Search Results for: Alec

Meet the Volturi Down Under

Cameron Bright, Charlie Bewley, and Christopher Heyerdahl (who play Alec, Demitri, and Marcus) were at a convention in Australia this weekend and had time for an interview with Movie Mazzupial.

“Christopher: It was great fun, that’s the wonderful thing about being inside a studio. Certainly the majority of the Volturi scenes for New Moon were done inside a studio and in there you enter a cloistered, inner-sanctum where we’re protected on all sides. So all the pandemonium that happens outside bounces off this protective wall of the studio, so it was really easy to just do the work. But as soon as we left the studio and went outside to restaurants or hotels, what have you, the pandemonium was definitely there.

MM: What were some of the difficulties playing the role? I mean, all of your characters are essentially pretty evil, was that too hard to get into?

Charlie: I don’t know, it was fairly hard. The biggest trouble I found with my character was just his complete desire to want to let it rip, you know? You are bestowed with these powers of speed and strength and, you know, Demetri has a talent for tracking as well. I found I had to contain myself during the scenes and not just completely defy the script, whip around and go round ripping people’s heads off.

Christopher: (Laughs) I had no idea that was going on in your head, that’s amazing. You scare me now (laughs).”

Check out the rest of the interview here.

Chapter Thirty Nine- Happily Ever After

Chapter Number: 39

Chapter Name: The Happily Ever After

Page Numbers: 742-744

Date of Chapter: January 1st, 2007

Summary: In this final chapter of Breaking Dawn, Edward is recalling the ‘fight’ to Huilen and Nahuel, the two remaining guests at the Cullen House. One by one each vampire coven departs to their own individual home. Although everyone knows the Volturi will one day appear again for a conflict, majority of them are all relieved that no action took place. Edward has a feeling that the Volturi will after individuals instead of covens if they retaliate.

Edward explains that there were two major reasons why the Volturi were unsuccessful. The first reason is due to Bella’s newfound power of shielding. The second reason is the unexpected support of the shape shifting packs. Although she is declared a superhero by many, Bella still feels uncomfortable for being the spotlight. She also notices that she is being closely watched by Nahuel while Edward speaking to him. In the meantime, Alice appears and Bella scolds her for acting as if she had abandoned everyone while she and Jasper disappeared. Alice explains that she had to be convincing to throw off the Volturi and make sure they believed that the Cullens had no advantages against them.

Near the end of the chapter, Edward, Bella, and Renesmee return to their home. Jacob also returns to his house. While Edward, Bella, and Renesmee go home, Edward explains to Bella about Nahule’s inner conflict of accepting himself. Bella at first mistakes Nahule’s attention for him being interested in her daughter, but Edward informs her that Nahuel is astonished that the three of them can live peacefully and wished that his family turned out happily as theirs did.

The chapter and thus the saga ends with Bella telling Edward that he is a good person and proves it to him by allowing him to re-experience their favorite moments together, a skill that she has been secretly working on with Zafrina.

Characters Involved: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Jacob Black, Emmett Cullen, Siobhan, Alice Cullen, and Jasper Cullen.

Characters Mentioned: Renesmee Cullen, Vladmir, Stefan, Benjamin, Tia, Amun, Kebi, Peter, Charlotte, Kachiri, Senna, Maggie, Liam, Alistair, Garrett, Tanya, Kate, Eleazar, Carmen, Huilen, Nahuel, Aro, Caius, Jane, Alec, J. Jenks, Joham, Irina, and James.

Places Visited: Cullen Residence and Edward and Bella’s house

Memorable Quotes:

“Of course, this isn’t over. The Volturi won’t forgive what happened here.” – Siobhan to Carlisle, pg. 743

“When will you ever see yourself clearly?” – Edward to Bella, pg. 744

“But there we stood, ready, waiting, outnumbering them, with gifts of our own while their gifts were rendered useless by Bella.” –Edward recapping the battle, pg. 745.

“So forgive me, and try to be satisfied with being the superhero of the day.” –Alice to Bella, pg. 747.

“And then he saw the three of us-and realized for the first time that just because he is half immortal, it doesn’t mean he is inherently evil. He looks at me and sees…what his father should have been.” –Edward explaining to Bella about Nahuel’s fascination with their family, pg. 751.

“I heard you,” he breathed. –Edward “hearing” Bella’s thoughts, pg. 753.

“Forever and forever and forever” –Edward to Bella, pg. 754.

Important information learned:

There’s a high probability that the Volturi might come back again.

The Volturi haven’t fought a fair fight in 2500 years.

Caius is terrified of werewolves and almost lost a fight to one a few thousand years ago.

There are a very few werewolves out there because Caius hunted most of them down after his fight with one.

Nahuel has finally forgiven himself and doesn’t think he is evil.

Bella is going to take over the Cullen’s working relationship with J. Jenks.

Bella has worked with Zafrina to channel her thoughts and work against her shield to let Edward read her.

Prepared by: Cullengirl

Chapter Thirty Eight- Power

Chapter Number: 38

Chapter Name: Power

Page Numbers: 725 – 741

Date of Chapter: December 31st, 2006

Summary: The battle appears to begin at the start of the chapter. Chelsea tries to divide the loyalties of the members of “Team Nessie” while Jane launches her painful mental attacks, but both fail. Jane is perturbed and Bella is smug. Alec then tries his paralyzing attack but the mist has no effect on Bella’s mind shield protecting the group.

Bella’s friends begin to plot who will attack the key members of the other side when Aro interrupts to offer positions in the Volturi Guard to Bella, Benjamin, Zafrina and Kate. When no one accepts, he begins to poll the powerful triad on whether or not to destroy Renesmee. Caius votes yes. Marcus votes no. Just as Aro is about to declare his position, Edward asks one for clarification: if they had proof that half-human, half-vampire children would not be a danger to keeping the supernatural secret, Renesmee would be spared. When Aro agrees, Alice appears with Jasper and three strangers. The two female guests are vampires, but the young male has a heartbeat; he is a vampire-human hybrid like Nessie, named Nahuel. Nahuel’s aunt, Huilen, describes the circumstances of his birth.

The vampire Joham impregnated Huilen’s human sister Pire. Pire ran away with her sister so she could carry the baby to term. Giving birth to her son killed Pire and the newborn bit Huilen, turning her into a vampire. The listeners learn that Nahuel reached maturity in about seven years of human time and hasn’t aged since then, that males are venomous but females aren’t, that he can subsist on blood and human food, and that his father had created other vampire-human hybrids as part of his plans to build a “super-race”. Aro reluctantly decides to vote no to destroying Nessie, due to the inarguable proof in front of him. They decide to discipline Joham in the future.

As the Volturi prepare to leave, Aro hypocritically wishes Carlisle well; Carlisle responds frostily but politely. The Volturi depart. Edward and Alice confirm that this is not another Volturi trick and the assembled group celebrates, with the exception of Vladimir and Stefan, who are disappointed with the lack of violence.

Characters Involved: Alec, Alice, Aro, Bella, Benjamin, Caius, Carlisle, Carmen, Chelsea, Edward, Eleazar, Emmett, Esme, Felix, Garrett, Huilen, Jacob, Jane, Jasper, Kachiri, Kate, Maggie, Marcus, Nahuel, Renesmee, Rosalie, Senna, Siobhan, Stefan, Tanya, Tia, Vladimir, Zafrina

Characters Mentioned: Joham, Pire, Nahuel’s sisters

Places Visited: the clearing where the battle / meeting was to take place

Memorable Quotes:

It was like air blowing harmlessly through a shadow; the shadow was immune.
Page 727, describing Alec’s powers and Benjamin’s snow effect on them

His face glowed with an expression of triumph that I didn’t understand – it was the expression of an angel of destruction might wear while the world burned. Beautiful and terrifying. Page 730, describing Edward realizing Alice’s plan.

“Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife?” Page 732, Edward addressing Aro.

“Of all the rotten luck,” Stefan after the Volturi leave Page 740

Happiness expanded like an explosion inside me – so extreme, so violent, that I wasn’t sure I’d survive it. … I lifted my head and kissed him with a passion that might possibly set the forest on fire. Page 741, Bella describing her reaction to the news and to Edward.

Important Information learned:

Renesmeee is not the only half-human, half-vampire child; several exist in South America due to a prolific Libishomen (vampire) who wants to create a super-race.

Jacob realizes immediately the implications for him and for Nessie when Nahuel reveals he is immortal.

Marcus’ words do not seem to matter in the group of three and he does not seem to care about any of the proceedings.

Chapter Prepared By: LadyDi

Chapter Thirty Six- Bloodlust

Chapter Number: 36

Chapter Name: Bloodlust

Page Numbers: pg. 679 through pg.700

Date of Chapter: Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Cullens and their allies have been waiting in the clearing. The chapter opens with the arrival of the Volturi and their full guard. Their arrival is one of pageantry and grace, characterized by dark shades of gray and black. They are not hurried, but advance with deliberate slowness and confidence. As they move into position in front of the Cullens and their allies, additional vampires appear behind the Volturi to witness the show of force. Bella realizes these additional vampires are outraged and want to see her punished for creating what they believe is an immortal child. Many appear to Bella to want more than just to be a witness.

Bella and the others despair as they begin to internalize that they are desperately out-numbered. Edward reads the minds of the advancing force and relates that they have several layers of strategy in place; all of which are designed to “destroy and acquire.”

The Volturi halt their advance when the werewolves move to show their whole numbers. Even Bella did not know there were so many, seventeen including Jacob, but then she realizes that with so many vampires in the same place, the werewolf population would explode as a result. She notes that several of the new wolves are very, very young. The Quileutes have risked their entire existence on this confrontation by standing with the Cullens. With these realizations, Bella’s despair turns to anger. Bella allows a low growl to vent her emotions.

As the two armies assess each other, Edward reports that the Volturi does not count the extra witness vampires among its force, that Aro just enjoys an audience. The Volturi hesitate never having seen so many massed against them. Carlisle, with Edward’s encouragement, decides to take advantage of the Volturi’s hesitation by speaking with them. Carlisle addresses Aro directly who continues to hesitate and plot before returning dialog.

With 100 yards still between them, Aro finally substantiates that they have come to punish the Cullens for Irina’s accusations that they have created an immortal child. Anxious for action, Caius joins the conversation. He demands that Irina come forward as the informant to testify against Renesmee and the Cullens. Hesitant to come forward, Irina is prodded out of the crowd and Caius slaps her across the face. Irina’s sisters, Tanya and Kate, hisses in response the degrading action even though it couldn’t have physically hurt. Caius is angry when Irina cannot confirm that Renesmee is the child she saw because Renesmee has changed, has grown, something an immortal child cannot do.

Aro asks Edward to come forward under the guise of clearing up the discrepancy. Edward walks forward toward Carlisle and Bella notes the smile on Jane’s face. That smile sets off Bella’s anger even more and she throws up her mental shield around those on her side of the field. As she gives in to her power, she discovers a flexibility and control she did not experience in practice. Only Bella is aware of the force she’s putting out to protect Edward and those she cares about. Bella realizes that Aro needs to be able to read Edward and Carlisle to know the validity of their claims regarding Renesmee and so she pulls her shield back, ready to reach it forward at the first sign of attack.

Everyone on both sides of the clearing grows tenser as Aro reads Edward’s memories, all of them, for the last month. Understanding that Renesmee is not an immortal child, Aro asks to meet her and Caius is upset that the fight appears to have gone out of Aro. Many of the guard seem upset that a fight isn’t forthcoming.

Renesmee is brought forward by Bella, Jacob and Emmett so Aro can meet her after being joined by Felix and Demetri from his own guard. After touching, smelling and hearing her, Renesmee is pronounced half human and half mortal, not one of the forbidden. Renesmee touches Aro and pleads for him to leave her loved ones alone. Aro promises her that he will. Aro is intrigued by the idea of having werewolves as part of his guard when he sees Jacob’s loyalty and love for Renesmee and Bella. This idea was not well received by the Quileute pack. Sam orders the pack back into acquiescence and Aro returns to his guard to confer with his brothers.

Characters Involved: Bella Swan Cullen, Garrett, Kate, Vladimir, Stefan, Demetri, Jacob Black, Irina, Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Tanya, Caius, Aro, Renata, Zaferina, Senna, Marcus, Alec, Jane, Felix, Renesmee Cullen

Character Mentioned: Volturi Guard, 32 in total, the Volturi Wives, more than 40 “witness” vampires, Alistair, Seven new werewolves, Eleazar, Alice Cullen, Esme Cullen

Places Visited: The entire chapter takes place in the forest clearing as seen in Alice’s vision as the site where the Cullens would meet the Volturi. This is the same forest clearing where the Cullens and Quileutes fought against Victoria and her newborn army in Eclipse.

Memorable Quotes:
“They don’t count their witnesses,” Edward breathed. “They are nonentities, meaningless to the guard. Aro just enjoys and audience.” – Edward, pg. 685

“I have not committed the crime you are here to punish me for.” – Carlisle to Aro, pg.686

Raw as I was, I knew that if this were between her and me, I would obliterate her. – Bella assessing Renata, Aro’s personal shield, pg.693

“I doubt whether any two among gods or mortals have ever seen quite so clearly.” – Aro to Edward after reading his thoughts, pg. 693

“Interesting company you keep.” – Demetri to Edward when Jacob comes forward to stand by him, pg. 696

“You look good. Immortality suits you.” – Felix to Bella, pg. 696

Important Information learned:
The Volturi have come to destroy those who are against them and acquire vampires with talents into their service. They do not care if there is truth to the allegation that an immortal child has been created.

Bella learns not to be afraid of her talent and finds the ability to flex and expand her shield, farther than anyone suspects, with her will.

It is verified that Renesmee is not an immortal child, but something new that the Volturi were not aware existed or was possible.

There are almost twice the number of werewolves than Bella was aware of before this chapter began.

Chapter Prepared By: nissanmama

Chapter Thirty Four- Declared

Chapter Number: 34
Chapter Name: Declared
Page Numbers: 649-664
Date of Chapter:
As the chapter opens, Bella and Renesmee return to the Cullen house after visiting J. Jenkin’s office. Edward welcomes them to the house by playing Bella’s lullaby on the piano. Bella is saddened from keeping the truth of what she did during the day from Edward, but she didn’t want Edward to be suspicious nor wants to leave clues in his mind for Aro. Bella explains that she was late because she went Christmas shopping for Renesmee and bought her a gift. When Edward asks Bella if she wants to celebrate the holiday, Bella downplays it. Edward asks to see Renesmee’s gift, a little golden locket. The locket opens up with a small empty place for a picture and an inscription in French. The inscription translates loosely to “more than my own life.” After opening the locket, Edward suspects Bella is keeping something from him and his mood suddenly turns serious. When he tells Bella they should leave for their own house, Bella hesitates and wants to practice with Emmett. Edward disagrees and says that tomorrow is a suitable time. Bella complains that they’re running out of time. Edward cuts her off and they leave for their house.
With the rise of a possible conflict with the Volturi, Bella is finding it hard to go back to her usual routine. She tries to think positively by telling herself that her daughter will be fine with Jacob and that Alice’s strategy will be victorious. She also begins to wonder about the afterlife and believes that any place where she and Edward would be together would be a good place to be.
On Christmas day, Edward, Renesmee, Jacob, and Bella go to see Charlie. Jacob’s pack along with Sam, Emily, and Sue also attend the party. Everyone exchanges gifts. Renesmee is given an MP3 player from Edward and a Quileute version of a promise ring, which Edward disapproves, but Bella is reassured of Jacob’s commitment of protecting her daughter. Edward gives Charlie a highly complex fishing sonar system.
At the end of the party Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob are relieved to be going home. Bella notes that Charlie could handle her world better than her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to since her wedding. Bella imagines telling Jacob her partings words for Charlie and giving Jacob Renesmee’s documents when the time comes to say goodbye.
As they all arrive at the Cullen house, they notice many vampire covens there. Edward tells Bella and Jacob that Alistair has left. Upon arriving at the front room, they see a confrontation between Carlisle and Amun. Amun yells at Carlisle for taking half of his coven away and in particular, Benjamin. Benjamin reassures his leader that he is doing what he thinks is best and will not join another coven. Amun threatens Carlisle that when push comes to shove, he will join the Volutri side if that his means of survival. Carlisle tells Amun that he is free to make his own decision and he will hold no grudge against him. Edward tells Bella that Amun won’t leave, but he is serious about changing his alliances. Bella then asks Edward about Alistair’s decision to leave. Edward says that Alistair left because he was uncomfortable about confronting the Volutri. Eleazer clarifies further in explaining that a war against the Volturi is inevitable and the Volturi will manipulate their law to their own favor.
Many of the vampire covens talked amongst themselves of the Volturi’s abuse of power. In order to balance their power and become free of the Volturi’s oppression, a war must be fought. The Romanian vampires, Stefan and Vladmir, are the first to declare war. All of the vampire covens, with the exception of Peter, Charlotte, and Randall, have announced that they will fight along side the Cullens. Jacob also announces that the wolf packs will also join in the fight.
As the chapter ends, Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob go on a hunt. Bella begins to panic about her capabilities to uphold her shield. She realizes that she is still vulnerable to everything outside of her mind and that her shield has holes because Renesmee is able to penetrate it. Edward theorizes that Renesmee can reverse Bella’s powers and maybe no one can stop Renesmee from showing her thoughts if she physically touches them.
Characters Involved: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Renesmee Cullen, Jacob Black, Emmett Cullen, Amun, Benjamin, Vladmir, Stefan, Zafrina, Kate, Tanya, Garrett, Peter, Mary, Randall, Maggie, Eleazer, Siobhan, and Liam.
Characters Mentioned: Charlie Swan, Rosalie Cullen, Jasper Cullen, Alice Cullen, Sue Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily, Alistair, Aro, Jane, Alec, Demetrius, and Renée Dwyer.
Places Visited: Edward and Bella’s house, Cullen Residence, and Charlie Swan’s Residence
Memorable Quotes:
“…more than my own life” – The inscription written in Renesmee’s locket, pg. 651
“If it’s ever safe again, take her to Charlie. Tell him the whole story someday. Tell him how much I loved him, how I couldn’t bear to leave him even when my human life was over. Tell him he was the best father. Tell him to pass my love on to Renée, all my hopes that she will be happy and well.” ~ Bella’s thoughts on what she would like to tell Jacob when she has to leave Renesmee with him, pg. 654
“I gave you life. You’re wasting it.” ~ Amun to Benjamin, pg. 656.
“We’ve been waiting for fifteen hundred years, Stefan. And they’re only gotten stronger with the years.” ~ Vladmir, on the Volturi’s time of power, pg. 658
Important information learned:
Edward is still unaware of Renesmee’s forged documents.
Bella continues to practice with Emmett while Edward disapproves.
Alistair is gone.
War is declared against the Volturi by several vampire covens. Stefan and Vladmir are the first to declare war.
Amun may join the Volturi if that is his means of survival.
Amun turned Benjamin into a vampire.
The Volturi have been in power for approximately 1500 years.
Prepared by: Cullengirl

Chapter Number: 34

Chapter Name: Declared

Page Numbers: 649-664

Date of Chapter: Dec. 23 – 25, 2006


As the chapter opens, Bella and Renesmee return to the Cullen house after visiting J. Jenkin’s office. Edward welcomes them to the house by playing Bella’s lullaby on the piano. Bella is saddened from keeping the truth of what she did during the day from Edward, but she didn’t want Edward to be suspicious nor wants to leave clues in his mind for Aro. Bella explains that she was late because she went Christmas shopping for Renesmee and bought her a gift. When Edward asks Bella if she wants to celebrate the holiday, Bella downplays it. Edward asks to see Renesmee’s gift, a little golden locket. The locket opens up with a small empty place for a picture and an inscription in French. The inscription translates loosely to “more than my own life.” After opening the locket, Edward suspects Bella is keeping something from him and his mood suddenly turns serious. When he tells Bella they should leave for their own house, Bella hesitates and wants to practice with Emmett. Edward disagrees and says that tomorrow is a suitable time. Bella complains that they’re running out of time. Edward cuts her off and they leave for their house.

With the rise of a possible conflict with the Volturi, Bella is finding it hard to go back to her usual routine. She tries to think positively by telling herself that her daughter will be fine with Jacob and that Alice’s strategy will be victorious. She also begins to wonder about the afterlife and believes that any place where she and Edward would be together would be a good place to be.

On Christmas day, Edward, Renesmee, Jacob, and Bella go to see Charlie. Jacob’s pack along with Sam, Emily, and Sue also attend the party. Everyone exchanges gifts. Renesmee is given an MP3 player from Edward and a Quileute version of a promise ring, which Edward disapproves, but Bella is reassured of Jacob’s commitment of protecting her daughter. Edward gives Charlie a highly complex fishing sonar system.

At the end of the party Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob are relieved to be going home. Bella notes that Charlie could handle her world better than her mother, whom she hasn’t spoken to since her wedding. Bella imagines telling Jacob her partings words for Charlie and giving Jacob Renesmee’s documents when the time comes to say goodbye.

As they all arrive at the Cullen house, they notice many vampire covens there. Edward tells Bella and Jacob that Alistair has left. Upon arriving at the front room, they see a confrontation between Carlisle and Amun. Amun yells at Carlisle for taking half of his coven away and in particular, Benjamin. Benjamin reassures his leader that he is doing what he thinks is best and will not join another coven. Amun threatens Carlisle that when push comes to shove, he will join the Volutri side if that his means of survival. Carlisle tells Amun that he is free to make his own decision and he will hold no grudge against him. Edward tells Bella that Amun won’t leave, but he is serious about changing his alliances. Bella then asks Edward about Alistair’s decision to leave. Edward says that Alistair left because he was uncomfortable about confronting the Volutri. Eleazer clarifies further in explaining that a war against the Volturi is inevitable and the Volturi will manipulate their law to their own favor.

Many of the vampire covens talked amongst themselves of the Volturi’s abuse of power. In order to balance their power and become free of the Volturi’s oppression, a war must be fought. The Romanian vampires, Stefan and Vladmir, are the first to declare war. All of the vampire covens, with the exception of Peter, Charlotte, and Randall, have announced that they will fight along side the Cullens. Jacob also announces that the wolf packs will also join in the fight.

As the chapter ends, Edward, Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob go on a hunt. Bella begins to panic about her capabilities to uphold her shield. She realizes that she is still vulnerable to everything outside of her mind and that her shield has holes because Renesmee is able to penetrate it. Edward theorizes that Renesmee can reverse Bella’s powers and maybe no one can stop Renesmee from showing her thoughts if she physically touches them.

Characters Involved: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Renesmee Cullen, Jacob Black, Emmett Cullen, Amun, Benjamin, Vladmir, Stefan, Zafrina, Kate, Tanya, Garrett, Peter, Mary, Randall, Maggie, Eleazer, Siobhan, and Liam.

Characters Mentioned: Charlie Swan, Rosalie Cullen, Jasper Cullen, Alice Cullen, Sue Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily, Alistair, Aro, Jane, Alec, Demetrius, and Renée Dwyer.

Places Visited: Edward and Bella’s house, Cullen Residence, and Charlie Swan’s Residence

Memorable Quotes:

“…more than my own life” – The inscription written in Renesmee’s locket, pg. 651

“If it’s ever safe again, take her to Charlie. Tell him the whole story someday. Tell him how much I loved him, how I couldn’t bear to leave him even when my human life was over. Tell him he was the best father. Tell him to pass my love on to Renée, all my hopes that she will be happy and well.” ~ Bella’s thoughts on what she would like to tell Jacob when she has to leave Renesmee with him, pg. 654

“I gave you life. You’re wasting it.” ~ Amun to Benjamin, pg. 656.

“We’ve been waiting for fifteen hundred years, Stefan. And they’re only gotten stronger with the years.” ~ Vladmir, on the Volturi’s time of power, pg. 658

“Here’s to freedom from oppression.” ~ Garrett pg. 659

Important information learned:

Edward is still unaware of Renesmee’s forged documents.

Bella continues to practice with Emmett while Edward disapproves.

Alistair is gone.

War is declared against the Volturi by several vampire covens. Stefan and Vladmir are the first to declare war.

Amun may join the Volturi if that is his means of survival.

Amun turned Benjamin into a vampire.

The Volturi have been in power for approximately 1500 years.

Renesmee’s power is the opposite of her parents.

Prepared by: Cullengirl

Chapter Thirty Two – Company

Chapter Number: 32
Chapter Name: Company
Page Numbers: 607 – 628
Date of Chapter:  December 16th, 2006 – mid December
Summary:  With the arrival of Peter and Charlotte, more vampires and/or covens arrive over the next few weeks.  We are introduced to the Ireland Coven followed by the Egyptian coven that arrive after Peter and Charlotte, found and sent by Carlisle and Esme.  Then some nomad vampires that Carlisle knows (found by Emmett and Rosalie) arrive, first is Garrett, then Mary and Randall (who know each other but do not travel together).  Carlisle and Esme return a few days prior to Emmett and Rosalie.  Alistar arrives with Carlisle and Esme and prides himself on being very aloof and alone.  Then two of the Amazon Coven arrive, sent by Alice much to the surprise of Carlisle and Rosalie since they couldn’t reach them.  It seems the third member of the coven, Kachiri, is being kept back by Alice for some reason.  Bella is amazed at how well Jacob takes to the company, however he is visually disturbed knowing that these vampires are hunting, just out side of the pack lines and although the pack protects humans, they were in essence condoning this behavior.  Although the house is full, since no one sleeps, it works out, with Edward graciously lending cars as needed to provide transportation for those that are hunting outside the Cullen’s territory.  It is reassuring to the Cullens, though they remind everyone they are there only to witness, many of the vampires arriving are “talented”, and Bella is interested in seeing and understanding those talents.
With the arrival of everyone, Bella starts to learn to fight with Edward.  However, after an initial fight, Edward cannot teach her, he refuses.  He is unable to look upon her for weakness; ways to kill her.  So Bella starts to learn from Emmett, then other members of the witnesses.  While she undertakes fight training day after day, she also works with Kate to learn how to expand her gift from herself.  Bella starts to get better at protecting or insulating Edward from Kate’s talent, but Kate feels the need to make bigger strides of progress.  She enlists Renesmee’s help, much to Bella’s chagrin, and we find that in Bella’s anger and desire to protect Renesmee, she finds the ability to truly start projecting her gift outward.  It is amazing to all.  Zafrina steps in with her gift (illusions) to help aid in the experience/training.  Edward discovers that his gift works within the circle of protection but those outside of it, he can hear their thoughts, but they cannot use their gifts on him.  Bella finds that expanding her gift for long, tires her mentally.  It seems she needs to “exercise” her mind to build up the endurance for holding her shield and keeping it expanded.
An amusing interlude occurs while Bella relaxes; Garrett goes to flirt with Kate, asking her if her gift can truly lay a vampire flat on their back.  With some witty banter back and forth, Kate offers her hand, palm up, for Garrett to touch her and find out how strong her gift is.  He finds that the rumors are of course true and seems taken with Kate.
The chapter ends with the arrival of two Romanian vampires, referred to as what is left of the Romanian coven.  It seems they ruled prior to being taken over by the Volturi (which seemed to cause the deaths of their coven members).  Stefan and Vladimir assure Carlisle that they were not sent by anyone, but happen to hear of the situation and came to watch the Volturi be challenged.  Carlisle vehemently denies they are trying to take down the Volturi, they only need witness so that they will be able to explain the situation and how they haven’t broken the laws.  The Romanians do not care whether the Cullens are guilty or not, committed a crime or not, they will be witnesses while hoping to see the Volturi taken down in the process.
In the end, they had seventeen witnesses to supplement the family, the Cullens and the Denali clan’s eleven members (the Denali clan insisting on being considered part of the family).  Thus creating a total of twenty-eight vampires to stand before the Volturi in hopes that they can make the Volturi pause and hear their case.  Not all the vampires present were eager, Amun, his mate Kebi and Alistair were there against their better judgment, but they had committed to be witnesses.  Along with the Romanians who focused only on their bitter resentment of the Volturi who overthrew their empire and seemed delighted in the alliance the Cullens had with the werewolves.  It seemed the Romanians hoped that the Volturi had finally met their match.
Characters Involved: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Renesmee Cullen, Peter, Charlotte, Tanya, Carlisle, Sioban, Liam, Maggie, Amun, Benjamin, Tia, Kebi, Eleazar, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Garrett, Mary, Randall, Esme Cullen, Alisair, Zafrina, Senna, Kate, Carmen, Stefan, Vladimir
Characters Mentioned:  Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil, Embry Call, Sam Ulney, Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Aro, Demetri, Kachiri, Alec, Jane, Caius
Places Visited: The Cullen Residence living room and the yard.
Memorable Quotes:
“No way to keep it from Aro at this point.  Centuries on the run, that’s what this will mean.  Everyone Carlisle’s talked to in the last decade will be on their list.  I can’t believe I got myself sucked into this mess.  What a fine way to treat a friend.” Alistair grumbling to himself, loud enough for everyone to hear – page 612.
“Looking at you that way, analyzing you as a target.  Seeing all the ways I can kill you…It just makes it too real for me.  …Find another teacher.”  Edward to Bella – page 616.
“She’s obviously got tremendous ability, and we’re only beginning to touch it.  She can do better, I’m sure.  She’s just lacking incentive.”  Kate to Edward and Bella – page 619.
“Nessie, would you like to come help your mother?” Kate to Renesmee – page 619.
“We are not challenging the Volturi… There has been a misunderstanding, that is all.  A very serious misunderstanding, to be sure, but one we’re hoping to clear up.  What you see are witnesses.  We just need the Volturi to listen.”  Carlisle to two newly arrived vampires – page 626.
“We’ve been waiting a millennium and a half for the Italian scum to be challenged… If there is any chance they will fall, we will be here to see it.” A Romanian vampire to Carlisle – page 626.
“Well, well, Carlisle.  You have been naughty, haven’t you?”  Stefan to Carlisle – page 627.
“We did not hope for the same things, but we all hoped.”  Bella to herself – page 628.
Important Information learned:
We meet many different covens from different areas of the world along with vampires that prefer to be nomads.
No matter their reasons, which vary, the vampires that have arrived will stand witness for the Cullens.
Bella is able to expand her shield ability to protect others around her, but it takes great mental strength which she will need to build.
The Volturi were not always the ruling vampire coven. They overthrew the Romanian coven to gain their position.
Chapter Prepared By: Una

Chapter Number: 32

Chapter Name: Company

Page Numbers: 607 – 628

Date of Chapter: December 16th, 2006 – mid December

Summary: With the arrival of Peter and Charlotte, more vampires and/or covens arrive over the next few weeks.  We are introduced to the Ireland Coven followed by the Egyptian coven that arrive after Peter and Charlotte, found and sent by Carlisle and Esme.  Then some nomad vampires that Carlisle knows (found by Emmett and Rosalie) arrive, first is Garrett, then Mary and Randall (who know each other but do not travel together).  Carlisle and Esme return a few days prior to Emmett and Rosalie.  Alistar arrives with Carlisle and Esme and prides himself on being very aloof and alone.  Then two of the Amazon Coven arrive, sent by Alice much to the surprise of Carlisle and Rosalie since they couldn’t reach them.  It seems the third member of the coven, Kachiri, is being kept back by Alice for some reason.  Bella is amazed at how well Jacob takes to the company, however he is visually disturbed knowing that these vampires are hunting, just out side of the pack lines and although the pack protects humans, they were in essence condoning this behavior.  Although the house is full, since no one sleeps, it works out, with Edward graciously lending cars as needed to provide transportation for those that are hunting outside the Cullen’s territory.  It is reassuring to the Cullens, though they remind everyone they are there only to witness, many of the vampires arriving are “talented”, and Bella is interested in seeing and understanding those talents.

With the arrival of everyone, Bella starts to learn to fight with Edward.  However, after an initial fight, Edward cannot teach her, he refuses.  He is unable to look upon her for weakness; ways to kill her.  So Bella starts to learn from Emmett, then other members of the witnesses.  While she undertakes fight training day after day, she also works with Kate to learn how to expand her gift from herself.  Bella starts to get better at protecting or insulating Edward from Kate’s talent, but Kate feels the need to make bigger strides of progress.  She enlists Renesmee’s help, much to Bella’s chagrin, and we find that in Bella’s anger and desire to protect Renesmee, she finds the ability to truly start projecting her gift outward.  It is amazing to all.  Zafrina steps in with her gift (illusions) to help aid in the experience/training.  Edward discovers that his gift works within the circle of protection but those outside of it, he can hear their thoughts, but they cannot use their gifts on him.  Bella finds that expanding her gift for long, tires her mentally.  It seems she needs to “exercise” her mind to build up the endurance for holding her shield and keeping it expanded.

An amusing interlude occurs while Bella relaxes; Garrett goes to flirt with Kate, asking her if her gift can truly lay a vampire flat on their back.  With some witty banter back and forth, Kate offers her hand, palm up, for Garrett to touch her and find out how strong her gift is.  He finds that the rumors are of course true and seems taken with Kate.

The chapter ends with the arrival of two Romanian vampires, referred to as what is left of the Romanian coven.  It seems they ruled prior to being taken over by the Volturi (which seemed to cause the deaths of their coven members).  Stefan and Vladimir assure Carlisle that they were not sent by anyone, but happen to hear of the situation and came to watch the Volturi be challenged.  Carlisle vehemently denies they are trying to take down the Volturi, they only need witness so that they will be able to explain the situation and how they haven’t broken the laws.  The Romanians do not care whether the Cullens are guilty or not, committed a crime or not, they will be witnesses while hoping to see the Volturi taken down in the process.

In the end, they had seventeen witnesses to supplement the family, the Cullens and the Denali clan’s eleven members (the Denali clan insisting on being considered part of the family).  Thus creating a total of twenty-eight vampires to stand before the Volturi in hopes that they can make the Volturi pause and hear their case.  Not all the vampires present were eager, Amun, his mate Kebi and Alistair were there against their better judgment, but they had committed to be witnesses.  Along with the Romanians who focused only on their bitter resentment of the Volturi who overthrew their empire and seemed delighted in the alliance the Cullens had with the werewolves.  It seemed the Romanians hoped that the Volturi had finally met their match.

Characters Involved: Bella Cullen, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Renesmee Cullen, Peter, Charlotte, Tanya, Carlisle, Sioban, Liam, Maggie, Amun, Benjamin, Tia, Kebi, Eleazar, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Garrett, Mary, Randall, Esme Cullen, Alisair, Zafrina, Senna, Kate, Carmen, Stefan, Vladimir

Characters Mentioned:  Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil, Embry Call, Sam Ulney, Alice Cullen, Jasper Hale, Aro, Demetri, Kachiri, Alec, Jane, Caius

Places Visited: The Cullen Residence living room and the yard.

Memorable Quotes:

“No way to keep it from Aro at this point.  Centuries on the run, that’s what this will mean.  Everyone Carlisle’s talked to in the last decade will be on their list.  I can’t believe I got myself sucked into this mess.  What a fine way to treat a friend.” Alistair grumbling to himself, loud enough for everyone to hear – page 612.

“Looking at you that way, analyzing you as a target.  Seeing all the ways I can kill you…It just makes it too real for me.  …Find another teacher.”  Edward to Bella – page 616.

“She’s obviously got tremendous ability, and we’re only beginning to touch it.  She can do better, I’m sure.  She’s just lacking incentive.”  Kate to Edward and Bella – page 619.

“Nessie, would you like to come help your mother?” Kate to Renesmee – page 619.

“We are not challenging the Volturi… There has been a misunderstanding, that is all.  A very serious misunderstanding, to be sure, but one we’re hoping to clear up.  What you see are witnesses.  We just need the Volturi to listen.”  Carlisle to two newly arrived vampires – page 626.

“We’ve been waiting a millennium and a half for the Italian scum to be challenged… If there is any chance they will fall, we will be here to see it.” A Romanian vampire to Carlisle – page 626.

“Well, well, Carlisle.  You have been naughty, haven’t you?”  Stefan to Carlisle – page 627.

“We did not hope for the same things, but we all hoped.”  Bella to herself – page 628.

Important Information learned:

We meet many different covens from different areas of the world along with vampires that prefer to be nomads.

No matter their reasons, which vary, the vampires that have arrived will stand witness for the Cullens.

Bella is able to expand her shield ability to protect others around her, but it takes great mental strength which she will need to build.

The Volturi were not always the ruling vampire coven. They overthrew the Romanian coven to gain their position.

Chapter Prepared By: Una

Misconceptions: New Moon Info Recap

Here are a couple of odd things we’ve seen lately, and we thought we’d help to straighten them out.

~The last name of Aro, Marcus, Caius, Jane, Alec…or for that matter anyone in the Volturi coven is not Volturi! Aro, Cauis, and Marcus were vampires long before people took to the custom of having last names.  Volturi is derived from Volterra, the city that they settled in. The coven’s name is like a tribe moniker. Look at it this way, referring to Aro as “Aro Volturi” would be like referring to Jesus as “Jesus Galilee”. As for Alec and Jane, we imagine they do have last names, just we don’t know what they are.

~The last name of Tanya, Katrina, etc. is not Denali. Denali is just the location where they happen to be currently located. Denali is a town in Alaska, it’s also the traditional name for Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in North America. Calling Tanya “Tanya Denali” would be like saying “Renesmee Forks”.

~We can’t believe that we are actually saying this, but judging from comments on the blog and around the Internet we’re going to repeat it. ROB AND KRISTEN ARE NOT ENGAGED despite what the headline in one UK gossip magazine read.  You know, the same magazine that faked a photo to make it look like they were sitting together. Do they have a relationship that’s more than friends? Possibly, but they are not engaged. If they were, it would be plastered all over mainstream entertainment sites like ET, EW, Access Hollywood, E!…you get the idea. When even Ted Casablanca, who is leading the Robsten charge and would love nothing better than them to be engaged, is saying the story is bunk, there’s a sign.

Live Chat With Cameron Bright!

Want to get to know Cameron Bright who plays Alec in New Moon?  Then drop by his live chat! Here are the details:

When: TODAY September 8, 2009 from 4-5 PST

Where: His chat room.

How: Make sure you sign up on the forum at and then once your account is approved (it’s  pretty much instantaneous) you are then able to access the chat room.

Also remember to follow the real Cameron on Twitter. His one and only account is CamBright. All other accounts claiming to be Cameron are fakes.

Twilight Twitter September Update

The Twilight cast is busy tweeting away as usual. Here are some highlights:

David Slade has decided to treat us to more photographs. He does dome generic scenery, an out of focus look at the director of photography (hahaha) ,and this shot of  “Duke, the B camera operator.” David, or whoever is doing his twit pics, has some serious photographic talent.

Anna Kendrick is going to be at the Toronto film festival next week. So is fellow cast mate Xavier Samuel.

Peter Facinelli is trying to raise awareness for Alex’s Lemonade stand, a group that fights childhood cancer. If you follow Alex’s Lemonade Stand, they get money for followers.  You can also put a nifty leonade slogan on your avatar to lend support.

Peter has also promised that when he reaches 1 million followers that he will have Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson do a guest tweet.

There are also some newbies or previous unknowns to Twitter. Please add them!

Kiowa Gordon who plays Embry. Unfortunately Kiowa is currently following a couple of fake accounts, goes to show that celebrities can be fooled.

Boo Boo Stewart who plays Seth. Actually to be fair, it’s his mom’s account. She tweets, or supervises the tweets, for all the kids in their performing family.

Cameron Bright, who plays Alec. Cameron has had a twitter for awhile but unfortunately some fakes came along and got more attention. Anyway, after a lovely conversation with Cameron’s mother, Anne, we got to the bottom of it. The real Cameron Bright account is CamBright. He hopes to get CameronBright once the fake (among 5 fakes and counting) is deleted.

Of note this month is a fake that got listed on Dakota Fanning’s IMDB page(since removed). Dakotaafanning isn’t the real Dakota Fanning, nor is the MySpace, orFacebook that the account cites actually the real Dakota. For starters, the real Dakota would be smart enough to know that “Volturi” is not Jane’s last name, wouldn’t post leaked photos as it would be a violation of her contract, and would never state a Breaking Dawn filming date. Several other things also give her away.

Also the following cast members have said repeatedly that they don’t have a Twitter: Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Kristen Stewart, Nikki Reed, Robert Pattinson.


So this brings us to our semi-monthly or so Twitter round up. Here’s the run down of who has a real Twitter and who doesn’t.

Here are a listing of the real Twitters
relating to the Twilight Saga

Updated as of 9/05/09

Cullen Family Members

Peter Facinelli (also on Twitter is Peter’s fabulous wife Jennie Garth)

The Volturi

Michael Sheen

Jamie Campbell Bower

Charlie Bewley

Cameron Bright

Forks Humans

Justin Chon

Christian Serratos

Billy Burke

Anna Kendrick

Quileute Tribe Members

Gil Birmingham

Kiowa Gordon

Boo Boo Stewart

Other vampires

Rachelle Lefevre

Edi Gathegi

Jodelle Ferland


David Slade

The Twitters supposedly run by Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Nikki Reed are all fakes. Ways to tell: mislabeling of photos stating where & when the pics were taken, Tweeting while clearly performing , all created around the same date, claiming they are posting personal photos when in reality are actually recycled paparazzi shots, official sites of actors don’t list a Twitter, etc.


100 Monkeys The Band Jackson Rathbone plays with

Bobby Long Writer of Let Me Sign along with Marcus Foster, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack

Sam Bradley Writer of Never Think, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack

Marcus Foster Writer of Let Me Sign along with Bobby Long, performed by Rob Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack

Volturi Revealed: Meet Marcus

Full Name: Marcus
Status: Vampire
Group: Volturi Coven
Date of Birth: Around 1300 BC
Date of Transformation: Unknown

Special Abilities: He sees the strength of the relationships between people  “You already know what you’ll do, Aro.”

Marcus is the most detached of the Volturi leaders. The loss of his mate has essentially turned him into a zombie over the centuries. He is surprised by the intensity of Bella and Edward’s relationship.

1) The Volturi include: Aro, Caius, and Marcus as the leaders, and then Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, and several other unnamed members of the guard.
2) The Volturi are similar to a ruling body, and protect the secret of vampires by wiping out any “problems” as vampire law defines.
3) The Volturi live in an ancient Tuscan city called “Volterra”.
4) Aro and Jane’s powers do not work on Bella.

Director Chris Weitz on the Volturi —
“No matter how strange one of the characters is in a work of fantasy, I think you have to approach them as people and then so you start to think, ‘They’ve been around for 2,000 years. How would they interact with one another?’  The conclusion was that after 2,000 years you’d probably be more than mildly insane. No matter how cultured or gracious you appear on the surface. And I think that’s what Michael Sheen managed to portray as Aro, the head of the Volturi — on the surface he’s terribly gracious, warm, a wonderful host and at the same time he’s lethal and frightening.  It’s also what Dakota Fanning conveys as Jane. She’s innocent looking in appearance but she’s absolutely deadly.  The first thing I wanted to do was put them in a setting that wasn’t Dracula’s castle.  There have been so many vampire movies and werewolf movies and horror movies where everything has been dark and dreary. Instead, their headquarters is surprisingly light and crisp. And the characters that they play have a kind of a tactile reality to them in spite of how bizarre their situation is really. The whole point is not to leave Forks, Washington where everything has really been quite realistic and then suddenly go to a location that completely throws you out of the movie.  And the set although it’s huge and grand and magnificent actually feels like a real place.”

Meet the other Volturi: Jane (on MySpace), Aro (Yahoo), Caius (AOL Moviefone), and Alec (MTV)

Actor  Christopher Heyerdahl plays Marcus.

The Ultralarge HiRes version of Chris as Marcus is here