Archives for 2011

Stephenie Meyer to Produce Shannon Hale’s Austenland Movie

According to the Hollywood Reporter:

“Keri Russell, JJ Field and Bret McKenzie will star in Austenland, an indie romantic comedy that is serving as the directorial debut of Jerusha Hess, who co-wrote Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre with her husband, helmer Jared Hess.

In a twist, the movie is also serving as the producing debut of Stephenie Meyer, author of the best-selling vampire books The Twilight Saga.[Lexicon Note: This should perhaps read her first time producing with her own company as she is a producer on Breaking Dawn]

Meyer is producing and financing the pic though her Fickle Fish Films banner, which she runs with Meghan Hibbett. Moxie Pictures’ Gina Mingacci is also producing.

See more on THR

For those of you are are unfamiliar with Austenland, it marked the first time that children’s author Shannon Hale (of the Princess Academy fame) attempted an adult novel. Shannon Hale and Stephenie Myer have been friends for some time. Shannon did the Q&A with Stephenie that appears in the front of The Twilight Saga Official Illustrated Guide. She also took part in The Book Babe charity event with Stephenie. There is also a shout out to Shannon Hale in the Bree tanner novella where Bree reading her way through the bookshop had left off at Shannon Hale.

The basic premise of the book is that a young woman who is disillusioned by modern romance and dating inherits the chance to visit Austenland. Austenland is like a theme park for adult women where they can live out their own Pride and Prejudice type fantasy a la Fantasy Island (only without Mr. Roarke and Tatoo).

You can follow Shannon Hale on Twitter here and visit her blog here.

Edited: Shannon Hale commented on her blog:

“What I’ve done today:

  1. Done 3 loads of laundry
  2. Changed 6 diapers
  3. Dropped off and picked up preschooler
  4. Played games with my 7 yo
  5. Called insurance company to see why one of my twin babies mysteriously isn’t covered on our insurance
  6. Read about my book becoming a movie on The Hollywood Reporter
  7. Freaked out!

It’s happening! So much more news to come. I am at least freed to talk about. This has been in the works for two years and it’s so exciting! More soon.

Ps. Notice how THR doesn’t mention me or my book? Oh Hollywood, you just couldn’t love writers any more, could you?”



Washington State Ends Film Incentives

One of the many reasons why the Twilight movies were shot in Oregon and Canada comes down to money. Both Oregon and Vancouver have pretty lucrative incentives in the form of tax breaks, cheaper pricing, rebates, etc. that make their locations desirable to shoot movie, TV, and commercial productions. Many have been lobbying Washington State to be more competitive. According to Seattle PI, it looks like they have lost the battle…at least for this year.

“We become a quintessential fly-over state,” said Amy Lillard, executive director at incentives-managing group Washington Filmworks. “We are between two very aggressive jurisdictions. If you’re a producer and a business person, it doesn’t make sense to come to Washington.”

Even with the film incentives, Washington still wasn’t getting some of the work that would logically be shot in the state. The vampire-and-werewolf story behind the popular movie “Twilight” was based in Forks, Wash., but much of the film was shot in Oregon. The television series “The Killing,” meanwhile, is set in Seattle but filmed in Vancouver.

Lillard said the “Twilight” movie bypassed the state because Washington’s incentives weren’t good enough while “The Killing” recently went to Vancouver because of the uncertainty over the future of Washington’s incentives. The group still has about $3.5 million raised in the first half of this year to lure additional production and has recently approved four new projects, but Lillard said others are already reconsidering whether they will come to Washington.”

See more on Seattle PI

Ashton Kutcher and Twilight Comments Punk’d?

In looking at this video (shot in Brazil as part of a TV appearance), it looks like the guy who hosted Punk’d just got Punk’d by his translator. It seems that Ashton isn’t aware that he called Robert Pattinson “a gay vampire”. Spunk Ransom has the translation here. Both Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have been outspoken about using the term “gay” in a manner that is disparaging, so it does seem unlikely that Ashton knew what he was saying. We’re starting to see various entertainment media spinning the story various ways. Looking at the video and the translation, what’s your take?

Hallmark 2011 Twilight Ornament

Twilighters Dream has the preview and the details on how you can purchase this item starting July 16. Check out all the details here.

Video: Michael Sheen: Breaking Dawn Has Depth

Do you agree with Michael Sheen’s assessment of the Breaking Dawn depth possibilities?

Hillywood Parodies Harry Potter

We thought we’d go a little off topic here. We’ve been supporters of The Hillywood Show for awhile. In between hosting the Creation Entertainment Official Twilight Conventions and their next Twilight parody, the girls have done a new Potter parody on what it’s like waiting for the next Harry Potter move to come out.

Chaske Spencer Reads Winter in the Blood

The Montana NBC affiliate featured the upcoming Winter in the Blood costarring Chaske Spencer and Julia Jones.

Winter In The Blood Director: Fortunate to Have Chaske Spencer and Julia Jones

Winter in the Blood starts filming this summer and is a labor of love for fim makers who are trying to stay authentic to the Montana experience.

“The story is set specifically in a place that could only be that region of Montana. So many of the people involved — including major investors and partners — are Montanans or at least have a deep love for Montana,” he said. “We’re casting a number of actors who are either from here or have a strong connection to this place.”

When the Smiths focused on Chaske Spencer — alpha werewolf Sam Uley in the “Twilight” Saga and a Lakota Sioux in real life — for lead character Virgil First Raise, they knew him as a New York actor and only later learned he’s from Poplar.
…Another cast member with “Twilight” ties is Julia Jones, who will play Agnes. She was Leah Clearwater in the “Twilight” Saga and is of Choctaw and Chickasaw descent.

“There’s a quality in Chaske and Julia that’s very powerful,” Smith said. “We’re excited we get them at this point in their career where they’re still willing to be in a low-budget film. It will be interesting to see them in a completely different realm. They’re going to have fun playing off each other.”

See more on the Great Falls Tribune

Video: Rami Malek at the Larry Crowne Premiere

Rami plays Benjamin in Breaking Dawn.
Via Team Twilight

Mike Welch On Breaking Dawn Romance: AGH My Eyes!

You have to love the thoroughly honest answer Mike Welch gave to E!’s Marc Malken about seeing the Edward and Bella honeymoon on the big screen.

“I have not seen [it],” Michael Welch told us of Robsten’s Breaking Dawn bed scene at the Second Annual Thirst Project Gala in Beverly Hills. “And I’ll be honest, I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, because these are good friends of mine and I don’t really want to see that.”

See more of Mike Welch’s comments supporting his co-stars in their other projects here.

Also watch for Mike on the Lifetime Network’s Born Bad, premiering  Monday, July 11 at 8 PM.