Archives for 2011

Woman Accused Of Stealing Breaking Dawn Images Holds Press Conference

Daiana Santia, the woman from Posada, Argentina that Summit Entertainment named as a hacker in the leaked Breaking Dawn images, held a press conference today to protest her innocence.

According to the following sources: La Voz de Misiones (second article), Los Andes Online, Notecine,

  • Daiana Santia claims that she only saw images while surfing the web. She claims not to have sent images to anyone, not to have logged in any where to see them, and denies having the technical knowledge on how to hack anything. She claims she did nothing more than many fans did and just viewed images on the Internet.
  • She and her family (her father Hector is also named in the legal papers filed in California, presumably because the bill for the Internet is in his name) claim that over the last month they were harassed by movie producers demanding to see her hard drive. She claims through her attorney that she would not turn over her computer because of the personal items that are on it and because she is innocent.
  • Her attorneys claim that any legal action should go through Argentine courts first and Argentine authorities should investigate. Specifically mentioned is the Technology Crimes Division based in Buenos Aires.
  • Via her attorney, it was stated that the Santia family is considering a counterclaim against Summit Entertainment for harassment and defamation of character

If you understand Spanish, you can watch and listen to the press conference at this link.

Movies.Com: Picture Pirates Prosecuted

This week in Laura’s Movies.Com column, she looks at the history of image leaks surrounding The Twilight Saga, and the latest in the court case regarding Breaking Dawn:

“Like many fans I found myself surprised and spoiled earlier this year when someone emailed me and said, “Have you seen the new Breaking Dawn images?” I clicked thinking I was about to see studio stills from scans of EW or People. Instead, I found myself staring at a collection of low-resolution images and video taken from various scenes in The Twilight SagaBreaking Dawn Part 1 and Part 2.  Three thoughts entered my head in rapid fire succession: lawsuit, cool, damn. Well…not exactly those words, but that’s the PG-13 version.”

See more on Movies.Com

Comic Con 2012 and Breaking Dawn Premiere Questions Answered

We’ve been getting hit on a daily basis with tons of  emails from fans who want to know details about Comic Con 2012 and the Breaking Dawn premiere in November. We thought we’d just do a brief “this is what we know so far” to get the info out. A lot of it is going to be wait and see, but this is the best we can do at the moment.

When do Comic Con 2012 tickets go on sale?

No official date has been announced yet. Rumor has it that they may go on sale in January. Best to follow the Comic Con website and Twitter to stay on top of the sale date. In the last few years, tickets have sold out within 24-48 hours. Tickets are person specific to avoid scalping. You must have the exact names of the person attending at the time that you buy tickets and they will need photo ID to pick up their badges. Tickets are not transferable.

When can I start camping out for Comic Con?

The San Diego convention center is private property. Comic Con Twilight panel has traditionally started on a Thursday and this year people started camping on Monday. The staff at the convention center was not happy about that at all. They really didn’t want people out there until their tents had been put up late Tuesday. In previous years people did not camp until the day before. The Hall seats 6500 people. There really isn’t a need to get there any earlier than Wednesday in order to get a seat.

What day will Breaking Dawn Part 2 be at Comic Con 2012?

We won’t know that until next spring. In fact they may not choose to be there at all. They have not officially announced and they usually don’t announce until after tickets are on sale. So it’s a proverbial crap shoot each time. Probably a safe bet for tickets on Thursday, but safer to get a four-day pass.

Where should I get a hotel?

Get one near the convention center. Rooms sell out quickly! Book early!

What is camping at Comic Con like?

You get to have a chair or sleeping bag and a backpack/cooler. People have been fairly friendly. You have to walk for food or bathrooms. Freight trains go by several times in the middle of the night. It’s not horrible, but it’s definitely not easy either. I stood on line for an hour from 2:00am to 3:00am to get to the one unlocked bathroom. The bushes were starting to look good…nuff said.

Can I get tickets to the Breaking Dawn premiere?

Probably not unless you are a highly connected industry person. They don’t put them on sale. Last year some people got tickets via the LA Film Festival. Breaking Dawn is not part of that event this year.

When is the premiere?

Summit hasn’t announced when and where it is going to be yet.  In the past for fall release dates it has been the Monday before the movie opens. However there is no guarantee that they will repeat that pattern.

Where is the premiere?

For Twilight and New Moon the premiere was in Westwood. For Eclipse it was in downtown LA at the Nokia. There has been no announcement as to the venue yet. In the past the premiere has been in Los Angeles. Various cast members have then visited different cities around the world for either additional premieres or fan events. There is no current information on foreign appearance locations or dates.

What can I bring to camp out for the Breaking Dawn premiere and when can I show up?

In Westwood you could bring just about anything. In the Nokia there were very specific limitations that were distributed on a spec sheet by Summit Entertainment. It’s going to come down to what the location is. If it’s on public property on the streets there aren’t set rules so much as common sense. Though obeying directives of local law enforcement is key! If it’s on private property, they will give very specific rules. People have generally started camping out 5 days before.

What do I do with my stuff when the red carpet starts?

They security teams have given specific instructions of when to pack out. They usually have a wristband or similar situation to deter line jumping. As with anything, it’s not fool proof.

So that is what we know. if there are other questions put them in the comments and we’ll try to do the best we can to be helpful.

Dan Cudmore Talks About What Acting Class Has Done for Him

Everyone always asks the actors about advice getting into the business. They all saying “training get training”. Here Dan talks about the place where he received his

Kellan Lutz Jokes About Shirtlessness

Fashion Weekly Daily caught up with Kellan Lutz and asked a few questions. Kellan gives humorous answers as always.

“Shirt or no shirt on set?
Well, contractually in every role that I do, I must be topless. Immortals is coming out soon, and a lot of us Greek gods are topless and in super sexy skirts! I also have a little topless shower scene in Syrup…

How do you stay so fit?
I love making up games when I’m travelling. I have a little airplane workout that doesn’t involve any perspiration–it’s never fun sweating on a plane. You can do a little something a hundred times and actually feel like you’re working out.

What’s your favorite cool-down cocktail?
I down coconut water like it’s no joke! And I love slurpees and strawberry banana shakes.”

See more on Fashion Daily

Host Director Andrew Niccol’s New Trailer

Andrew Niccol is slated to start work on the movie version of The Host in March. Check out the trailer of his latest work, In Time.

Andrew also directed Gattaca. What do you think of his style?

Chaske Spencver and Charlie Bewley Sing Karaoke at Twilight Convention

Taylor Lautner Gets New Wheels

Kellan Lutz’s Arena Trailer Debuts

The film co-stars Samuel L Jackson and went through a couple of name changes, but is now currently entitled Arena.

News and Star Profiles Twilight Vlogger Nutty Madam

According to the News and Star:

“If you type her online username NuttyMadam3575 into a search engine you’ll find a long list of YouTube videos she has made and quickly see why she has been causing a storm around the world.

The subject of these clips is The Twilight Saga and it’s her excited screaming, shouting and general ranging, and phrases such as “I don’t even care if I break your eardrums, I did warn you,” that have made her a sensation.

Her videos have received more than five million hits and she has met and interviewed some of the cast, appeared on national television and on TV and radio across the world.

So I wasn’t completely sure what to expect when I met this superfan from Carlisle.

It didn’t take long to realise that while this young woman is a self-confessed obsessive Twilight fan – who is not afraid to say what she thinks or of what other people think of her – she’s straight-talking and reasoned rather than a crazy attention seeker.”

See more on the News and Star