Archives for 2011

Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart Comment on What Fan Support Means

Taylor Lautner Talks About Dream Directors, Comedy,

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Bill Condon: Robert Pattinson’s Edward Becomes a Man In Breaking Dawn

What do you think about this new side of Edward?

Bill Condon: Why James Fanco Wasn’t In Breaking Dawn

You can find the history of James Franco’s Twilight obsession at these links.

Breaking Dawn Gag Reel: Dance Party Style

So would you like to see a gag reel?

For some more behind the scenes thoughts on filming click here [Read more…]

MTV: Bill Condon Covers the Honeymoon Scene

Kellan Lutz Photo Shoot and Fandango Immoratls Interview

Now in case the above video doesn’t really do it for you. Check out these outtakes from Kellan’s latest photo shoot. Put down all liquids, before you click you have been warned 🙂

Collider: Ashley Greene Covers Working With Bill Condon and More at Comic Con

Collider sat down with Ashley Greene at Comic Con:

“I think a lot of people and non Twilight fans are excited about Bill Condon. He is a phenomenal director and is definitely a huge surprise to be taking over the last two films. What was your reaction when you found out that he was directing? How was it like on set with him? Was it different preparing for this one?

Greene: Okay. Maybe that made me a little nervous. [laughs] I was like, “Oh, my god. Seriously? Bill Condon? This is….” I feel like, “How much better can it get?” You’re part of this franchise, you have these amazing fans, and you’re getting to start and finish something, which I feel like you don’t often get to do. Then to be able to work with these incredible directors each time is kind of like a crash course for acting especially for me. So when Bill Condon came on board I was just so excited. I couldn’t believe it. I think he is an incredible director and I definitely respect his work. I was a little nervous to meet him because I didn’t know what he was going to be like – you never know. I heard good things and then I met him and I was just like, “Oh, my god. This is going to be amazing.” He is so collaborative and very giving as a director. His communication skills are amazing. So we literally just sat down and talked about what I had done with Alice, what I thought about her, and what his ideas were with her. We kind of just went back and forth and came up with ideas. It was a really fun experience for me. It was a growing experience, you know?

Totally. I’m curious about hearing how he was on set and how it was like interacting with him. Did you find for example that he had a lot more tracking shots or a different way of filming the film than what you were expecting?

Greene: Yeah. He doesn’t have a ton of tracking shots, but he was really great about just rolling with it. He would say, “This is a great idea.” We would try something or someone would have a different idea about what would be beautiful, what would be awesome to do, or where their character should go. He was very open about trying different things and letting beautiful movie god magic happen. I think that was one of the really surprising things for me. It was that I had a director of this caliber be so open to your interpretation.”

See more on Collider

Bill Condon Talks Breaking Dawn Soundtrack With MTV at Comic Con

So do you think they are talking about Robert Pattinson, Jackson Rathbone, or someone else?

You can vote for your favorite on MTV

The Noisettes Breaking Dawn Soundtrack Band?

One of our astute readers made the connection that the band the playing in the honeymoon Comic Con clip was the Noisettes, and that the song was Sister Rosetta. See this entry Previous Twilight films have all gone with original music, and the above video dates back to 2007. So maybe a break in tradition, or place holder music. Either way, what do you think?