Summer Slam Red Carpet With Wrestler Triple H

Kristen Stewart W Interview and Video

Kristen Stewart did a photo spread and interview for W magazine.

“In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward, her beloved vampire, get married. What was the wedding like?
Awesome. This was my first wedding. It was insane. And odd. The wedding dress experience was a huge deal. I tried on one version of the dress, and it was like tweak and tweak and alter and tweak and change, and then it’s done. BFD dress. Huge deal.

How was the actual wedding?
It was major. The last Twilight book is filled with BFDs, things that people have been waiting for for so long. For me, it was ridiculously dramatic: I get married, give birth, the baby has an incredibly accelerated growth rate we’re all very concerned about, and I say goodbye to my dad for the last time ever. It was all big—I could never go, Whew, I’m losing this character.

Did you finally say goodbye to Bella in some meaningful way? You’ve been living with her for a long time.
I’d been anticipating that end-of-Bella moment. I was going, Oh, my God—I wonder how I’m going to feel. And the last scene of the shoot was at the wedding. Every single character was there on set. At the end of that day, I was kind of whacked. And so I never really had that moment then. Instead, it happened later. We needed to film one more sort of honeymoon scene and we went to the Virgin Islands. After that scene, my true final scene, I felt like I could shoot up into the night sky and every pore of my body would shoot light. I felt lighter than I’ve ever felt in my life.”

See the rest on W (warning on language)

There is also a video that covers a lot of the interview.