Archives for 2011

Cineplex Interviews Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

Live Blog Hall H Comic Con Kristen Stewart in The Huntsman

Should start in about 10 minutes. Hopefully better than the Immortals panel where the cast, other than Freida Pinto, did’t say very much.

Panelists include: Rupert Sanders director and 2 producers

Dave carter of EW is the moderator

They say the key is to find a modern tale that has deep emotional roots,not a movie with seven sequels built in

They wanted to make the difinative version that the Brothers Grimm would be proud of

Producers say their version ison the level of the Lord of the Rings and is a grittier version

Rupert Sanders the director has an exensive background directing Video game trailers such as Halo3

Huge cheer for Kristen Stewart

Kristen most excited the amazing ability to channel fear into a focseed and charged driing enrerge. She’s also teh people’s leader. She doesn’t let her heart cloud her mind….also I get a sword

Charlize says Kristen is going to give her a run for her money and says come on bitch let’s go.

Chris Hemmsworth has loved fantasy since a kid

Sam Claftin says playing the charming price is a suprising character for him, but loves the prince. NOt as Charming necessarity as one might htink

They are showing the cast in costume

Live Blog Hall H Kellan Lutz in The Immortals

Creative team descrining the gods as young, fierce , and pierced.

They deliberately made the gods young saying if you were immortal would you look like them or me?(pointing to middle-aged producer)

Director/producers on Kellan Lutz

You see him with hardly anything on on Calvin Klein bilboards throughout the world.

Interesting that on the panel Henry cavil is sitting next to Kellan Lutz. Henry was Stephenie Meyers vision on Edward when she first wrote the books in 2005

Kellan says “I’m the salty one”. “I’m always in the water” “I ma the god of wetness and moisture.”

Kellan says “I love my character. I love swimming I’m always in the water.”

Directors said they were looking for originality and cutting edge when it came to getting the young actors.

Kellan says his diving powers are all about being a young agile gods

Kellan waggles his eyebrows when his trident is mentioned

Other item on interest, Henry cavil (IMO) looks to be pushing 30 he would not have been able to pull off realistic 17 he looks way older than Kellan

Hilariously, they have referenced hot guys on this panel way more than in the Twilight panel. Seriously they are selling this on the studdliness of the guys

Kellan says Little Mermaid is his favorite movie, he jokes he watched it to prep for the film

Tonner Dolls At Comic Con

The ladies over at Twilightish sent over this photo pf the dolls as well.

Via Twilightish

Who do you think will be the new doll they are releasing in a month?

Taylor Lautner Says Matt Damon and Tom Cruise are Inspirations

Booboo Stewart In Good Luck Charlie Sunday Night

Official Bel Ami Trailer

Let us know what you think in the comments!

On The Red Carpet Video: Kellan Lutz: The Wedding Scene Was Tough

Bill Condon Interview at

Bill-CondonsoloLaura was able to interview Bill Condon over on You showed two clips today. For the clip that was of the honeymoon scene in the secluded island getaway, the thing that struck me was that there is so much silence. There isn’t a lot of dialogue. That could result in intended awkward silences or just unwanted awkwardness, can you relate how that choice came about?

Condon: That’s very intriguing. I was looking because we started to do a temp mix on the movie, and the whole last reel it’s 20 minutes long and there are only 59 lines. So maybe that’s a thing. I don’t know. But there, there is this incredible elephant in the room, and it’s called a bed. It’s between them, and it’s almost comic how much this has been anticipated. Forget about the fan anticipation, but just the anticipation of these two characters. So inevitably, it’s about what’s going on between the lines. The two actors just captured that so well. Part of it is its awkwardness is funny too, but in a very real way. In other words the audience is laughing with Bella not at her as she’s flinging all these skimpy outfits out of the suitcase?

Condon: Right, right. In the Hall H panel, you talked about how you feel that there is no bigger Twilight fan on the set than Kristen Stewart. Can you expand on that?

Condon: Right from the beginning she was a real collaborator. When I sit down with her with and a draft of the script and she says, “God I miss this part not being in,” most of the time we put it right back in. I think she never loses sight of what it was like for her the first time she read Breaking Dawn. She’s reading it as a fan, but also with the responsibility of giving and living up to what is expressed in the books about what Bella is feeling. She becomes an important voice to listen to in all of that. As I said we’d talk about it, then we’d rehearse it, then we’d block it, then we’d come to the day and we would still find some nuisances that we’d want to explore having reread it again the night before.”

Read the full interview at

Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Liz Reaser, Julia Jones, and Booboo Stewart on SDCC Panel

The five costars did their own panel at SDCC. Here is the video from PopSugar for part one and links to the other segments.

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4