Archives for 2011

Hi Def Video: Ashley Greene Signing For Fans At Comic Con 6:30 Am

Video: Comic Con Breaking Dawn Day 2, Wednesday Morning

Day two down here on line for the Breaking Dawn panel. Still plenty of nice folks, decent weather line has maybe an extra 100 people since midnight last night. Here are some interviews with the folks on line covering what they think of the new Breaking Dawn merchandise and the perils of sleeping outdoors.

Taylor Lautner Signing Details at Comic Con

This just in from the people at Lionsgate, the company behind his new movie Abduction:

Hope you are all doing well! We are just about to announce that Taylor Lautner will be signing Abduction posters at the Lionsgate booth (#3729) on Thursday!  

UPDATED:  Taylor will not be signing posters at the actual booth, but in a seperate room. New details below:

Fans will be able to pick up tickets for the signing at the Lionsgate booth (#3729) at 10am Thursday. Tickets are limited so it’s a first come first serve basis.

Taylor will actually be signing the posters at 5pm in room 28c. Fans will need to bring their tickets to the signing.

Tickets (wristbands) will be given out at the Lionsgate booth at 10 thursday morning, with the signing actually to take place later in the day. Tickets are limited though, so it’s a first come first serve basis.

Direct people to the Abduction facebook page for more details which we will be posting today and tomorrow

Booboo Stewart on Good Luck Charlie This Sunday

“Stewart filmed Good Luck Charlie in front of a few onlookers, and he said it was pretty different than Breaking Dawn, which he finished a few months ago.

“It is way different, totally different,” Boo Boo told us. “TV moves so fast and the lines change on you while you are filming. With a script, it is set. This is much different, but I love the energy. I don’t get to do a live audience this time but I am a little happy about that. I get extremely nervous.”

You wouldn’t have been able to tell! Stewart nailed his lines and the scene in only a couple takes.

Boo Boo says that his Twilight fans will see a different side to him than Seth Clearwater, his wolfpack character.

“Seth is way different than Kai because they live in two different places in the world,” said Boo Boo. “One likes to surf and I doubt Seth has ever surfed in his life. Both are happy characters though!”

See more on Celebuzz

Breaking Dawn Cards Especially For Comic Con

There are an entire set of Breaking Dawn trading cards out in time for Comic Con. Celebuzz got a peak. The photos seem to be the same ones from the recently released calendar. The pinkish hue that they are going with on the Breaking Dawn imagery is making some of the characters look like red heads. Their hair in the movie will be the traditional color that their characters have had before.

Check out more on Celebuzz

Tales from the Twilight Comic Con Line: Tuesday Version

I’ll update this post as stuff happens. Right now, as my son would say, everything is really chill. People just hanging out and chatting. There are maybe 200 people here tops. Again for those coming down chairs and sleeping bags are ok tents are not. We are under a covering graciously provided by Comic Con.

USA Today: Comic Con Preview, Bill Condon Quoted

Bill condon handUSA Today has a Comic Con feature and they caught up with director Bill Condon:

“The undead men of True Blood, as well as vampire Edward Cullen and lovelorn werewolf Jacob Black in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight book series, have become key heroes in pop culture, especially to women. Bill Condon, director of the final two Twilight movies, Breaking Dawn, Part I (out Nov. 18) and Part II (Nov. 16, 2012), sees Cullen and Black as part of a long tradition of rooting for the noble monster, dating to the original Frankenstein film in 1931.
“We’ve always had a complicated relationship toward monsters. Don’t you feel like in every Dracula movie, you’re sort of wanting him to get away with it?” Condon says, laughing.”

See more on USA Today

Via TwiFans

Hi Def Video: Comic Con Line at 5:00 Tuesday July 19th

Important info for people looking to line up:

Chairs only! No tents allowed.
The lines have been moves under shaded party-type tents
Line is very peaceable and orderly.
Make sure you bring water, temp is good but easy to dehydrate out here.
Be nice to security and they will be nice to you.
Comic Con staff has been very nice and welcoming.

MTV To Have Exclusive Comic Con Footage

MTV has a Comic Con special going on:

That’s right, Twilighters. MTV News is taking over Comic-Con and we’re starting with your favorite vampire romance. This Thursday at 6 p.m. ET/3 p.m. PT, we’ll kick-off our three-day “MTV News: Comic-Con Takeover” with a “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1” livestream extravaganza, featuring a full hour of interviews and a Q&A with the cast. And, of course, we want your input! Tweet your questions to @MTVNews using the hashtag #MTVSDCC, and a bloodsucker may just chew on your query!

Video: Twilight Tent City Going Up at Comic Con

This is the first time I recall camping starting on the Tuesday. Usually it starts Wednesday.

Video via TwiFans and uber camper Alison