Blast has a new interview with Chaske Spencer where he talks about his character Sam and how he hopes fans can better relate to his role in the films.
“What I got from talking to the kids, the fans of Twilight, is that a lot of them just hated Sam. A lot of them did not like Sam,” he recalls with a laugh. “So what I want to do is make him more human, more a character that you can relate to. In the Breaking Dawn film you get this sense that, in the script, he’s out to just kill Renesmee and he hates Bella, but that’s not the case. It’s just that it’s a job that he has to do.”
The article goes on to explain Chaske’s feelings on independent films verses big budget Hollywood, his relationship withg his fellow wolf pack members, and how The Twilight Saga has opened doors for him. Read more at Blast.
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