Search Results for: Alec

Forkfuls: Tidbits of Twilight News

Who should be Alec? If you think you have a good suggestion, hop on over to EW or the New York Post’s Popwrap. They’re each doing a poll. Suggestions range from the familiar like Tom Felton and Alex Pettyfer to whole new approaches like Macauley Culkin and Thomas Sangster.

Ashley Greene went shopping at the Paul & Joe Sister showroom in Los Angeles, California. She showed off a couple of her finds to photographers. She told InStyle, “There are a couple things here that I’d love to bring into Alice’s wardrobe…”

Hot Topic has more more new merchandise. Now to stop yourself from going broke, we have a coupon code: 25% off $60 or more for HT Account members only, ending 3/31/09.  Promo code: MARMP1.

Have no fear Twiguys. Girls still pick real men over Edward even if they do read Twilight.

News, Reviews, & Polls

The LA TImes has an update about the possibilty of a SAG strike and what measures are being taken to prevent it.

The Charlotte Observer has a run down of Kristen’s upcoming work for this year.  She is going to be a very busy girl.


People Magazine is taking a poll on who should play Alec.  Check out who they are thinking about and vote for your favorite.


 /Film has a review of Adventureland. 

 "I screened this film right before seeing The Informers, and I feel that Adventureland is a much better representation of the 1980’s."



EW asks IF Dakota Fanning is Jane who should be Alec?


Access Hollywood’s Tony Potts shares his story of knowing John Stewart but not realizing he is none other than Kristen Stewarts Dad.


Boxwish has the latest craze in winter fashion, Bella’s Mittens!


Nylon Magazine talks to Camilla Belle, who is starring in Summit’s newest movie Push.  She talks about her upcoming projects and Rob.

Here is your exclusive sneak peek into "The Hillywood Show’s" special on ‘Twilight’.  It is the most anticipated parody from "The Hillywood Show" this year and it has already been featured on ten different "Twilight" sites! Look for it soon Twilighters! Coming February of 2009! 

Bella Swan played by Hilly Hindi
Edward Cullen played by Special Guest Star (Robert Pattinson look-a-like)

For more information on this parody and all the updates visit: 


Full Name: Vladimir

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: sometime before 1000 BC (OIG)

Date of Change: Sometime before 500 AD

Originally from: Dacia (Proto-Romania)

Hair color: Ash Blonde to pale gray (BD32)

Eye color: Dark, vampire burgundy with no milky film (BD32)

Height: “Short” (BD32) 5’4″ (OIG)

Physical description: Slight and short with a powdery look to his skin. (BD32)  Jacob describes him as “creep-tacular.”  (BD33)

Special Talents: None


Family members: Vladimir

Personal history:

Vladimir was the head of a coven of four Romanian vampires who joined with a second coven to pursue power.  There were twelve all together in this group.  Their rule lasted nearly 1,000 years.  They lived decadently and were feared by both vampires and humans.  None of their ruling members possessed any supernatural qualities outside of what is normal for a vampire.  In fact, they ignored talented vampires preferring to surround themselves with those that had brute strength.  This was a weakness that was eventually exploited by the Volturi. (OIG)

When the Volturi began to rise, they believed that humans shouldn’t known about vampires.  This idea was scoffed at.  after the Romanians were defeated, the Volturi made it part of the law that humans shouldn’t know about the existence of vampires. (OIG)

The Volturi deposed the Romanian coven about 1500 years ago.  The battle raged for several decades.  Vladimir’s mate was killed around 810 AD in an attempt to bring the Romanian coven back to power.  It was the first battle that Jane and Alec fought in for the Volturi.  With their power the Romanian’s were decimated.   Stefan and Vladimir are the last surviving members. They harbor a bitter resentment towards the Volturi. (OIG)

The Romanians arrive at the Cullens wearing simple, modern black clothes that “hinted at older designs.”  Stefan and Vladimir are not interested in whether Renesmee is an immortal child or not.  They hope to see the Volturi challenged and offer their support to defeat them.  (BD32)

Renesmee is curious about their powdery skin and asks Stefan and Vladimir about it.  Vladimir responds that they became almost petrified from being still for so long.  Because of their power, everything came to them with no effort.  (BD33)

Stefan and Vladimir believe that the Volturi claim to be saints by protecting the vampire world from exposure when in reality they continue to conquer and amass power.  They are concerned that the Volturi will be even stronger if they win.  Stefan and Vladimir declare that they will fight the Volturi.  (BD34)

At the clearing, the witnesses cluster to the left and right of the members of the Cullens and Denali clan that make up the front line. (BD35)  The Volturi are irritated that Stefan and Vladimir are there.  (BD36)

Stefan and Vladimir are happy to see Aro’s discomfort that his plan may be backfiring.  (BD37)  They are eager to fight and defeat the Volturi.  Vladimir picks Alec, and others pick targets.  With the arrival of Alice and other witnesses, the situation is resolved, and the Volturi leave.  Stefan and Vladimir are clearly disappointed in the outcome.  (BD38)  They leave during the celebration.  (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Noel Fisher

Prepared by: Anny



Full Name: Stefan

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: Sometime before 1000 BC (OIG)

Date of Change:

Originally from: Dacia (Proto-Romania) (OIG)

Hair color:dark brown almost black

Eye color: Dark, vampire burgundy with no milky film (BD32)

Height: “Short” (BD32) 5’3″ (OIG)

Physical description: Slight and short with a powdery look to his skin. (BD32)  Jacob describes him as “creep-tacular.”  (BD33)

Special Talents: None


Family members: Vladimir

Personal history:

Stefan was part of the original ruling Romanian coven.  There were twelve all together in this group.  They came together from smaller covens with the goal of gaining power.  Their rule lasted nearly 1,000 years.  They lived decadently and were feared by both vampires and humans.  None of their ruling members possessed any supernatural qualities outside of what is normal for a vampire.  In fact, they ignored talented vampires preferring to surround themselves with those that had brute strength.  This was a weakness that was eventually exploited by the Volturi. (OIG)

When the Volturi began to rise, they believed that humans shouldn’t know about vampires.  This idea was scoffed at.  After the Romanians were defeated, the Volturi made it part of the law that humans shouldn’t know about the existence of vampires. (OIG)

The Volturi deposed the Romanian coven about 1500 years ago.  The battle raged for several decades.  Stefan’s mate was killed in the third decade of the battle.  The final battle was fought around 810 AD.  It was the first battle that Jane and Alec fought in for the Volturi.  With their power the Romanian’s were decimated.   Stefan and Vladimir are the last surviving members.  They harbor a bitter resentment towards the Volturi. (OIG)

The Volturi deposed the Romanian coven about 1500 years ago.  Stefan and Vladimir are the last surviving members.  They harbor a bitter resentment towards the Volturi.  They arrive at the Cullens wearing simple, modern black clothes that “hinted at older designs.”  Stefan and Vladimir are not interested in whether Renesmee is an immortal child or not.  They hope to see the Volturi challenged and offer their support to defeat them.  (BD32)

Renesmee is curious about their powdery skin and asks Stefan and Vladimir about it.  Vladimir responds that they became almost petrified from being still for so long.  Stefan nods in agreement.  Because of their power, everything came to them with no effort.  (BD33)

Stefan and Vladimir believe that the Volturi claim to be saints by protecting the vampire world from exposure when in reality they continue to conquer and amass power.  They are concerned that the Volturi will be even stronger if they win.  Stefan and Vladimir declare that they will fight the Volturi.  (BD34)

At the clearing, the witnesses cluster to the left and right of the members of the Cullens and Denali clan that make up the front line.  (BD35)  The Volturi are irritated that Stefan and Vladimir are there.  (BD36)

Stefan and Vladimir are happy to see Aro’s discomfort that his plan may be backfiring.  (BD37)  They are eager to fight and defeat the Volturi.  With the arrival of Alice and other witnesses, the situation is resolved, and the Volturi leave.  Stefan and Vladimir are clearly disappointed in the outcome.  (BD38)  They leave during the celebration.  (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Guri Weinberg

Prepared by: Anny



Full Name: Benjamin

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: Unknown

Date of Change: Unknown

Originally from: Egypt

Hair color: “Midnight” (BD32)

Eye color: Vampire Burgundy


Physical description: Olive toned pallor” that “looked barely older than a boy” (BD32)

Special Talents: Physical manipulation of the elements – earth, wind, fire, and water (BD32)

Family members: Egyptian Coven with Amun, Kebi, and Tia – Tia is his mate

Personal history:Amun changes Benjamin to a vampire because of his special talent.  Benjamin and Tia are the younger members of the Egyptian coven.  The coven members look so alike that they could pass for a biological family.  They seem to revolve around Benjamin as if he has some “invisible magnetism.”  Amun tries to turn Benjamin into a weapon, but Benjamin will not be used that way.  (BD32)

Carlisle sends the Egyptian coven to help.  Benjamin is “oddly cheerful” for a vampire and comes across as both “utterly confident and utterly careless.”  He and Tia listen to Renesmee’s “explanation” and are convinced.  Even though Amun wants to leave, Benjamin persuades him to stay with the threat that he and Tia would leave his coven.  Edward says Benjamin clearly knows right from wrong.  Benjamin and Tia become fast friends with the Denali and Irish covens.  (BD32)

When Alistair leaves, Amun argues with Carlisle and Benjamin.  Amun wants to leave too.  Benjamin wants to do the right thing and does not plan to join another coven.  Tia further declares that they will fight the Volturi to protect their freedom, and Benjamin agrees.  (BD34)

During the night, Benjamin moved boulders into natural looking positions along the back of the clearing that could be used as a distraction during a fight.  Benjamin and Zafrina stand beside Bella so she can protect them as long as possible.  (BD35)

When the battle with the Volturi seems imminent, Benjamin and Tia share an intimate moment.  (BD37)  When Alec attacks, Benjamin creates a gust of wind to blow away the “creeping” mist with no success.  Then he creates a gorge across the clearing, but the mist is unaffected.  Benjamin congratulates Bella on her shield.  Aro invites Benjamin and other gifted vampires to join the Volturi since it would be a waste to destroy them.  They do not respond and prepare to fight.  With the arrival of Alice and other witnesses, the situation is resolved, and the Volturi leave.  Benjamin and Tia embrace.  (BD38)  They leave to let Amun and Kebi know what happened.  (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Rami Malek

Prepared by: Anny

The Breaking Dawn Concert Tour-Seattle Q&A

Seattle Signing Transcript

Thank you so much for coming out tonight and wasn’t that just so amazing?  

I’m pretty bummed this is probably the last time in my life I get to be on stage at a rock concert and it’s hard to let that go.  But it has been such an amazing experience to get to work with Justin and sit back there and listen to all of this every other night or so.  It’s been fantastic. I’m just really glad you all could hear that. It’s amazing stuff. I picked some questions that you guys had filled out for the show and hopefully I picked the right ones to answer your burning questions about Breaking Dawn. Although I picked one from The Host.  

Q: Besides Midnight Sun and continuing The Host Series, what else are you thinking of writing about? 

A: First of all obviously I need to work on Midnight Sun and get that finished.  And I don’t know if I will get back to vampires or even The Host, which has kinda been calling to me lately. There are a lot of other characters that are just dying for their chance.  It’s kinda a funny place inside my head.  There’s a lot of people there and they are always jockeying for time and so there’s a couple of stories I’m really excited about right now.  So I think the next thing will probably be a ghost story.  

Q:  (from Lindsey)  You said that Twilight originally had a more defined ending what would that be?

A: Originally when Twilight was just going to be one book and I wasn’t thinking about sequels, Bella and Edward got engaged at the end of Twilight and were headed off toward their happily ever after and then I kept writing epilogues very long epilogues  and I realized gosh I’m not ready to be done with these characters but where do I go from here?  And that’s why I wrote the original sequel that I call Forever Dawn.  It sorta starts where Eclipse ended and then I thought there’s a lot of time skipped over here.  Bella’s senior year, there is so much that I had just said eh with one thing and another…..So I went back and delved more deeply into high school and I’m really glad I did because I had a tremendous time writing Eclipse.  That’s where Twilight originally ended.  

Q: (from Rebecca)  Could you please explain all the symbolism in the four covers?

A: Twilight which is about the idea of choice.  You have an offer in that cover.  Are you going to choose to take that apple.  Apples have a lot of history so there’s a good chance that it’s poisoned, just going off the mythology.  So that made a really interesting idea.  Is Bella going to find out about this other world or is she happier the way she is?  Of course we know what she chose. Then we have New Moon, a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all.  This was before I got to veto covers, so that one someone in the company thought that was a really cool color scheme.   And I was like okay well whatever.  Then we have Eclipse, which I did get to have a say in.  And this is sort of a physical example of what happens when you try to break away from your old life and you don’t do it clean cut.  It gets messy.  There are strings you can’t break.  Bella trying to break away from her life it got pretty messy for awhile there, so this was my visual representation of that.   And then we have Breaking Dawn which I did have a say in and this is exactly what I wanted.  And I was really happy with the way it turned out.  There are two reasons for this cover in one sense it is the cover for the entire series.  Because we have Bella starting out as the weakest player on the board and then she progresses to where she becomes the most powerful player on the board.  And she’s really the one that affects the ending of the story.  Also it’s specific to Breaking Dawn because I knew the end was going to be a mental game and what game represents a mental game more than chess?  So I wanted to foreshadow the end.  

Q: (from Janessa)  In the beginning of each book you but a quote, what was your favorite quote so far?  

A:   I really liked doing Fire and Ice because it’s one of my favorite poems.  I was really pleased at how nicely that tied in. And I really enjoyed quoting Orson Scott Card in the last one because all these other authors are dead and gone and here we have someone in the modern day who is writing with such insight that he can do these profound one sentence statements that just blow me away so I was really excited to quote him.

Q:  (from Caitlin)  Do you think of things as you write them or do you have them all planned out ahead of time?

A:  I’ve noticed a lot of people that come out to my signings, like 99% are interested in writing in some capacity.  I think those are the kind of people that come to signings, they want to know more about it.  so I like to pull a few questions about writing.  I am still pretty new to the process.  I’ve only been doing this for five years.  With Twilight, there was no plan.  It was completely a mess.  I just wrote to see what would happen.  After that I did have to use outlines.  But I don’t stick to them very often.  I think my favorite outline is for The Host.  In the end it was at least 75 pages long single spaced.  It actually included portions of dialogue  and then I was changing it as things went.  Things that were in the outline melted away and others came in which happens a lot when you have strong characters they don’t follow the rules, or the outline.  So I’m still playing with that.  I like to do really long detailed outlines that I then refuse to follow.  That’s sorta my system right now.  

Q: (from Nichole)  How would you encourage other writers? 

A:  I think that my life should be an encouragement to other writers.  I did not plan to have a writing career.  I was terrified at the thought of trying to get published because of the rejection that was sure to come.  And look what’s happened.  This is amazing.  I’m in this room with 2000 people who are excited about my books.  And I get to hang out with a rock star backstage.  So if that doesn’t encourage you, i don’t know what will. 

Q:  When is Midnight Sun going to be published?

A:  I want you all to know that this may not happen right away.   I have for the past three years been under deadlines.  It’s been rough.  So I’m planning on taking my time and writing when the spirit strikes.  Now that could mean it won’t take very long at all.  I wrote Twilight very quickly but I don’t want to make any promises.  So I can’t give you exact dates on this but when I have a workable rough draft I will have a sense of how long because the editing process is fairly standard and I will be able to let you know when that is going to be.  

Q:  Now a question about The Host. (Stephenie gives a thumbs up and grins adorably)  In The Host when Kyle goes after Jodi, why did he not feel the hatred and resentment to Sunny that Jared felt towards Wanda?  

A:  The reason is because he knew Wanda and even though he reacted pretty negatively toward her himself, it let him view Sunny in a whole different perspective.  And so he wasn’t able to have that negative reaction.  Once you’ve been hanging out around a Soul it’s hard to see them in the same way.  

Q: (from Jan) What kind of Ferrari does Bella drive?

A:  Such an easy answer because really can you drive anything other than an F 430?  Is there another Ferrari?  Because I’m not aware of one.  Oh and it’s red.

Q: If the werewolves stay werewolves for as long as there is danger will Jake remain a werewolf forever? 

A:  That’s not exactly how it works.  The vampires being around triggers the change but after that as long as they phase into a werewolf fairly frequently, I don’t know a couple times a month…They have to stop phasing completely for the aging to pick up again so Jacob’s pretty much good to go.  

Q:  Why did you decide not to have a bloodbath at the end of Breaking Dawn, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad everyone lived but there was so much built up for the Volturi confrontation.

A:  This was something that I always knew was going to be this way.  And I did try to put a few clues into the manuscript.  The mention of The Merchant of Venice was deliberate to foreshadow a battle of the minds more than a physical battle.  I am not a person, I don’t think I have it in me to write the Hamlet ending where like everything is bodies and there is one guy you don’t know standing there giving a monologue about how tragic it all was.  That is so not me.  And I knew if the fight really got started that there were not going to be very many people left standing on either side and I wanted a win, I wanted a clear cut win and this was the way to do it.

Q:  How were Jane and Alec special in their human lives to warrant such superbly powerful vampire talents?  

A:  So Alec and Jane are really for all intents and purposes in the Twilight universe would be considered witches when they were human.  If you made Jane angry with you, even as a small child, bad things happened.  Aro was aware of the twins and he was very interested in acquiring them.  So imagine his disapproval when their village burned them at the stake. He interrupted that and village was no more and being burned at the stake part sort focused all their talents.  Alec became all about no pain, that’s where he was focusing.  Whereas Jane wanted to inflict that pain on others.  So that’s really how their talents developed. But they were talented before, when they were human.  

Q:  Out of all of Carlisle’s nomadic vampire friends, which one is your favorite?

A:  Clearly  I have a soft spot for Garrett right?  I really had fun bringing in the vampire world with all the range that is there  I really like Siobhan too.  She’s pretty cool.  And then the Romanians I just love.  They are creepy in such a fascinating way.  

Q: (from Jessica)  Where you sad when you made Bella a vampire and do you/did you miss her human qualities.  

A:  One of the interesting things about writing Bella as a vampire was that she really did lose some of her relatablity for me because at every point up until that point in the story I would say I could step into this story right here and I could do everything she could do which made it really fun.  You felt like you could be a part of the book because you knew, I could do what Bella does, I could trip.  So I could relate to her she wasn’t this super exotic person with magic powers, she was just Bella.  And I liked that.  I did know she was going to be a  vampire, all along I knew that by the way.  All these people were like are you ever going to make her a vampire and I wanted say um YEAH.  So I knew she was going to be a vampire and I wanted to experience that.  I wanted to get a sense of what that felt like.  But at the same time in writing it I couldn’t step into the story any more because I couldn’t do that.  And that made it a little harder.  So I was kinda sad to see her lose that relatablity.   Because she was a new and exciting Bella but she wasn’t a Bella I could be  and it was a little bit sad for me but I wanted to her to have that ending.  So I was happy for her but we just weren’t as close as we had been before.  It was a little weird.  

Q:  Why did you chose to end this series after the fourth book?  

A:  I knew this wasn’t going to be the same story once Bella was a vampire and it wasn’t going to be the same experience so after her story was resolved in that way, I feel like it’s told there are series that can go on forever and ever but I feel like it would be really unnatural to prolong Bella’s story that way and I didn’t want to ruin the story arc.  When the story goes the right direction for me, it’s very visual and I can see the shape of it every story has a different shape and as a whole, these four books this was the right shape for them.  So it was the right place to end and it doesn’t mean that I am done but there are a whole lot of stories in my head, but this story has just reached it’s natural conclusion and I don’t want to ruin that.


Thank you to Ouisa for providing this transcript

Final Stop on the Breaking Dawn Concert Tour

The final Breaking Dawn Concert Tour event is tonight in Seattle, Washington. As soon as we have a transcript we will edit this post . This event is not being broadcast live.


Thank you to Ouisa!

Seattle Signing Transcript

Thank you so much for coming out tonight and wasn’t that just so amazing?  

I’m pretty bummed this is probably the last time in my life I get to be on stage at a rock concert and it’s hard to let that go.  But it has been such an amazing experience to get to work with Justin and sit back there and listen to all of this every other night or so.  It’s been fantastic. I’m just really glad you all could hear that. It’s amazing stuff. I picked some questions that you guys had filled out for the show and hopefully I picked the right ones to answer your burning questions about Breaking Dawn. Although I picked one from The Host.  

Q: Besides Midnight Sun and continuing The Host Series, what else are you thinking of writing about? 

A: First of all obviously I need to work on Midnight Sun and get that finished.  And I don’t know if I will get back to vampires or even The Host, which has kinda been calling to me lately. There are a lot of other characters that are just dying for their chance.  It’s kinda a funny place inside my head.  There’s a lot of people there and they are always jockeying for time and so there’s a couple of stories I’m really excited about right now.  So I think the next thing will probably be a ghost story.  

Q:  (from Lindsey)  You said that Twilight originally had a more defined ending what would that be?

A: Originally when Twilight was just going to be one book and I wasn’t thinking about sequels, Bella and Edward got engaged at the end of Twilight and were headed off toward their happily ever after and then I kept writing epilogues very long epilogues  and I realized gosh I’m not ready to be done with these characters but where do I go from here?  And that’s why I wrote the original sequel that I call Forever Dawn.  It sorta starts where Eclipse ended and then I thought there’s a lot of time skipped over here.  Bella’s senior year, there is so much that I had just said eh with one thing and another…..So I went back and delved more deeply into high school and I’m really glad I did because I had a tremendous time writing Eclipse.  That’s where Twilight originally ended.  

Q: (from Rebecca)  Could you please explain all the symbolism in the four covers?

A: Twilight which is about the idea of choice.  You have an offer in that cover.  Are you going to choose to take that apple.  Apples have a lot of history so there’s a good chance that it’s poisoned, just going off the mythology.  So that made a really interesting idea.  Is Bella going to find out about this other world or is she happier the way she is?  Of course we know what she chose. Then we have New Moon, a very lovely ruffled tulip that means nothing at all.  This was before I got to veto covers, so that one someone in the company thought that was a really cool color scheme.   And I was like okay well whatever.  Then we have Eclipse, which I did get to have a say in.  And this is sort of a physical example of what happens when you try to break away from your old life and you don’t do it clean cut.  It gets messy.  There are strings you can’t break.  Bella trying to break away from her life it got pretty messy for awhile there, so this was my visual representation of that.   And then we have Breaking Dawn which I did have a say in and this is exactly what I wanted.  And I was really happy with the way it turned out.  There are two reasons for this cover in one sense it is the cover for the entire series.  Because we have Bella starting out as the weakest player on the board and then she progresses to where she becomes the most powerful player on the board.  And she’s really the one that affects the ending of the story.  Also it’s specific to Breaking Dawn because I knew the end was going to be a mental game and what game represents a mental game more than chess?  So I wanted to foreshadow the end.  

Q: (from Janessa)  In the beginning of each book you but a quote, what was your favorite quote so far?  

A:   I really liked doing Fire and Ice because it’s one of my favorite poems.  I was really pleased at how nicely that tied in. And I really enjoyed quoting Orson Scott Card in the last one because all these other authors are dead and gone and here we have someone in the modern day who is writing with such insight that he can do these profound one sentence statements that just blow me away so I was really excited to quote him.

Q:  (from Caitlin)  Do you think of things as you write them or do you have them all planned out ahead of time?

A:  I’ve noticed a lot of people that come out to my signings, like 99% are interested in writing in some capacity.  I think those are the kind of people that come to signings, they want to know more about it.  so I like to pull a few questions about writing.  I am still pretty new to the process.  I’ve only been doing this for five years.  With Twilight, there was no plan.  It was completely a mess.  I just wrote to see what would happen.  After that I did have to use outlines.  But I don’t stick to them very often.  I think my favorite outline is for The Host.  In the end it was at least 75 pages long single spaced.  It actually included portions of dialogue  and then I was changing it as things went.  Things that were in the outline melted away and others came in which happens a lot when you have strong characters they don’t follow the rules, or the outline.  So I’m still playing with that.  I like to do really long detailed outlines that I then refuse to follow.  That’s sorta my system right now.  

Q: (from Nichole)  How would you encourage other writers? 

A:  I think that my life should be an encouragement to other writers.  I did not plan to have a writing career.  I was terrified at the thought of trying to get published because of the rejection that was sure to come.  And look what’s happened.  This is amazing.  I’m in this room with 2000 people who are excited about my books.  And I get to hang out with a rock star backstage.  So if that doesn’t encourage you, i don’t know what will. 

Q:  When is Midnight Sun going to be published?

A:  I want you all to know that this may not happen right away.   I have for the past three years been under deadlines.  It’s been rough.  So I’m planning on taking my time and writing when the spirit strikes.  Now that could mean it won’t take very long at all.  I wrote Twilight very quickly but I don’t want to make any promises.  So I can’t give you exact dates on this but when I have a workable rough draft I will have a sense of how long because the editing process is fairly standard and I will be able to let you know when that is going to be.  

Q:  Now a question about The Host. (Stephenie gives a thumbs up and grins adorably)  In The Host when Kyle goes after Jodi, why did he not feel the hatred and resentment to Sunny that Jared felt towards Wanda?  

A:  The reason is because he knew Wanda and even though he reacted pretty negatively toward her himself, it let him view Sunny in a whole different perspective.  And so he wasn’t able to have that negative reaction.  Once you’ve been hanging out around a Soul it’s hard to see them in the same way.  

Q: (from Jan) What kind of Ferrari does Bella drive?

A:  Such an easy answer because really can you drive anything other than an F 430?  Is there another Ferrari?  Because I’m not aware of one.  Oh and it’s red.

Q: If the werewolves stay werewolves for as long as there is danger will Jake remain a werewolf forever? 

A:  That’s not exactly how it works.  The vampires being around triggers the change but after that as long as they phase into a werewolf fairly frequently, I don’t know a couple times a month…They have to stop phasing completely for the aging to pick up again so Jacob’s pretty much good to go.  

Q:  Why did you decide not to have a bloodbath at the end of Breaking Dawn, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad everyone lived but there was so much built up for the Volturi confrontation.

A:  This was something that I always knew was going to be this way.  And I did try to put a few clues into the manuscript.  The mention of The Merchant of Venice was deliberate to foreshadow a battle of the minds more than a physical battle.  I am not a person, I don’t think I have it in me to write the Hamlet ending where like everything is bodies and there is one guy you don’t know standing there giving a monologue about how tragic it all was.  That is so not me.  And I knew if the fight really got started that there were not going to be very many people left standing on either side and I wanted a win, I wanted a clear cut win and this was the way to do it.

Q:  How were Jane and Alec special in their human lives to warrant such superbly powerful vampire talents?  

A:  So Alec and Jane are really for all intents and purposes in the Twilight universe would be considered witches when they were human.  If you made Jane angry with you, even as a small child, bad things happened.  Aro was aware of the twins and he was very interested in acquiring them.  So imagine his disapproval when their village burned them at the stake. He interrupted that and village was no more and being burned at the stake part sort focused all their talents.  Alec became all about no pain, that’s where he was focusing.  Whereas Jane wanted to inflict that pain on others.  So that’s really how their talents developed. But they were talented before, when they were human.  

Q:  Out of all of Carlisle’s nomadic vampire friends, which one is your favorite?

A:  Clearly  I have a soft spot for Garrett right?  I really had fun bringing in the vampire world with all the range that is there  I really like Siobhan too.  She’s pretty cool.  And then the Romanians I just love.  They are creepy in such a fascinating way.  

Q: (from Jessica)  Where you sad when you made Bella a vampire and do you/did you miss her human qualities.  

A:  One of the interesting things about writing Bella as a vampire was that she really did lose some of her relatablity for me because at every point up until that point in the story I would say I could step into this story right here and I could do everything she could do which made it really fun.  You felt like you could be a part of the book because you knew, I could do what Bella does, I could trip.  So I could relate to her she wasn’t this super exotic person with magic powers, she was just Bella.  And I liked that.  I did know she was going to be a  vampire, all along I knew that by the way.  All these people were like are you ever going to make her a vampire and I wanted say um YEAH.  So I knew she was going to be a vampire and I wanted to experience that.  I wanted to get a sense of what that felt like.  But at the same time in writing it I couldn’t step into the story any more because I couldn’t do that.  And that made it a little harder.  So I was kinda sad to see her lose that relatablity.   Because she was a new and exciting Bella but she wasn’t a Bella I could be  and it was a little bit sad for me but I wanted to her to have that ending.  So I was happy for her but we just weren’t as close as we had been before.  It was a little weird.  

Q:  Why did you chose to end this series after the fourth book?  

A:  I knew this wasn’t going to be the same story once Bella was a vampire and it wasn’t going to be the same experience so after her story was resolved in that way, I feel like it’s told there are series that can go on forever and ever but I feel like it would be really unnatural to prolong Bella’s story that way and I didn’t want to ruin the story arc.  When the story goes the right direction for me, it’s very visual and I can see the shape of it every story has a different shape and as a whole, these four books this was the right shape for them.  So it was the right place to end and it doesn’t mean that I am done but there are a whole lot of stories in my head, but this story has just reached it’s natural conclusion and I don’t want to ruin that.


counting down – 3 days

Its day 8 of our count down till the release of the first chapter of Breaking dawn in the Special Edition of Eclipse.  Today we are featuring a theory from our Breaking Dawn Theories thread by:



Stephenie says that in Breaking Dawn we find out what Alec’s gift is. And also, she says it’s potent in battle.. Many Books series’ have ended with an all inclusive "Ultimate Showdown" sort of battle, and i think that since stephenie hinted that Aro wants to take the Cullen’s down, Twilight may have that ending too.

What do you think Twilight fans?  What is Alec’s Potent Power?  Will the book end in a classic showdown, Alec verses Edward…or perhaps Alec verses Jacob? 

Or will Alec indeed turn out to be the Casanova of Volterra?!  (see April Fools Volturi Take Over)


Full Name:  Gianna

Status: Human

Date of Birth: Late 1970’s

Originally from: Italy

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green (NM21)

Height: 5’6” (OIL)

Physical description: Very pretty with dark skin (NM21)

Occupation:  Receptionist for the Volturi

Family members: 

Personal history:  Gianna greets Jane from a posh reception area.  She is not surprised to see Edward, Bella, and Alice.  She giggles when Felix winks at her.  (NM21)

Demetri leads Edward, Bella, and Alice back to the reception area and tells them not to leave until dark.  Gianna politely asks if she can get them anything.  Edward declines, and she leaves.  Edward explains to Bella that Gianna knows about the Volturi.  Even though it is possible that they will kill her, Gianna hopes that they will change her to a vampire instead.  Bella is shocked that she would want to join the Volturi after seeing groups of people be led to that “hideous room” to be killed.  After Alec says that it is o.k. to leave, Gianna gives Edward, Bella, and Alice directions on how to exit the building and pleasantly tells them goodbye.  Bella wonders “if her competence [will] be enough to save her.”  (NM22)

Gianna did not survive.  “That’s one of the problems with working for the Volturi. It’s a hazardous job.” (BD Concert Tour–LA Q&A)

Portrayed in the films by:  Justine Wachsberger

Prepared by: Anny