Jackson Rathbone, Jasper in the Twilight movie, granted the Twilight Lexicon an interview. As you’ll be able to see, Jackson shares the same quiet charisma and old soul intellect of his on screen alter ego…in other words, start swooning now 🙂
Some highlights include:
"I walked to and from the audition playing my guitar to calm me, so to achieve a stoic over-one-hundred-years-old demeanor. And maybe a handout or two. Okay, one. One person gave me money. To stop playing… Ha."
"I had to learn to bat left-handed, so I tried for a week to do everything left-handed to get used to it. I was bumping elbows with people sitting next to me…"
"To prepare, I’ve been getting in touch with my anger. I see Jasper fighting with himself a lot to live a life of newfound morality. His love for Alice is all that keeps him from being a vampire like James."
Thank you again to Jackson for taking the time out to grant us this interview, and thank you to Cocoa for acting as our interviewer.
Also, the owners of the Jackson site mentioned in the interview are soliciting fan questions for their upcoming interview with Jackson, so stop by their site and check them out.
Last but not least, is another interview with Jackson here.
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