After the “oops” of last week, this time we are sure and Guri Weinberg is sure that his friend and cast mate Christian Camargo who plays Eleazar is now on Twitter!
Here are a listing of the real Twitters
relating to the Twilight Saga
A Twilight Saga Fansite
After the “oops” of last week, this time we are sure and Guri Weinberg is sure that his friend and cast mate Christian Camargo who plays Eleazar is now on Twitter!
Here are a listing of the real Twitters
relating to the Twilight Saga
Meet Andrew & Lana from Cast Iron Studios on Vimeo.
Many of you who have been around the fandom awhile know that Lana Veenker was one the people who helped to cast the original Twilight movie that filmed in the Portland, Oregon area. Lana casts many shows such as Leverage that shoot in the Portland area. For Twilight, Lana helped cast much of the local talent that was used in the film (Cora the waitress, young Bella, the original Sam Solomon Tremble, etc).
Lana is now involved in a cause that means much to her, as one of her close friends is one of the major activists in this area. More details on how you can help bring awareness to this important issue here.
MTV’s Hollywood Crush is continuing their actor sorting hat series. They already did a ton of cast members the other day, and now they have added Kellan Lutz. Assign him to a house here. Vote for Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone here.
In case anyone is wondering, Laura (Pel) and Alphie (Lori) are self-proclaimed Ravenclaw and Gryffindor members.
Check out Mike on the Lifetime Network on July 11th.
According to the Forks Forum:
“Quileute Nation Chairwoman Bonita Cleveland has announced that Native American Twilight film stars Kiowa Gordon and Tinsel Korey will be joining the Quileute Tribe for their upcoming Quileute Days Celebration set for Friday, July 15 through Sunday, July 17 at LaPush. A full schedule of events is to be released soon.”
Tinsel has visited LaPush before, this will be Kiowa’s first time in the area.
You want to start looking at the 28 minute mark.
Laura’s ( Pel’s) latest column is up on This time out she looks at the Twilight Twitter craze.
“It happened just the other day. I was restless, twitchy, and unable to focus. I thought I was going to lose my mind because I needed my fix and it wasn’t there. No, I didn’t lose my Internet connection. I still had my iPhone. What was the problem? All I could see every time I refreshed my computer screen was what’s commonly known as the “Fail Whale”. Instead of seeing a cute little blue bird, I was looking at a whale smirking at me with the message, “Twitter is over capacity”. Yes my friends, my name is Laura, and I am a Twitter addict. I need to see what’s happening with my favorite news sites and actors hourly, and Twitter is how I do it. Sad but true: if I am deprived, I have a meltdown.”
See what Laura’s favorite Twilight Twitter experiences (hint: think All the Single Ladies and what we dubbed The Agent Orange Incident”) were and more on
You can also catch Laura on Twitter here @Laura__BC. Her next column is going to be on revving up for Breaking Dawn at Comic Con.
Chicago Now Interviewed Jackson Rathbone as he and 100 Monkeys continue their cross-nation tour:
“It would seemingly be difficult to have a good majority of your fan base wearing “Team Jasper” t-shirts. With “Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1” hitting theaters soon, vampire fever must be at its highest. What I find interesting is that instead of shunning it, the band seems to play into it a little? What’s it like being on that side that has the underlying theme of a band member being part of one of the most successful movie franchises?
Jackson Rathbone: Well, it’s just one of those things. “Twilight” was a huge phenomenon. You know, I think everyone’s been a part of it and has been wrapped up in it in a certain way. But at the end of the day, we’re all just a bunch of artists in the entertainment industry. Our goal is to make people happy. Whether its for an hour and a half at a film or for an hour and a half at a rock show. At the end of the day, its about putting a smile on someones face, and a bounce in their step.
I’ve seen that 100 Monkeys sometimes brings guests on stage, has Rob Pattinson ever jammed out with you guys?
Jackson Rathbone: Oh, ah, you know, ah yeah. He has before. One of the reason he played with our band 100 Monkeys was because when we were first getting started, we had the idea that anyone could come up and start playing with us. For a long time we had a section on our band page that was “Other Monkeys”. People who have come up with us and jammed at long shows or people who jammed with us on recordings. And that is just part of us and what we do. We are always open to other musical acts. That’s one of the reasons we love touring is b/c we get to see other bands. We get to see different styles of music from across the world and our doors are always open to anyone who wants to play music.”
See more on Chicago Now.
According to the newly released Comic Con Schedule:
“11:15-12:15 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1— Summit Entertainment presents a sneak peek at the highly anticipated next chapter of The Twilight Saga. This is a must see for fans interested in the story’s final chapters. You’ll see exclusive footage from The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 and be treated to a filmmaker and cast Q&A session providing details on the first half of the epic two-part finale. Hall H ”
Taylor Lautner will be around the same day to promote Abduction. According to THR:
“The news you’ve all been waiting for: Taylor Lautner is going to Comic-Con.
Sure, we all suspected he was going to be part of the Twilight: Breaking Dawn panel but Lautner will also be on hand to promote his action thriller Abduction. He will be at the Lionsgate booth (#3729 for those of you trying to map out the San Diego Convention Center floor) for a signing Thursday, July 21.”
At this time we don’t know if the signing with Taylor will come before or after the Breaking Dawn Panel. If we had to go with our gut instinct, we’d probably bet on after because there will likely be a press conference that he is involved in running before.
Other good news regarding Hall H.
Hall H seats 6,000 people. As of now, the items that are following Breaking Dawn into Hall H aren’t exactly what we would think will draw the megacrowds. They’ll be popular, just not sure it’s the same level of “OMG! It’s A Swarm” popular. Back when New Moon was at Comic Con, it was the second panel of the day behind a much anticipated appearance by Johnny Depp and then followed by the Avatar panel. Needless to say there were tons of people camping out for the other events going on in Hall H, and they were all mixed in with the Twilight crowd. I’m not so sure there is going to be much camping other than Twilight camping, especially since all the press this year is talking how the big studios aren’t bring mega projects(like Batman, Superman, Hunger Games) to Comic Con this year as much as in the past.
The Lexicon will be there all week.
Laura and Jen (Pel and Be My Escape) from the Lexicon will be there all week, along with our friend Kallie from Twilight Series Theories, getting coverage on Twilight and Twilight related projects.
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