Archives for 2011

Taylor Lautner Possibly Paving the Way For a New Era in VOD

According to Time magazine’s Techland Blog:

“Finally, one studio seems to have realized that no one really wants to pay $30 to watch a movie on-demand, even if it is available a couple of months after being released in theaters. Lionsgate may be planning to offer Abduction, a thriller starring Twilight wolfboy Taylor Lautner, on VoD three months after theater release for just $6.99, if rumors are true. That’s a move that might change the whole VoD game one more time.”

See more on TIME

The article goes on to give a really good history of VOD and why this decision, largely backed on Taylor Lautner’s star power, may be ground breaking.

Attention UK Residents: EOne confirms Breaking Dawn footage at Big Screen

According to Empire Big Screen:

“The Breaking Dawn footage will be screened during the EOne showcase on Saturday morning and is for diamond ticket holders only. Diamond day tickets are still available to buy!

If you’ve chosen to live your life having seen none of the Twilight films, why don’t you allow yourself a moment of madness and see the first three at Big Screen. Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse will be shown on Sunday.”

See more at Empire Big Screen

Via Thinking of Rob

We’re assuming this will be the same footage shown at Comic Con, but who knows!

Chris Cook of The Forks Forum Has New Book

Chris Cook is the editor of the Forks Forum newspaper. We had the opportunity to meet him a few years ago, and he’s a really great guy. He knows so much about Forks history, but what’s more important is that he’s a great storyteller. Chris has a new book out (he already has what we consider to be the best Twilight Guide to Forks). Check out the press release.

The newest addition to Arcadia Publishing’s popular Images of America series is Forks from local authors Larry Burtness, Chris Cook, and the Forks Timber Museum. The book boasts more than 200 vintage images and memories of days gone by.

Forks is a community rich in logging heritage. Situated on a prairie between the forks of rivers, the town sits amidst the beauty of the vast rain forest of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula’s west end.

Settled in the mid-1870s by pioneer homesteading farmers, Forks’s name reflects its location at the confluence of the Calawah, Bogachiel, and Sol Duc Rivers. The town’s annual average rainfall of approximately 120 inches is legendary, making it the rainiest incorporated city in the contiguous states.

Forks is a hub for Olympic Peninsula visitors, drawn by world-class salmon and steelhead fishing and by the wonders of the Olympic National Park and the sea stack–lined Pacific Coast. Most recently, Forks has made a name for itself as the home to vampires and werewolves in Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling Twilight series.

Highlights of Forks:
• The pioneers
• Early logging years
• Becoming a town
• Transportation
• World War II and postwar

Available at area bookstores, independent retailers, and online retailers, or through Arcadia Publishing at

Guri Weinberg Blogs About His Past

Guri Weinberg, who plays Stefan,  has a new blog up about his past.  We’ve met Guri on the Official Twilight Convention tour and he is a warm and genuine person.  On Monday we will be running an interview that we recently had with him.  For now do read this from the heart blog entry.

“I changed my mind 20 times regarding the subject matter of this blog. Originally, I was going to write about Italy and ItaCon. I wanted to focus on what conventions were like from one of the actor’s perspective. That perspective opened Pandora’s box because I am not only one of the “new” actors to the Twilight Saga, I am new to this type of public reception.

So, to explain my perspective, I need to share some details of my life, pre-Twilight and post-Twilight. This may get a little dark, definitely not in the “GFYS” vein so please bear with me.

When I was a month old, my father was murdered. Moshe Weinberg was the wrestling coach on the Israeli team at the 1972 Munich Olympics. At the Olympic games that year, members of the PLO (“Black September”) snuck into the Olympic village in the middle of the night, identified the housing for the Israeli team and took 11 of the athletes hostage in a public spectacle that was broadcast worldwide. To make a statement of their determination to achieve their demands, these hostage takers threw out the naked, dead body of my father for the press to photograph. My father had been killed for attempting to fight off the hostage takers – twice.”

See more on Guri’s website.


According to Arizona Central:

One of the actors who plays a werewolf in the hit “Twilight” movies was arrested Monday in Mesa on an outstanding warrant and suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, according to Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office records.


Kiowa Gordon, 21, is being held in lieu of $1,000 bond on suspicion of driving under the influence and has a court appearance scheduled in a Mesa city court at 8:30 a.m. Aug. 18, according to the records.


A warrant was issued for Gordon after he failed to appear in court following a Feb. 9, 2010, guilty plea in Scottsdale Municipal Court to possession and use of drug paraphernalia and giving liquor to a minor/underage consumption, according to the records. Gordon is being held on an additional $500 bond on these charges.”

See more on Arizona Central

EDITED: Arizona Central (which we have always in the past found to be a credible news source that covers Stephenie Meyer and Twilight connected stories in the Phoenix region) has pulled their story.

It seems that there is more going on here and TMZ managed to get details via the actual police report. They state that “Actor Kiowa Gordon — who plays shapeshifting werewolf Embry Call in the “Twilight” movies — was arrested in Tempe, Arizona early Monday morning … this according to the Tempe Police Department.

Gordon was NOT busted for DUI, as reported by local AZ media — but rather, he was arrested for an active warrant stemming from a drug paraphernalia possession arrest in 2010. ” See more on TMZ.

Jamie Campbell Bower Talks His Fantasy Role Trends to InStyle

InStyle Magazine talked to Jamie Campbell Bower about Camelot and how he seems to like fantasy projects. Here’s what he had to say about Twilight.

“You’ve been in both Harry Potter and Twilight, was it a different experience on each set?

Every job is different. My time on Harry Potter was very, very short, whereas my time on Twilight was quite long and extended. Every job brings a new life experience. I was able to come back home when I was in Potter, whereas when I was in Twilight I was out in Baton Rouge and Vancouver for five months together. Every job should just bring something new and exciting and should help you grow.

Who would win the battle between team Twilight and team Potter?

Now, I got asked this question the other day, but if it was just the two leads – Edward vs Harry. I said Edward would win in that situation, because once you get the wand out of Harry’s hand, he’s dead. But, you’ve thrown a new dynamic into it because if it was a team battle, honestly then, I don’t know. I probably have to say the vampires again, they do move at super speed but the other guys have wands and you can stand back, you don’t have to get so close. Who knows? It’s a debate that philosophers have been thinking about for years now!”

See more on InStyle

Kaleb Nation’s Twimore Spoof Going Viral

We posted the other day about Kaleb Nation’s spoof called Twimore. Well his video is really going viral with all sorts of folks chiming in, some not realizing (from both the Potter and Twilight camps) it’s a parody because they didn’t read the info under the video.

He also has a spoof website to go along with it that just added a feature (look in the upper right corner)to “Find Your Vampire Name”. I just got SHIMMERJACWERD8 for mine. It’s become so popular he had to buy more bandwith. Make sure you check out the video below AND the website (sorry Kaleb on the bandwith).

As we write this post the video’s public hit count is a 85,999. Pretty amazing for something uploaded 3 days ago!

Follow Kaleb on Twitter @KalebNation

Taylor Lautner, Bronson Pelletier, and Ashley Greene Talk About Mark Wallberg’s Teasing

Last week Mark Wallberg jokingly referred to Taylor Lautner as putting him and other 30 and 40 something actors out of work (click here) . Now Taylor, Bronson, and Ashley respond.

[Read more…]

Video: Taylor Lautner Calls Lea Michele a Total Sweetheart

What do you think about Lea Michele’s description of Taylor?

Wyck Godfrey Speaks Out About The Hacker and Breaking Dawn Rating

Twilight producer Wyck Godfrey spoke to at the TV Critics Awards.

“It’s very important for people to understand that when you hack into people’s private e-mails and private systems to steal material that is not yours, that you’re going to get punished. It’ll work itself out. What happens with this, the material already got out. There’s nothing we can do about that. I do think it’s about just sending a message that in this day and age, you can find that stuff out through your own computer systems and experts who can track that stuff.”

See more on Hollywood News

Via Twilightish