Stephenie Meyer is doing a Book signing at the Philadelphia Public Library. Jake Abel and Max Irons from The Host will also be there.
Sign up required. See the Library’s page here.
EDITED: For folks asking questions, we have some further info about exactly what Stephenie will and will not sign. According to the folks in Philly running the event “Stephenie will only sign books. She will personalize The Host only, and backlist will get a signature. She will sign up to two books.” We (the Lexicon staff) believe “backlist” refers to her books that are not The Host books that she is actually the author of. So in other words her “backlist” would be Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Bree Tanner, the Official Guide. We don’t think it would include movie tie-in products since she is not the actual author. They are books about her work, but not penned by her. As for the graphic novels, we are not sure. Anyway, our two cents, help the library out by buying a Host book from them and then bring one of your own. It’s all for a great cause.

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