The entire Comic Con panel from yesterday is now available all over You Tube. One of the easiest one’s I have found to follow is on the channel run by cybermelli’s. Here are the first two videos where they introduce Bill Condon and the cast and start talking about the honeymoon as well as weather trouble. You can follow the links through all 11 videos posted.
Archives for 2011
OTRC talks to Taylor, Rob, and Kristen
On The Red Carpet just posted some interviews with the Trifecta. Taylor talks about his emotional last day of filming, Kristen addressed Bella’s journey, and Rob talks about his interesting hair style as well as his own journey through comic con.
Breaking Dawn Cast to be on EW’s Live Stream
For the few of you who don’t follow the buzz on twitter, we’ve been told by TwilightFB that the cast of Breaking Dawn will be stopping by EW’s VIP lounge to live stream for all the fans at home. The live streaming for Breaking Dawn will start at 2pm PT, which is 5pm EST.
UPDATE! MTV will also have a live stream with the cast at 3pm PT, which is 6pm EST.
Video from Breaking Dawn Press Conference with Bill Condon and Trifecta.
I’ve found three videos currently posted from the Breaking Dawn press conference. This is the media junket that happens before the actual Comic Con experience inside Hall H. If and when any of the Hall H footage is on line, we will post that as soon as possible. These clips have Taylor talking about imprinting, Kristen talking about how far the series has come, and Bill discussing the future of the Twilight Saga. You can also visit hypable for all of their blogging transcript from the conference.
Bill Condon Interview from Comic Con via Tompson on Hollywood
While Jen and Laura are having all the fun, Lori is sitting at home in Tennessee watching bit by bit as interviews and footage from SDCC is being loaded. I found this little gem of an interview with Bill Condon from Thompson on Hollywood and I have to say, I’m rather jealous! I don’t know how they got such intimate access to Bill Condon but it is up close and personal! The sound is wonderful, the questions are meaningful, and the answers he gives are just unbelievable! The only downfall of this interview is that it ends rather abruptly. Let us know if you think this interview is as good as I think it is by leaving us a comment!
UPDATE! Here’s part 2 of the interview, found by the Twilight Examiner.
Breaking Dawn Comic Con Twilight Lexicon Live Blog 2011
We will update this post. Cast scheduled for 11:15 Pacific Time.
They are just starting the welcome!
They just put up a warning about no shooting the footage. If footage ends up online we will embed if it seems like Summit isn’t issuing C&Ds. We will play this by ear. We aren’t shooting footage.
Just spotted producer Wyck Goddfrey in the the room
Erik Morrow of IGN is the moderator he just came on stage
Bill Condon introducing :
Bill was sent noevel and outline and loved it. Jumped at chance to direct it cinematic
Bill joked he quickly imprinted on teh material
Rob Kristen and Taylor on stage
Kristen says it was waiting on her toes for six month waiting for wedding last to film. She was locked in a room in her dress to protect the secrecy
Brazil filming accorinf to Rob was beautiful first day bt was like a hurricane other days. Joked it was like a honeymoon in England.
First clip is after Jake Seth and Leah are protecting Cullen land, Carlise and esme talk about carlise needing to get more blood for Bella but also their need to feed and how that is a problem due to the other wolves. It then flips to a scene with Jake confronting his old pack stating he wants them to take Seth and Leah back. And then he says he’ll take care of the problem when the time comes because the Cullens trust him.
Second clip is Edward carrying Bella over threashold. Here asking for a human moment and then him leaving going down to beach and her brushing teeth, shaving, and going through clothes that are all really skimpy in a panic. You then see her go to the beach drop the towel she is wearing and presumbably join Edward in the water
Sorry for typos dark as hell in here
Kristen jokes two days to shoot two day labor was really hard
When all of this eventually I’m sure lands on Yout Tube this is THE BEST Twilight panel hands down!
Kristen says vamp make-up is just as bad as people say and contacts made they grope to find each other.
Rob has this half shaven head due to Cosmopolis filing
Robs favortite part was playing desperate and only this time Bella is n’t there to save him and he has to deal with it
Louisiana filming was more intimate and emotional itmes
Taylot gives major credit to Bill Condon on birth scene.
Kristen says it gives you the pay off
The is the baest press conference Kristen has ever given she is rocking it
Kristen is asked by a very pregnant woman what it was like to play pregnant. She feels like it was the most real human emotions in this. She felt most drown to pregnancy tiems and the instinct of a mother to protect her young.
Rob jokes it;s really great being surrounded by beautiful women all day that’s why I becaume and acotr. Kristne joke sGod we are all so hot.
Taylor jokes he’s jealous of his CGI wolf and he’s kiind of cute and fluffy
Julia Jones, Ashley Greene, Liz Reaser, and Nikki Reed all on stage
Rob just asked by like a 5 year old if he liked having a baby with bella. Rob really likes working with babies
Ashley favo part in series was growing witht eh character of Alice
Nikki was happy to actually get to smile in thes film
Liz happy to work with international vamps and to playfierce stron momma
Julia loved to explore the hurt rather than angry side of leah
Bill says Kristen is the biggest fan of teh books and she knows books best on set next to stephenie
This is the BEST AUDIENCE EVER no constant screams of I Love YOu Rob
Nikki will miss the comerarerie and love between tje cast
Ashley says they’ve become and family and they learned and grew togehter
Liz will miss wierd normalcy of getting up at 4:00am every day she’ll also miss the crew
Julaii will miss the being away from home with another family
Rob jokes after last premiere it’s off thats it
Fav movie
Taylor loved book eclipse but BD is his fav movie and Bill condon is reason
Kristen fav boo New Moon favo movie Twilight
They are asked if they use music to prep Na dKristen listens to Band of Horses
Final surprise if each actor paicks out a ticket to win a meet and greet at teh Summit party tonight
Watch Live on the Lexicon – MTV and Actors
MTV will be live with the actors between 3:00 and 4:00 pacific time (PDT) today.
Pre Hall H Press Conference Via Hit Fix
0:33 a.m. Out comes Bill Condon. In plaid. Kristen Stewart is wearing a see-through white shirt and a black bra. Really. Is this a good idea?
10:34 a.m. The first question is about filming in brazil and being loved all over the world. “That’s where Stephanie wrote the honeymoon… and we went in search of what she wrote,” Condon says. “It was nice being able to shoot on the actual streets and see the people,” Stewart says. “One of the interesting things about having an international fanbase is that every single country has a different reaction to you and to the movie,” says Rob, so says that Brazilians would actually try to grab them during shoots. Taylor found it weird that there was an extra in Brazil who looked just like him. He wasn’t there, but he saw a picture and agreed he looked exactly like him. “He looked like an ‘Eclipse’ poster,” Kristen says.
10:37 a.m. Do they actually expect this to be the end of the “Twilight” saga. Pattinson suggests that after “Breaking Dawn,” sequels could include “Breakfast Time” and “Brunch.” Condon says that Meyer has said that other characters might be revisited. “It’s not like we have some secret knowledge,” Pattinson insists.
10:38 a.m. What was the most secretive scene? And what was most exposed? “The wedding was like secret-service-style insane,” Stewart recalls. “And then there was a helicopter right as you were about to take your vows,” Condon recalls. In terms of being exposed, Stewart adds, “We didn’t know when we were being photographed.” Lautner adds, “Most of our time we were in Baton Rouge on a stage… ‘Breaking Dawn’ is very intimate and I feel like they did a really good job allowing us to be creative… We didn’t have to focus on being distracted.” Stewart adds, “They protected us.”
Summit Wakes Up Comic Con Line: Swag, Food, Actors
We woke up ate about 5:45 to security tightening up the lines. Right after that Summit staff showed up with breakfast food, mugs, posters.
Right after that they brought Ashley Greene, Nikki Reed, Booboo Stewart, Liz Reaser, and Julia Jones to sign for the crowd.
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