Search Results for: Alec

Video: The Dark Gifts of Alec and Jane

Here is a short clip of Alec and Jane in action with help from Demetri and Felix.


Alec Baldwin Gives Julie Andrews A Unique Suggestion

Alec Baldwin, was the host at the recent Elle Magazine sponsored Women in Hollywood Awards. As part of his hosting duties, Alec incorporated some tongue-in-cheek humor about life in Hollywood.


Full Name: Alec

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth:

Date of Change: Unknown but very young (PC10)

Originally from:

Hair color: Dark brown (NM21)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy

Height: Petite – “smallest members of the guard” (BD36)

Physical description: Nearly identical to Jane with slightly darker hair and lips that aren’t as full (NM21)

Special Talents: Acts as an “anesthetic” –- he cuts off all the senses including sight, sound, smell, and pain but his talent can affect more than one person (BD30)


Family members: Member of the Volturi Guard – Jane is his twin sister (PC10)

Personal history: Jane and Alec are considered witches when they were human. Aro is aware of the special talents that the twins had and wants to acquire them when they are older.  When they are being burned at the stake for witchcraft, Aro steps in to save them and slaughters the whole village.  Being burned at the stake intensifies their talents as vampires.  Alec is all about no pain, and Jane wants to inflict that pain on others.  (PC10/BD Concert Tour–Seattle Q&A)

Alec embraces Jane and praises her for bringing Edward, Bella, and Alice.  He teases Edward about being in a better mood and notes Bella as “the cause of all the trouble.”  He tells Edward that Aro will be happy to see him.  Alec and Jane lead them to the turret room.  (NM21)  After feeding, Alec comes out to the reception area to let Edward, Bella, and Alice know that they can leave.  (NM22)

Alice sees Caius sending a hunting party that includes Jane and Alec to see if Bella is human.  She sends a wedding announcement to delay them.  (BD27)

Edward tells Bella that Jane and Alec are the Volturi’s “greatest offense.”  Where Jane can make you “feel the worst pain imaginable,” Alec makes you feel “absolutely nothing.” If they are kind, the Volturi have Alec use his talent before they execute someone.  (BD30)

The Volturi arrive at the clearing “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” — “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  Bella sees Jane and Alec next to Marcus with Demetri on their other side.  (BD36)

When Bella smugly smiles at her, Jane snarls and crouches to spring when Alec stops her.  He comforts his sister then turns his attention to the Cullens and their witnesses.  Edward explains that Alec’s gift is slower than Jane’s.  When the “strange clear haze” hits Bella’s shield, Alec shows signs of doubt.  With the arrival of Alice and her witnesses, Aro casts the deciding vote and announces that he sees no threat from the “half-vampire children.”  He turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  (BD38)

Portrayed in the films by: Cameron Bright

Prepared by: Anny


You Voted! Now help us decide who to discuss first!

In our last poll, you all voted that you’d like the Thursday Night discussion on YouTube live to center around one character at a time.  We are going to give this a go once or twice and see how it works! We will talk about everything we can about the character from the books, films, Guide, and things Stephenie has said.

But who would you like us to talk about first?  Since we JUST did an all Edward chat on Midnight Sun, we are skipping Edward for now.  We will come back to him later.  And it’s difficult to talk about Edward or Bella without discussing the other one. 

So we’d like to focus on other characters first.  We feel it’s difficult to talk about a character if they have a partner or a direct connection to someone, Like Carlisle and Esme… or Jane and Alec.  So we’ve paired them up somewhat. Vote below for who you’d like us to devote an entire evening discussion to!  You may vote for TWO characters or combos.  The character or combo with the most votes by Sept. 27 will be our first discussion topic.  

#TwilightStories Winners Announced

EW has the details of those who made it to the top five in the Twilight Stories contest.  Details for directors should release later today.

[Read more…]

Must Read Interview with Bill Condon on What You DIDN’T See in BD2 – MASSIVE SPOILERS!

Jen Yamato at Movieline has the be all end all interview with Bill Condon.  She gets him to tell us what scenes were cut and will end up on the DVD, how they decided how the final battle would go down, and most shockingly that Bella and Edward were going to die!  They discuss the CGI of Renesmee, Kristen Stewart’s strength as Bella, and  the inspiration behind some of the new vampire’s characterizations.  The article is chalked full of spoilers.  Massive spoilers.  Detail oriented spoilers.  I can’t stress it enough, if you don’t want to be completely spoiled, do not read the story!  

Here is a sample of what the article contains.

And yes, it’s spoiler heavy.

You have been warned.  

We briefly see a flash forward to the grown Renesmee, living happily ever after with Jacob once she reaches her full maturity a few years down the road — when Jacob finally gets to date Renesmee.

Condon: Finally, yes! On La Push.

What was the trick to figuring out how to include that happy romantic ending for Jacob and Renesmee without it being creepy?

Condon: Well the thing is, obviously it was controversial the minute it was written. But as a filmmaker you have a great ally in Taylor Lautner, and Taylor was concerned about it. But Taylor is a pure soul. He is able to look at her with love and it doesn’t have another component to it, and I think another actor couldn’t have done that. I think there’s something so essentially sweet about him that it’s a generous love.

You filmed Parts 1 and 2 simultaneously, sometimes having Kristen Stewart play weak, dying Bella in the same afternoon as strong vampire Bella.

Condon: I really do think that Kristen Stewart is amazing, but I feel like in terms of this series she doesn’t get credit for how much she accomplishes. I think if someone were to sit and watch these two movies that we made together at the same time and realize that Kristen shot that all together, it’s just another level of her gift. She was stepping out of her comfort zone, because there was so much Kristen in teenage Bella — and now this was someone who she was just creating. I think Kristen, who’s tough on herself, was able to step out of all that stuff and just really own everything.

You’ve cited the old school Hammer horror films as a tonal reference for parts of Breaking Dawn – in what ways did you hope to capture that feeling?

Condon: When I read this, I always thought that these vampires that get collected from around the world are like the vampires I grew up with. Alistair, that whole crowd — that’s the British hammer vampire. Obviously we’ve got the Draculas. There’s The Awakening in that whole Egyptian culture. So it felt to me even though Alec isn’t part of that, you’re in London in that scene in the alley — God, just go full-out Hammer with this. Even in the costumes and the way we shot it, Michael Sheen with the other guys behind him, it really to me has the feel of a Christopher Lee movie.

I love that, and I love the fact that you’ll now get a lot of Twilight fans Googling “Hammer horror.” Now, which scenes and moments didn’t make the final cut that you wish you could have squeezed in?

Condon: I know fans of the novel are going to be disappointed in this, but Garrett has a big speech on the field, during which the mist comes at him and Bella stops it. It was great to do, and Lee Pace was amazing, but we spent almost a half hour on that field and to spend another five minutes doing something that was a kind of repeat of what she’d already done with Jane’s pain… that was a shame, that was cut. And a couple of other scenes — we did a “Bella training to fight” scene, and that was fun. It’ll be on the DVD. But it just came at the wrong time. Again, it seemed a little redundant of her learning how to use her shield.

Read the whole article at Movieline.

Bill Condon Breaking Dawn Part 2 Press Conference Live Blog Q & A

Bill Condon’s priority was making sure it was a satisfying ending.

Hard to bring powers to screen.

Bill didn’t want Bella’s Power to be a “Wizard of OZ bubble”

Alec’s was a darker power we wanted a horror movie effect


Bill’ These movies speak to the achievement of Kristen Stewart” she was a badass warrior in the afternoon and an emaciated warrior in the mortning

Fight sequence challenges:

Bill jokes the sequence we aren’t supposed to talk about

Whats hard is this battle sequence is there are no horses, banners, only way to kill these people is physically rip them apart how do you make that interesting.


Differnt tone from first movie

Completion  of Bellas story  more assertive.

Second part is a bit of an epic action movie with humor thrown in

Bill’s favorite vamp movie is Coppola’s Dracula

Bill talks about us being the most interactive fanbase and in Brazil there were photos 20 minutes after scene.  In fact these fan postings alerted them tot eh fact there were wedding rings missing in the shots.

Very aware he was making it for the fans.

Stephenie Meyer approved the battle sequence and cooked it up with Melissa Rosenberg over a dinner.


Is there an effect with Career post twilight? no


Just finsihed visual effects two days ago. renesmee biggest challenge. Jokes “she goes down the hall for a coke and comes back 2 inches taller”


Renesmee is a special creature, if she is a little odd it works because she is an usual character. They aged renesmee from a baby to circa age 8 visually.


They spent 1 million dollars on set containment making sure people didn’t physically breach the set.


Doubles of location:

London was New Orleans

Egypt in Baton Rouge


in big snow scene Bill felt like he was really moving chess pieces across the board like the novel cover.  The scene was shot inside a soundstage (having seen the footage you’d never guess that in a million years. The whole room gasped when he said it.)



No IMAX in US for Twilight At Least For Now

The other day we released the information that Breaking Dawn Part 2 would be released in IMAX in the UK. It left readers wondering if a US showing would follow. When EW asked, this is what they were told, ” At this time, there are no plans for an IMAX release in the U.S., according to a Lionsgate spokesperson.”

Previously Eclipse was the only film that debuted in IMAX. Breaking Dawn Part 1 didn’t because believe it or not Happy Feet 2 had bought all the IMAX screens at its release time followed by the latest Mission Impossible movie.

A rather astute commenter on EW  named Alec has come up with what is likely the reason for it not coming to the US market which basically comes down to Blame It On Bond…James Bond.

“The reason is that the U.S. release date for the new James Bond movie, Skyfall, is later than the release date in the rest of the world, because the studio wants to make sure its fresh in theaters for the thanksgiving weekend, when ticket sales are higher than normal.
The film will be released in IMAX, which means that it reserved all (or almost all) of the U.S. IMAX theaters for at least two weeks after its Nov. 9 debut, meaning no U.S. IMAX screens will be available when the new Twilight film comes out Nov. 16. The Hobbit is the next major IMAX on Dec. 14, meaning that a 2-3 week IMAX window for Twilight after its wide release is possible if the studio and theaters expect enough demand for the big-screen experience, but it’s unlikely to happen. “

Bill Condon Fansite Q & A Part 1 Breaking Dawn Part 2

Bill Condon Edit Bay Q&A

After seeing the same footage that fans saw roughly three weeks later at Comic Con, Bill Condon addressed a room filled with Twilight site operators.

Bill: Do you want to talk first or then see another one or what should we do next?

Jack Pan: Do you guys Do you want to see the second clip?

(Laughter, Everyone starts shaking their head yes)

Laura (Lex): Or you could just play the whole movie, we’d be down with the whole movie going, you know (everyone laughs)

(They then roll a second clip of Emmett and Bella arm wrestling)

Bill: There you go, probably days from our goal. That rock is going to look like a rock on the inside. (everyone laughs)… Yeah, so you are seeing all the flaws. (He’s commenting on so of the CGI still being in the rough stages. We saw the wrestling scene between Bella and Emmett. In it they rest their arms on what is supposed to be a large rock which looked a lot more like foam because it was still in process.  In our viewing Kristen also tackled what looked like a carton cougar.)

Jack Pan: So do you guys, maybe quickly just want to run down your sites and we can start the Q&A?

(Everyone agrees, some say sure)

Kaleb: I’m Kaleb Nation, I’m from

Heidi: I’m Heidi, from Twilight Facebook

Lee: Lee from Twilight Moms

Kimmy: I’m Kimmy from

Michelle: I’m Michelle from

Laura: Laura from Twilight Lexicon

Kallie: Kallie from

Sheila: Sheila from

Elena: Elena from Twilightish

Becca: Nikki and Becca from Letters to Twilight

Erin: Erin from Twilightish

Andrew: Andrew from Twilight Source

Bill: (Hand Gestures to Jack Morrissey) Jack from Team Jack

(Everyone Laughs)

Jack: (Looks at Bill) Team Bill Condon

Bill: (Looks at people sitting to his left) Ian Slater, Ginny Katz. We edited the movie together. (Looks at back of the room) And Greg Yolan… in charge of everything else

Jack M: Greg Yolan from Team Jack

(Everyone laughs)

Greg (waves): I’m Greg

Jack Pan: So who wants to start? (No one says anything)… They were all so blown away.

(Everyone laughs)

Jack: I couldn’t follow it

(Everyone laughs again)

Laura (Lexicon): I don’t know, I guess I’ll dive in. The teaser (the first one) came out today and I think we all probably played that like 3 million times, not that there is anything wrong with that. And one of the things I really liked is you saw glimpses of alternative points of view…

Bill: Right

Laura (Lexicon): Can you talk a little bit about how did you those; maybe that’s a collaboration between you, Melissa Rosenberg, and Stephenie Meyer, to decide which are the alternative points of view, and how much fun was that to film something that is not in the book, other than saying we traveled some place and came back. Like how much fun was that, to go to that space?

Bill: Ya, I know, exactly like, for example; The Denali’s right? In the book they come, and it just felt like,  to get our lead characters on the road together, in 3 different areas, was like an important thing just for the scope of the movie. I think you’ll see. You get a glimpse of it from the size of the main title. With this movie, it’s all about scope in a weird way, and it’s all about like, canvasing the world for all these vampires. So, that actually was, in very early days we made that decision to do that, It’s a challenge because, we introduce, I think it’s 23 new vampires, right? And, we do it in the second act, and by the 3rd act they’re on the battlefield and you have to get to know them very quickly. Actually it was great fun for the actors. Cause they all realized that they only had a moment or two, where they had to land what it was that they did. So it was part of what drew me to it. That it is a completely new part of Twilight that is getting introduced in this movie.

Laura (Lexicon): Any one of those alternate point of view your favorite or is that like picking between your kids?

Bill: Yeah, it is. Definitely.

(Everyone Laughs)

Kallie: Well, I’ll go next. You mention the 23 new characters. I mean, that is profound to me. We were talking about it at breakfast, that that’s just a huge number of people to be working with on one set. We saw a glimpse of it in the trailer. Of all of them lined up together.

Bill: Yeah, Yeah

Kallie: How was that as a director? I mean it’s kind of a feat to tackle that many characters.

Bill: It was like, putting on a play. You know, we did something that you never do in movies. As you know from the book its 100 pages of the book. Its 25 pages in the script. Taking precious time with the crew standing around. We took a day and I staged it like a play, and we did the entire 25 pages. And we just like, beat by beat by beat we had the actors. So that it was just  like staging a musical number almost. You know, cause you’ll see it. In order to make that feel like it has life. It doesn’t get monotonous to be there.  I don’t think it does you know, it’s part of like really making sure that you are doing very different things through all that, section of the movie. But it was good.

Andrew: And do they equal amount of screen time? Like how was that balanced out?

Bill: No. Um, you know some of them have more. The Denali’s are more prominent, I would say. Garrett is more prominent. The Irish people are more, you know, jolly Irish people.

(Everyone Laughs)

Bill: Some of them, you know, I think that you couldn’t do that honestly. Some of them were there to kind of fill out the sense of being across the world. But I have to say each of the actors again, even they, had their moments. They had little things that made them kind of pop.

Kaleb: How close is what we just saw here to the finished version without adding CGI and things like that?

Bill: Right, it’s the cut. So, the cut is done. [Note: the footage in the first clip was identical to what was shown at Comic Con]But the big thing is, it’s all Bella, you know, whatever little Spider Monkey thing is there, won’t be there yet. All those things, when she gets on the rock for example, she, the whole point of it is that she just finds a…she creates her own hold by basically, pushing through the rock[referencing the scene where Kristen Stewart scales the rock to get at the climber and was reacting to non-existent falling debris]. So that’s going have a lot of debris, a lot of stuff as she’s going, going down. She’s creating all this stuff so that all these elements aren’t in there yet. But the cut is the cut.

Jack M: Laura was nervous over dinner last night that it was going to be like last year’s edit bay visit where you got the opening Volturi scene, and …

Bill: Oh, and then it goes away

Greg: You guys were responsible for that (jokes)

Bill: That’s right

Laura: We jinxed it [At last year’s visit the websites saw an entire scene that was originally slated to start the movie. It was set in Volterra and it was the Volturi being informed that Bella and Edward were getting married. The scene heavily featured Marcus, Aro, Caius, Felix, and Demitri and a receptionist that was given to Felix and Demetri for lunch. It was cut from the final print because it was felt that it was more important to get to the Bella and Edward connection right away.]

Laura: You talk about the 23 which, that’s got to be an amazing job just to cast 23 people and you’ve got all sorts of people. Of those 23 vampires, which was the easiest one to find and which was the hardest one to find?

Bill: Ooh that’s a good question. Umm, you know like Lee Pace was like an obvious Garrett. So that just happened. There’s some of them, you see them, and that’s it you know. The hardest, you know, the Denali sisters, just getting them all to feel like they are from the same family, but having those different qualities, that was sort of a mix and match. Took a little time.

Lee: Do you prefer to shoot so tight that there is very little room for variation or based on the collaborative nature of putting together final cut, how much is collaboration and how much is deliberate in terms of choice? Or is that just situational?

Bill: Well, it’s all collaboration here and obviously these movies get created by large part in this room with the three of us[referring himself, Ian Slater, Ginny Katz . So I have to say at this movie it’s really new for me. We have 2,000 effects shots. I think that’s as many as Avatar. So, it’s like an animated movie. The last, that thing on the field, I don’t really want to promote this cause I feel like it takes away from the magic of it, but that was, as you know, all on green screen stage. So we’re, between that and you know the powers and every part of it feels like its still being created. We’re still, we have these sessions every day where we look at shots, maybe the 20th version of a shot, so it feels as though we’re still in production too you know. (Looks over at Ginny Katz) Ginny you want to say anything more about that?

Ginny: No. (Everyone laughs) You said it. I mean there are multi cameras all the time so there are a lot of choices.

Kallie: Well based on that,  having filmed both the movies at the same time, I kind of already feel like I know your answer and what it’s going to be, but was it good or bad, I mean what was it, what was the good, what was the bad, of having them spaced out so far, being released.

Bill: It’s funny I was with, I shouldn’t say. I was with Eric Feig the other night and he was saying they are thinking of doing the last Hunger Games as two movies, and what advice would you give the director and I was like don’t do it (Everyone Laughs). I think that’s going to take even longer to shoot but ,yeah I would say, having to do it, distance and going through the experience of movie one was helpful, then in putting movie two together. At the same time it’s …we’re cutting stuff that we shot a year and a half ago, we’re recently cutting, so it does feel like God it’s a long time. I’m eager. When we originally started, the original idea was going to come out in July, if you remember, then it got pushed. So I am kind of at that point where I’m just so excited to show it to you. I want people to see it now. I don’t want to wait anymore then you do. But we needed the extra time though; it was bigger than we thought.

Becca: Did you touch part two at all, while you were editing part one?

Bill: Ginny always cuts right up to the camera. And Ian too.

Jack M: You want to explain to them that term, cutting up to the camera?

Bill: Like would go home on Friday and see everything that we had shot up to a few days before. So we had a cut of both movies before we started BD1.

Jack M: One long movie.

Ginny: We set part two aside, concentrated on what we needed to do first and then when that was done we were all ready.

Andrew: This question may be like really direct, but what does happen at the end of this movie. Cause like in the trailer, there’s this build up.

Greg: Jack’s sitting close enough to reach over and go like that (makes motion like picking him up) to you.

(Everyone Laughs)

Jack Pan: You have an idea of what happens.

Bill: Have you seen Prometheus? (Everyone laughs)

Laura (Lexicon): You talk a little about the CGI, and all that going on. These vampires all have different powers. We saw a little bit of it in the trailer. We could see what they were doing with Benjamin, with the water, and if you could pause it just exactly right you kind of caught what was going on with Alec. That was a real tough pause. Thank you very much four times, to get that.  So how did you discuss with the actors like this is what. I mean obviously they read and this is what their power is. Did you discuss with them, this is kind of how we thought this was going to be approached? How did you go about that?

Bill: No, with each one of them, Rami Malek for example, he was really, he came with all these variations on where that power comes from. Is it from here, is it from here? [points to his forearm, then wrists, then finger tips] You know how his physical movements would cause these huge, you know, control the elements basically. How he could do that. He does it. He has like three big scenes, three different big things that he does. He was wonderful, the way he internalized it. He sort of, you can’t see much there, cause that’s him showing off in the first scene, but in the other ones he takes incredible pleasure in what he can do. So um, yeah, I think um, Cameron [Cameron Bright who plays Alec] had been waiting a long time to show what he can do. So he was totally into it. He’s like a “gangsta” vampire. (Everyone laughs).

Nikki: The first one has a definite look and feel to it. This one feels very new and clean and contemporary. And just from what we saw, a little bit different. What’s the thinking behind that?

Bill: You know it’s funny, cause we even, like very early until it became to unreal and I thought probably a mistake, but when I first got involved, I thought this movie should be in 3d. Because we are crossing over into Bella. We always heard what they do when they hunt and what they do when they come home and what it’s like to see at night, to be able to see so clearly, but we never experienced it. Now we get to. So even though we didn’t do that, you can see like, even that shot going over her shoulder, that’s shot with hi-def camera [a scene of Bella running through the forest at break-neck speeds during her first hunt]. So it’s the first thing that’s not on film. Just to get that super clarity that happens from her point of view. So yeah it does, I have to say, you know, ultimately they are going to be one movie. And that’s going to be an interesting thing, I haven’t even actually looked at it that way yet. In fact, we’re just starting to put that together.

(frantic gesturing starts among the executives in the room. Someone mumbles to Bill, “I don’t think that info is out there yet.” More chatter, Someone “well we could have guessed someone would do that at some point.”)

Laura: We heard nothing


Bill: But um, this one is really, it does have a different feel, no question.

Sheila: Do you feel you changed kind of your vision from the first one to the second one, because it does feel very different.

Bill: No. I think it was because obviously, we shot them at the same time. It was always meant to have a different feel. You know it’s all informed by Bella, you know it’s always Bella. First movie, its Bella’s intimate experiences, you know with all these incredibly important moments in her life. And then in this movie, it’s one big idea, vampire mother. And I guess who turns into a warrior. But it is about following her journey. And that kind of informed everything.

Stand by for part 2 coming tomorrow!