Archives for 2011

Michael Welch To Appear At Twilight Moms of Middle Georgia Event

This press release in from Twilight Moms of Middle Georgia (this is the same group that was involved with Abby’s Dream Walk)


Michael Welch who plays “Mike Newton” in the Twilight series movies will be our Special Guest at our Breaking Dawn Gala – Saturday, Aug. 13th at 7 p.m. at the Anderson Conference Center in Macon, GA!!  Don’t miss your chance to meet this wonderful actor!  Free autograph from Michael the night of the event to those attending the Gala!!

We have a D.J. who will be spinning tunes all night and you will get to enjoy the magical world we have created to look like the Swan/Cullen Wedding reception (bring your camera – lots of photo ops around the room).  We will have our Edward look-a-like – Brandon – in attendance with a Bella look-a-like – Taylor Rich (with a gorgeous gown like the one described in the book).  We will have a special Q & A time with Michael Welch around 8 p.m. where we will select questions submitted by gala attendees for Michael to answer!
Bella and Edward request “wedding presents” from the wish list at the Ronald McDonald House:  We will give you raffle tickets for “wedding presents” to be used for a chance at great prizes at the event.  There will also be a silent and live auction for all kind of incredible prizes and packages!!

The SALE of our “Private Screening of Breaking Dawn Part 1 Movie for November 17/18, 2011” will start at the gala! (We have asked Summit for special permission to have the early 9 p.m. showing of Breaking Dawn Part 1 on November 17, 2011.)  Be at the Gala to get your reserved tickets before they are sold out (we had the early screening of Eclipse last year and sold out fast (520 seats)!! We will NOT be seeing the movie the night of the Gala!  The movie does not come out until November.
Tickets are $65 a person or $100 a couple for the Gala. You can order your Gala tickets in our Alice TMMG Boutique Store!  You can also pick up tickets at the Allstate Offices located at 3902 Northside Drive, Ste. B-6, Macon, GA or at 125 Plantation Centre Dr. South, Ste. 500-B, Macon, GA.
Besides all the wonderful entertainment listed above, delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres will also be included in the ticket price. A cash bar will be availble for those wanting adult beverages.
Schedule for the Evening:
7 pm – Gala Starts  &  DJ starts spinning tunes
7:30pm – Welcome Remarks & Info
8pm – Check In closes, any people after will go to Sales Table
8:15pm-9pm – Michael Welch Introduced Follwed By Q&A with Michael
9 pm – Michael goes to booth for autographs and photos
9 pm – Breaking Dawn Tickets go on sale, Gift Raffles close
10pm –  Live Auction begins
10:15pm – Silent Auction closes, Winners of Raffles Announced by Michael
11 p.m. Closing Remarks, Items picked up at Check-out Table
12am- Event over
Don’t miss the event of the year!!


Charlie Bewley Thunder Road and Like Crazy

Charlie Bewley has two new projects in the works.

First up, is the trailer for Like Crazy. The film releases October 27th. It was the hot property at Sundance this year resulting in at least a three-way bidding war for distribution.

Next is Thunder Road project that THR describes as, “Actor-writer-director Steven Grayhm, Kyle XY star Matt Dallas and Twilight’s Charlie Bewley are spending six weeks of their summer road tripping across the country. The purpose: research for their first feature film Thunder Road, which explores the difficulties many U.S. soldiers face upon their return to civilian life from active duty in Afghanistan.”

The trio recently appeared on FOX CT to talk about this project.

You can also find the group on Facebook here.

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner Talk Last Day of Filming Breaking Dawn

Moviehole snagged Taylor and Kristen for a fast comment at Comic Con:

What do you remember from the very last day of shooting?

Kristen : The very last day of shooting I was in a wetsuit and – I’d been in the water for like ten-hours, literally; it was tough to ‘get the light’ or whatever – I ran over to my producer Godfrey and wrapped my legs around his waist, because he didn’t get in the water all night; so I took him on in, it was fun.

And Taylor, will we get to see more of your Abs before the “Twilight” series comes to an end?

Taylor : [Laughs] Um.. I’m not sure, I’ll guess you’ll have to wait and see.”

See more on Moviehole


Breaking Dawn Court Case Information: Other Defendants

Summit LogoAccording to public documents the case has additional defendants(highlighting ours):

Court Case Number: 2:11-cv-06310-ODW -SS
File Date: Monday, August 01, 2011
Plaintiff: Summit Entertainment LLC
Plaintiff Counsel: Dennis L. Wilson, David K. Caplan, Christopher T. Varas of Keats McFarland & Wilson LLP
Defendant: Daiana Santia, Hector Santia, John Does
Cause: 17:501 Copyright Infringement
Court: California Central District Court
Judge: Judge Otis D. Wright, II
Referred To: Magistrate Judge Suzanne H. Segal for discovery

Hector Santia has not currently been cited in the Summit press release as to what his suspected involvement is. In the Eclipse case, part of what initially happened was that the person to whom the Internet service was registered was initially served until it could be established specifically which person with access to that Internet service had actually done the hacking and had actual knowledge of illegal events.

Also interesting is the listing of John Doe defendants. This too happened in the Eclipse case. Initially, the online aliases of of illegal image distributors were listed along with John Does. In other words indicating that perhaps there were others who assisted in the hacking whose specific identities were not known at the time of the filing. However, when those individuals were identified months after they too were then named in the case.

The final interesting piece is that Judge Otis D. Wright, II is the same judge who presided over the Jordan Scott vs. Stephenie Meyer case. In that case, which was ended in the favor of Stephenie Meyer, Scott claimed that Stephenie Meyer had based Breaking Dawn on her novel The Nocturne.

Summit Entertainment Identifies Breaking Dawn Pirates

According to The Hollywood Reporter and EW, Summit Entertainment has issued a press release identifying those who stole and leaked images from Breaking Dawn onto the Internet earlier this year. According to both sources:

“Summit’s release ID’s Daiana Santia of Argentina as having been involved in a group that stole photos, unfinished images and video of Breaking Dawn, which will be released in two parts beginning in November. Summit’s four-continent crusade involved the services of investigation firm Kroll Inc. and law firm Keats McFarland & Wilson, which located Santia and others in the northern Argentina town of Posadas. Civil actions have been filed in the U.S. and Argentina, along with a criminal action in Santia’s home country.

“While we very much appreciate the legions of committed fans of the franchise and encourage them to create community online, we cannot ignore that property was stolen,” says David Friedman, Summit’s executive vp and general counsel. “It is not fair to the majority of fans that want to see the final chapter of the Twilight Saga film franchise fully realized by the filmmaker and dedicated cast and crew to have these images out and available on the Internet.”

See THR and EW

Earlier this year the photos in question circulated the web starting with sites and Twitters in South America. The images then spread to English speaking sites and Twitters and from there the images went global.

Given that last year Summit Entertainment prosecuted the person who broke into their set photographer’s server and stole all the still images from Eclipse (six leaked online), fans shouldn’t find this latest action too surprising. In the Eclipse case Summit spent several months building a case and tracking the IP addresses attached to the leak. The trail eventually lead to Sweden where the person responsible was found and prosecuted with the full help of that country’s authorities.

Whereas a studio may occasionally turn a blind-eye to limited footage from an event like Comic Con or a pre-screening going online because that was finished product meant for public consumption, they will always go after material that is stolen from what amounts to online breaking and entering.

Other studios have taken similar measures and jail time has resulted from such cases such as the Hugh Jackman Wolverine movie.

Empire Magazine Interviews Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Bill Condon, and Julia Jones

Booboo Stewart Talks to Clevver TV About Breaking Dawn and More

Charlie Bewley Talks About Twilight With Premiere Scene

Kellan Lutz Interview In Just Jared

Kellan Lutz gave an exclusive interview to Just Jared:

“Just Jared: Talk to us about concluding the Twilight films now that you filmed the last 2 movies…

Kellan Lutz: I look back, and you know, I was working as an actor, it was really cool, I was very fortunate. I had just finished up Generation Kill which took me seven months in Africa and a very epic project to work with for HBO and then I got on the ride of Twilight and that took off and it’s like Superman, the ride at Six Flags, where you just shoot and you have no idea what’s going on and it just continuously gets higher and higher and more enjoyable.

JJ: Coming from the HBO projects, I’m sure you had many ideas for your career, not knowing Twilight would become what it was, did you almost turn down the role?

KL: Yeah, I didn’t want to do it. I spent so much time filming in Africa, seven months, and that’s a long time to be away from your family and dogs. My agent wanted me to read for Edward and I read the script and thought that character was too depressing for me right now, I want to do something where I smile. I wanted to take a break from acting and I said that, I turned it down, I turned down the audition a couple of times. Ryan, my agent at the time really knew it was going to be a special project so he told me to read the role of Emmett, and I read it, it was only about four lines, but he was the big brother, the comedic relief and I fell in love with him. I said “Sure, I would love to play this type of role”. I auditioned, and long story short, here I am finishing the saga and Emmett is going to be in my heart forever.”

See more at Just Jared.

Charlie Bewley Live Blog NJ Convention

Elizabeth Reaser really liked his walk up to the final confrontation

Charlie says that doing an American accent is more than the accent it’s more understanding American mindset and way of speaking and then it’s accent or then it’s a flat accent

New projects is a new production company with Steve Graham they are doing a film called Thunder road that explores vets who experienced the drug trade that permeates Afghanistan

If he were a cartoon character he’d be Sonic the Hedgehog

Isabel Lucas, Emma Watson, Emma Roberts, are in his top 5 hot women list

He says you can’t judge by screen personality you really need to meet people

Dead Mouse is an musician he likes that he saw in Ibiza..he loves Ibiza Also likes Queen and red Hot Chilli Peppers, [Read more…]