Search Results for: Alec


Full Name: Demetri

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth:

Originally from:

Hair color: Black hair that “waved to his shoulders” (NM21)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy

Height: Tall (BD36)

Physical description: “Hard and lean as the blade of a sword” (BD36) with a “slightly olive complexion [that] looked odd combined with his chalky pallor” (NM21)

Special Talents: Tracker that catches the “tenor of someone’s mind” and follows it (NM24)

Occupation: Volturi Guard tracker

Family members: Member of the Volturi Guard

Personal history: Aro sends Felix and Demetri to bring Edward back to talk again.  However, he politely declines and moves to protect Bella.  Felix and Demetri try to force Edward further into the dark alley to avoid a scene.  They are not happy when Alice shows up to even things up.  When Jane arrives, they further relax their positions.  They lead Edward, Bella, and Alice to the turret room.  (NM20)

While escorting Edward, Bella, and Alice out, Demetri motions to make room for a large group of humans that pass in the hallway before entering the turret room.  He welcomes Heidi and compliments her with “nice fishing.”  She thanks him, and Demetri asks her to save a few for him.  (NM21)  He leaves Edward, Bella, and Alice in the reception area with Gianna and tells them not to leave until dark.  (NM22)

After the fight with Victoria and the newborn army is over, Edward tells Bella that Demetri came with Jane.  Jane tells Felix to destroy Bree and then they leave.  (EC25)

The Volturi arrive at the clearing “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” — “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  Bella sees Jane and Alec next to Marcus with Demetri on their other side.  Aro has Felix and Demetri accompany him when he meets Renesmee.  Demetri comments to Edward about the “interesting company” that they keep regarding the wolves.  (BD36)  When Aro wants to question some of the Cullens’ witnesses, Renata, Felix, and Demetri move with him.  (BD37)

With the arrival of Alice and her witnesses, Aro casts the deciding vote and announces that he sees no threat from the “half-vampire children.”  He turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  (BD38)

Portrayed in the films by: Charlie Bewley

Prepared by: Anny

Volturi Update

I have lots of updates for you today, most of which concern the Volturi.  I ended up taking some of my information from the message boards as well as asking Steph a few questions.  I’ve combined all of that information, as well as a few other tid bits, into PC10.  Check it out. 

I sent Stephenie the ten questions from lexicon members that Pel and I decided were the best ones for her to answer right now.  I will add them to PC10 once Stephenie has a chance to get them back to me.  She is still on tour and so this could take a while.  Keep in mind that anything relating to the werewolves, Rosalie, and Jasper will be answered in Eclipse, so I couldn’t include them.  Even still, she did scold me for not picking any easy questions, so we should end up with some really great information when it’s all said and done.

Lastly, I have added the bios for Jane and Alec as well as updated the bios for Aro, Caius, and Marcus.   


Full Name: Jane

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth:

Date of Change: Unknown but very young (PC10)

Originally from:

Hair color: “Lank, pale brown hair trimmed short” (NM20)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy

Height: Petite – “smallest members of the guard” (BD36)

Physical description: “Slim and androgynous” figure with a pretty face, wide-eyes, and full-lips (NM20)

Special Talents: Inflicts pain with her thoughts (NM21) but only one person at a time (BD30) — it’s a very effective form of torture (SMW)


Family members: Member of the Volturi Guard – Alec is her twin brother (PC10)

Personal history: Jane and Alec are considered witches when they were human. Aro is aware of the special talents that the twins had and wants to acquire them when they are older.  When they are being burned at the stake for witchcraft, Aro steps in to save them and slaughters the whole village.  Being burned at the stake intensifies their talents as vampires.  Alec is all about no pain, and Jane wants to inflict that pain on others.  (PC10/BD Concert Tour – Seattle Q&A)  Jane always wants to please Aro since he is the one person of significance in her life besides Alec.  She loves being Aro’s prize, his jewel.  (From Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket The Villainous Volturi on

Jane arrives and asks Edward, Bella, and Alice to follow her.  (NM20)  She greets Gianna along the way.  When she sees Alec, they kiss “each other’s cheeks on both sides.”  She laughs when Alec compliments her on bringing back “two…and a half.”  Alec and Jane lead them to the turret room.  Aro is delighted to see Jane and kisses her lightly on the lips.  He is pleased that she brought back Edward and is ecstatic to see Bella and Alice too.  When Aro finds out that Bella is immune to his talent, he asks Jane to try her talent on her too.  Edward lunges towards Jane to protect Bella.  Even though no one touches him, Edward is on the ground in agony as Jane smiles at him.  When Aro calls to Jane, she looks away, and Edward relaxes.  Aro then motions to Bella, and Jane smiles at her with no reaction.  Jane is so frustrated that she prepares to spring, but Aro calms her down.  Aro tells Edward that he is brave to endure Jane’s torture in silence.  He understands since he was curious and asked Jane to test her talent on him.  Jane and Felix scowl when Aro asks Edward to join the Volturi.  Jane is offended when Aro compares Bella’s potential talent to hers.  Jane and Felix are also disappointed when Aro lets Edward, Bella, and Alice go.  (NM21)

Bree notices Jane and three dark cloaked figures in a “perfect diamond formation” walk towards the house where Victoria and Riley are.  Jane wants to know what Victoria’s intentions are and is curious how she has eluded detection.  She finds out that Victoria has not made the decision to attack the Cullens yet.  Jane gives her an ultimatum – decide what to do with her newborn army or they will destroy her “as the law demands.”  Victoria asks for time to prepare her army.  Jane gives her five days and then they leave.  (BT)  Jane did not want to go to Victoria since she wants the Cullens to be destroyed especially Alice.  She’s making her own decisions that could get her into trouble.  (From Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket Release #7 on  Jane knows that Aro wants Alice.  She is so jealous that she would risk Aro’s anger to kill Alice.  (From Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket The Villainous Volturi on

Jane and the other Volturi guard arrive after the fight with the newborn army is over.  Edward greets Jane.  She notices Bree and seems annoyed.  Edward says that she surrendered.  Jane seems half confused and half frustrated with Carlisle since he is willing to help Bree.  Jane passes on Aro’s regards to Carlisle.  After she questions Carlisle about the newborns, Jane asks about their creator.  Bree knows that she is lying.  Edward says it was Victoria and indicates that he already destroyed her.  Bree is defiant when Jane asks about her name.  Jane tortures her with an agonizing fiery pain.  Then the pain disappears as if Bree is imagining it.  Bree tells Jane her name.  Jane smiles again at Bree, and the torture resumes.  Edward tells Jane that Bree will answer her questions without being tortured.  Bree confirms the number of newborns but does not know anything about her creator.  She tells Jane about Riley and why they came to destroy the “strange yellow-eyes.”  Bree senses that Jane is relieved that Riley did not tell her or the others about her visit to see Victoria.  However, Bree hopes that Edward would read her mind and know the truth about Jane.  Jane was hoping that Victoria’s army would have destroyed some of the Cullens at least.  She asks what was the motivation behind Victoria’s attack.  Edward replies that Victoria had a grudge against Bella.  When she could not torture Bella, Bree discerns that this was not normal for Jane and it was driving her crazy in spite of her nonchalance.  Jane says that there is nothing left to do, and Edward replies that it was a shame that they had not arrived earlier to fulfill their purpose.  Bree senses her time is up when Jane looks at her.  Jane has what she needed but is not aware of what Bree told Edward via her thoughts – “the vampire cops were dirty – really dirty.”  Carlisle volunteers to take responsibility for Bree and teach her the rules.  Jane states that there are no exceptions.  She says that Caius will be interested to know that Bella is still human.  Alice replies that the date has been set.  Bree notices that Jane hates Alice ten times more than she hates Bella.  Jane tells Felix to destroy Bree and then they leave.  (BT/EC25)

Alice sees Caius sending a hunting party that includes Jane and Alec to see if Bella is human.  She sends a wedding announcement to delay them.  (BD27)

Edward tells Bella that Jane and Alec are the Volturi’s “greatest offense.”  Where Jane can make you “feel the worst pain imaginable,” Alec makes you feel “absolutely nothing.”  (BD30)

The Volturi arrive at the clearing “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” — “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  Bella sees Jane and Alec next to Marcus with Demetri on their other side.  Jane smiles smugly at Edward as he walks towards Aro.  Jane is not happy to learn that Aro gave Bella a necklace as a gift.  (BD36)

While Aro, Caius, and Marcus counsel, Jane tries to attack Carlisle and some of the Cullens’ witnesses, but Bella’s shield is protecting them.  She is furious that no one is affected by her “fiery assault.”  When Bella smugly smiles at her, Jane snarls and crouches to spring when Alec stops her.  He comforts his sister then turns his attention to the Cullens and their witnesses.  Edward explains that Alec’s gift is slower than Jane’s.  With the arrival of Alice and her witnesses, Aro casts the deciding vote and announces that he sees no threat from the “half-vampire children.”  He turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  (BD38)

Portrayed in the films by: Dakota Fanning

Prepared by: Anny

Personal Correspondence #10

These are questions and answers taken off of the message boards as well as a few that came from my own e-mails with Stephenie.  I’ve also added the few questions that Stephenie could answer from our "ask Stephenie" thread. 

Q.  Are the Volturi the whole group, or does that name only apply to Marcus, Aro, and Caius?

A.  The Volturi are just Aro, Marcus, Caius, and two females who never go out.  There were six of them originally, but Marcus lost his mate in a battle.  That loss, over the centuries, turned him into the apathetic zombie he is today.  The guard are not technically Volturi, though the name still applies loosely.

Q.  Can you tell us more about them?

A.  Aro is freakishly curious. He keeps the histories, and new stories are one of his favorite things.

Marcus’s gift is actually quite valuable in the hands of someone who knows how to use it (coughArocough). For example, imagine Marcus on the battle field. He sees the binding ties between the enemy the guard faces. He can tell who the leader is just by watching the way the others are tied to him or her. He can see how to destroy the resistance simply by picking off a few key people. He doesn’t just see romantic relationships, but also ties of family and friends, loyalty and devotion. He can tell if any given person would die for another. Off the field of battle (as the Volturi rarely leave their home), Marcus’s gift is valuable politically (for lack of a better word). It’s an amazing gift in a diplomatic situation. Plus, when you’re sitting on an empire, it’s nice to be able to see when someone’s loyalty starts wavering. Or if anyone is getting too fond of anyone else. Can you see the potential now? Marcus didn’t get where he is with some fluff skill.

Q.  Are Jane and Alec related?  How did they join the Volturi?

A.  Alec is Jane’s twin brother. (I will not tell you what his gift is, only that it is more potent in battle than hers. He is one of the main reasons that the Volturi guard is invincible.)  They were burned at the stake for witchcraft when Aro stepped in.  (By "stepped in" I mean "slaughtered the whole village," of course).  Aro already had his eye on these two, but he wanted to let them age before he took them.  The villagers forced his hand, which sort of pissed him off.  The shape Jane’s talent took was influenced by the fire she endured before Aro saved her. 

Q.  If Bella is immune to vampire powers, why can Jasper and Alice use their talents on her?

A.  Bella has a very private MIND. No one can touch her there. What Jane does is entirely illusion–you only THINK you’re feeling pain. What Aro does is like what Edward does–he gets inside your head.

What Jasper does effects not the thoughts, but the body. He doesn’t make you THINK you are calm, he actually puts your body into a calmed state. Or angry, or whatever. It’s physical rather than mental. Alice sees the outcome of Bella’s decisions, because those outcomes happen in the real world, not just inside Bella’s head.

Q.  When is Jacob’s birthday?

A.  I don’t know Jacob’s birthday for sure.  I’ve never assigned one.  Sometime during Bella’s zombie period, though.

Q.  On one thread you said that Carlisle & Esme have a spiritual relationship, Rosalie & Emmett were physical, and Alice & Jasper were mythical. I was wondering about Bella’s and Edward’s relationship, what is theirs?

A.  Before I answer this, I want to say that the traits I assigned to the Cullen couples were not to be understood as totally definitive; these characteristics, spiritual, physical and mythical, were merely the most prominent facet of each relationship—other facets are still quite strong with each.  For example, though Carlisle and Esme have a very strong spiritual and intellectual link, they also are quite attracted to each other physically.  The same goes for the others.

As far as Bella and Edward, I see their relationship as being fairly well balanced between all the facets.  Obviously the physical attraction is strong, as is the intellectual interest.  Like Alice and Jasper, their pairing feels very fated.  In some ways, they are perfectly designed for each other. 
Q. How could Rosalie underestimate Edward’s feelings for Bella so badly? What made her think that Edward would just go back to normal once Bella was dead? Especially since he had been already completely miserable when the two were just separated. Is she really that unobservant? Or is there more to it?

A.  Rosalie is an egocentric person.  One of the side effects of being born more beautiful than anyone else.  Though she has her good qualities—loyalty, determination, self-discipline, and a very strong bond to her adoptive family—these qualities are often overshadowed by her self-absorption.  She prefers to see Edward’s fascination with Bella as a strange quirk—and a transitory one at that.  Because to Rosalie, of course, the main love story going on here is hers and Emmett’s.  How could anyone else feel the same?  Especially about some plain-jane human girl who Edward doesn’t even want to make immortal? 

Ah, we’re getting deep into Rosalie’s well of denial now!  See, Rosalie wanted Emmett, so she forced an unwilling Carlisle to change him.  It turns into true love, and Rosalie has the staring role in the happily-ever-after-romance. 

And then Edward falls for a human, and he insists on keeping her human.  (Of course it’s different, since Emmett was bleeding to death, but, still) Rosalie can take this one of two ways.  One: Edward doesn’t love this girl all that much.  Two: he loves her more than Rosalie ever loved Emmett.  Which way do you think Rosalie would prefer to look at it?
Q. Where do you get your inspiration for your writing?  For example – the pain Bella feels at losing Edward is so very real.  What sort of experiences do you draw from to describe those types of emotions?  How did you develop such diverse personalities?

A.  This is a tricky question for me to answer; I know that a lot of the people who read my books would like to write their own books, and I want to be as helpful to those writers as possibly.  This is one of those areas where I can’t be super helpful, because I don’t have a process to be learned from or imitated.  The original inspiration I had, the dream that spawned Twilight, was hardly something I invited or controlled.  After that unconscious beginning, pretty much every thing just came to me in a very effortless and natural way.  Characters, particularly, seem to spring to life for me, fully rounded and completely intriguing (to me, anyway) from conception.  I don’t brainstorm for characters, I don’t write out lists of characteristics to flesh them out, I don’t look for real life people to base them on.  I’m not knocking those methods at all—I know they work quite well for many authors—but I don’t use them personally.  I do let my characters talk to me, and I listen to them.  Many of my stories have ranged out of control because I let my characters do what they want, rather than what I wanted.  Maybe they wouldn’t be so alive if I kept them under control.

Again, I have an unhelpful answer when it comes to the other question—where in my personal history do I draw from to create the emotions in my stories?  I have never suffered a heartbreak like Bella’s.  Nothing close.  The few times I had my heart stepped on, I was not devastated, nor was I melodramatic.  Life went on, and I went with it.  I was very practical about my rejections, and I was well aware that it was never true love that I was losing.  So where does Bella’s pain come from?  It comes from her.  Even if I had experienced the loss of a true love, I know that my reaction would not have been like Bella’s.  She is a much less cynical person, much more open—to both pain and joy.  When writing New Moon, at first I didn’t know how she would respond to having her true love taken from her.  I was honestly surprised by the way she chose to cope with it.

I’m sorry, because I know that none of that helps a budding author.  I guess all I can say is, try to believe in your characters.  Let them live, and try to listen to them.  Let them shape your stories around their true character, rather than trying to shove their character unnaturally into your story.
Q. How did Jasper and Alice fall in love?  Was it love at first sight?  They seem so different from each other, what was it that drew them to each other?  Any information about their relationship would be great!

A.  Eclipse will answer this question to an extent.  When that information is available, it will be easier to discuss Jasper’s and Alice’s relationship.
Q. What happened to Jacob’s mother?

A.  She died in an uneventful way.  I haven’t decided exactly how because there’s never been a need to set it in stone for the story (not everything is determined, despite what some think.  I leave many details open until I have a reason to fix them a certain way).  I only know that there wasn’t any mystery or unnecessary drama about Sarah’s death.  It was, of course, a very sad thing in Billy’s, Jacob’s, Rachel’s, and Rebecca’s lives (and one reason why the twin sisters are more comfortable away from the sad memories of their home).  However, Jacob was young and he is naturally resilient.  He recovered well.
Q. Does a vampire’s skin heal?  And if so, then why do the Volturi have such brittle looking skin?

A.  The first question will be discussed in book three; the second question will be discussed in book four. 

Q.  . Why did the Cullens, particularly Alice and even Carlisle, ever agree to move on from Forks and go along with Edward’s irrational plan to leave Bella for her own good? Can you share with us some of the conversation that must have gone on at the Cullen household the night after Bella’s birthday party disaster?

A.  I’m not going to write this scene out for you, but I’ll give you the gist.

When it comes to Bella, it’s all entirely Edward’s decision.  It’s his life, and his love, and his choice.  The others don’t have a say in how he chooses to handle it anymore than your brothers and sisters can tell you who to fall in love with and how to go about it.  Carlisle plays the role of the father in the Cullen family, and Edward respects his opinions greatly, but Carlisle does not give Edward permission to do things.  Edward is an adult with a century of wisdom under his belt.  No one gives him permission to do anything.

Of course, Carlisle had a very intense conversation with Edward about his decision, but it was Edward’s decision alone.  And Carlisle, already tormented by whether or not it was an evil thing to create his family, could hardly argue with Edward’s motivations.  If there is one thing Carlisle values, it is the human soul.

It did affect the rest of them, of course, in that they all had to relocate, but Edward has relocated for all of the rest of them many times (particularly Emmett).  It’s never been his fault when they’ve had to move in the past.  They owe him.  Big time.

Alice wasn’t thrilled with the plan, but she doesn’t live in the same world as you and I.  She considered Edward’s effort a wasted attempt, but one that would turn out okay in the end.  She couldn’t see a future where Edward didn’t eventually cave and end up with Bella.  Not until she saw Bella throw herself off a cliff.
Q. Do the “younger”  looking Cullens ever resent being made to act so young?  It seems that going through school over and over again is a real bore for them, so I have to wonder if they might resent some of the limitations imposed on them because of their supposed ages.  Is this something that Carlisle , with all of his compassion, ever took into consideration when he decided to change teenagers in to vampires?

A. Carlisle didn’t change all that many teenagers into vampires.  One seventeen year old, one eighteen year old (which was further past the age of adulthood in the early 1900s than it is now), one twenty year old, and one twenty-six year old. 

Carlisle wasn’t considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death.  After Rosalie, he wasn’t going to change anyone else.  But when Rosalie begged for Emmett, he gave in, hoping that she would find some happiness with her choice.  It worked out in a stellar fashion.

Now to the point:  The younger-looking Cullens do not resent being MADE to act young, because no one makes them do anything.  It is a group choice to try to stay in a settled home for as long as possible.  They are free to choose whatever age they like, but they want to make the most of their time, so they start young. 
Q.  The following is information Stephenie shared with me for me to use on my short fan fic written from Charlie’s PoV

A.  In my world, Charlie doesn’t really have negative feelings toward Phil.  Phil is not the first man Renee has been with since they split up, but he is sort of the best.  Charlie and Bella are both relieved that Phil is the one Renee married in the end

The fact that Charlie didn’t follow Renee when she left was about so much more than a job.  Charlie’s parents were both still alive, but just barely, when he and Renee met.  He was responsible for caring for them.  He didn’t choose Forks, he chose his responsibility to his sick parents

Charlie didn’t have this much choice over her leaving.  He didn’t LET her go.  She stormed out one night just as Bella did in the end of Twilight.  His choice was to follow after her, but he couldn’t leave his parents, he was very dutiful about his job, and his pride was injured.  He stayed, and by the time Geoffrey and Helen Swan had died (within a year of each other) Renee had moved on so far it didn’t seem like there was a point to following then.

Renee and Charlie get along well.

Renee’s hallmark mental state is bewilderment.

Charlie’s vocabulary is a little bit less formal and erudite than Bella’s.  He’s a more plain-spoken person.

Chapter Twenty-two – Flight

Chapter Number: Twenty-Two

Chapter Name: Flight

Page Numbers: 485-499

Date of Chapter: March 21, 2006

Summary: Bella, Edward and Alice must wait in the reception area of the Volturi castle until dark. It dawns on Bella that the noise she hears is her own hysterical screaming. Edward holds her protectively. Horrified by the killing of the tourists , Bella continues to cry while Edward comforts her.

After learning that Gianna is fully aware of the Volturi’s feeding practices and hopes to become one of them, Bella feels disgusted. Edward, who regards all vampires as monsters, responds to her comment with visual distress.

In the midst of the danger, Bella feels happy to be with Edward. They list reasons to be happy: they are alive, together and will be alive tomorrow. But Bella still fears that Edward will leave as soon as the opportunity arises.

Bella offers to move from Edward’s lap because he appears hungry. He assures her that, “I’ve never been in better control of  that side of my nature than right now.” Bella avoids asking questions, hoping that she can delay Edward’s exit.

Meanwhile, Alice and Edward plan the return trip. Edward explains that the Volturi call Bella his “la tua cantante” because her blood sings for him.

Alec arrives to release them. They hurry away through the festival crowd. Alice steals another car to get them to the airport.

Bella refuses to sleep, and on the airplane, points out to Edward that she will have nightmares if she sleeps. Alice calls Jasper to communicate their success and to arrange for the family to meet them at the airport.

Edward holds, kisses and touches Bella, which worries her. She fears the affect this will have on her when he leaves again. Edward doesn’t speak; he just holds and comforts her.

The Cullens greet them at the airport. Jasper, Carlisle and Esme wait for them inside. They express their gratitude to Bella for saving Edward and chastise Edward’s suicidal behavior. Emmett and Rosalie wait outside. Edward reluctantly allows Emmett and Rosalie to drive them home. Rosalie apologizes to Edward, then to Bella, who forgives her immediately. Bella notes that this is the first time that Rosalie has spoken directly to her.

They arrive at Bella’s house, where Charlie rages at Edward. Bella, so exhausted she cannot stand to walk, nearly falls. Edward catches her and carries her to her room, promising to return later. Bella falls asleep as soon as Edward lays her on the bed.

Characters Involved: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Demetri, Gianna, Alec, Jasper Hale, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Charlie Swan, the flight attendant, assorted tourist on the streets of Volterra

Places Visited: Volterra, Italy; Bella Swan’s home

Memorable Quotes:
“I think she’s having hysterics. Maybe you shoud slap her.”
~Alice, pg. 486

“She wants to be one of them? … How can she want that?”
~Bella, pg.487-488

“Is it really sick for me to be happy right now?”
~Bella, pg. 488

“I’ve never been in better control of that side of nature than right now.”
~Edward, pg. 489

“They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer – because her blood sings for me.”
~Edward, pg. 490

“I don’t want to sleep… If I close my eyes now, I’ll see things I don’t want to see. I’ll have nightmares.”
~Bella, pg. 494

“I’m so very sorry, Bella. I feel wretched about every part of this, and so grateful that you were brave enough to go save my brother after what I did. Please say you’ll forgive me.”
~Rosalie, pg. 497

Important Information Learned:
Bella is afraid that Edward will leave once the exit the Volturi castle.

Bella is horrified by the Volturi feding on the group that Heidi brought in. She is disgusted that Gianna wants to become part of a vampire coven that feeds on humans.

Edward responds negatively, but without speaking. He clearly sees less difference in Gianna wanting to become one of the Volturi and Bella wanting to join his family because Edward views all vampires as monsters.

Edward establishes that he has never been in more control of his desire for Bella’s blood.

“La tua cantante” means “your singer” and is the way the Volturi describe Bella because her blood “sings” for Edward.

Rosalie apologizes to Bella. Bella notes that it is the first time Rosalie has addressed her directly.

Chapter Prepared By: silly_bella

Chapter Twenty-One – Verdict

Chapter Number: Twenty-One

Chapter Name: Verdict

Page Numbers: 462-484

Date of Chapter: March 20, 2006

Summary: The chapter begins as Bella, Edward, Alice and the members of the Volturi guard enter the Volturi castle. While Bella is relieved to be out of the underground tunnel, Edward’s tension increases. Bella notices that the vampires of Volterra have red eyes. She also notices a striking human in the employ of the Volturi. Alec greets them, but Edward remains tense; Edward wants to confront Felix, but Alice stops him.

Jane and Alec lead then into a large room where Aro, who is one of the Volturi, and other vampires mingle. Aro greets Bella and Alice as if he knows them, which surprises them, He seems quite excitable.

Aro expresses envy for Edward’s ability, and Edward explains the similarities and differences between his and Aro’s abilities. Caius and Marcus arrive. Although Marcus does not speak, he allows Aro to touch him in order to communicate the surprising intensity of Bella and Edward’s relationship.

Aro shows surprise at Edward’s ability to refrain from drinking the blood of his “la tua cantante” and refers to it as a waste. Aro marvels at how strongly Bella’s blood calls to Edward and says that Edward has surpassed Carlisle’s self-control, which Edward denies.

Ever curious, Aro wants to test his gift on Bella, since he and Edward share a similar gift. Aro’s gift does not work on Bella. Next, he wants to test Jane’s ability on Bella. Edward steps between Jane and Bella to protect her. Alice holds Bella back as Edward writhes on the floor in silent agony. Then Jane tries her gift on Bella, but fails. This angers Jane immensely.

Aro asks Edward, Alice and even Bella if they would like to join the Volturi. They all refuse. Caius insists that the law claims them, since Bella is human and knows their secret.

Edward argues, pointing out the humans involved in the Volturi operations. Caius explains that the difference is that they will change or kill the humans there and Edward plans to do neither to Bella.

Aro asks Edward if he intends to change Bella. Edward does not answer and will not allow Aro to touch him in order to read his mind. Bella believes that Edward would rather she die than become a vampire. However, Alice lets Aro read a future with Bella as a vampire. This satisfies Aro and he allows them to leave. But before they can go, Heidi arrives with a group of tourists in order for the Volturi to feed. This horrifies Bella.

Characters Involved: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Jane, Felix, Demetri, Gianna, Alec, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Heidi, the woman with the rosary, assorted vampires, assorted tourists

Characters Mentioned: Carlisle Cullen

Places Visited: Volterra, Italy; the Volturi’s castle

Memorable Quotes:
“They send you out for one and you come back with two… and a half.”
~Alec, pg. 461

“I love a happy ending… They are so rare.”
~Aro, pg. 461

“Marcus sees relationships. He’s surprised by the intensity of ours.”
~Edward, pg. 471

“But still – la tua cantante! What a waste!”
~Aro, pg. 471

“I certainly never thought to see Carlisle bested for self-control of all things, but you put him to shame.”
~Aro, pg. 471

“Don’t be put out, dear one… She confounds us all.”
~Aro, pg. 476

“Think of the possibilities! They do not join us today, but we can always hope for the future. Imagine the joy young Alice alone would bring to our little household… Besides, I’m so terribly curious to see how Bella turns out!”
~Aro, pg. 480

Important Information Learned:
The Volturi have humans involved in their operations.

Aro has a mind-reading ability similar to Edward’s. While he must touch people to hear their thoughts, he can hear every thought they ever had.

Marcus has the ability to see relationships. The intensity of Bella and Edward’s relationship surprises him.

The Volturi refer to Bella as Edward’s “la tua cantante,” because her blood sings for him. They see Edward’s restraint as wasting her blood.

Aro believes that Edward’s self-control is stronger than Carlisle’s because he can resist the temptation to drink Bella’s blood over and over again.

Aro cannot read Bella’s mind.

Jane has a gift of mental torture. Bella is also immune to Jane’s powers, which makes Jane quite unhappy.

Edward and Alice refuse to join the Volturi. Bella refuses to let them change her so that she can join them.

Aro is interested in Bella as a vampire. He clearly believes that she will have an unusual power.

Edward balks at agreeing to make Bella a vampire, but Alice lets Aro see into her mind and indicated that Bella will be a vampire.

Bella is horrified when she realizes that Heidi, a vampire, has brought in a group of tourists for the Volturi to feed on.

Chapter Prepared By:


Full Name: Caius

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: Sometime before 1300 B.C. (OIL)

Originally from: Greece

Hair color: Snow white that “brushed against his shoulders” (NM21)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy but “clouded, milky” (NM21)

Height: 5’9″

Physical description: Perfect facial features with skin that is “translucently white, like onionskin [and] looked just as delicate” and appears to be floating when he moves (NM21)


Family members: Volturi Coven with Aro, Sulpicia, Athenodora, and Marcus – Athenodora is his mate (BD Vampire Index)

Personal history: The Volturi are Aro, Caius, Marcus, and two females [Sulpicia and Athenodora] who never go out.  (PC1)  Caius was in his late forties when he became a vampire.  Early on he developed a deep hatred for the Romanian coven.  He met Athenodora, who was already a vampire, and the pair started traveling together as a mated pair.  He met Aro and Marcus and was drawn to Aro’s plan of creating a dominating force in the Vampire world.  Even though he isn’t as patient as Aro, he supported Aro’s cause and eventually was able to help bring down the Romanian coven.  Caius has taken on several crusades over the centuries.  He tracked down The Children of the Moon to near extinction as well as the immortal children.  He always leads any punishing expeditions, leaving Aro for more important projects.  (OIL)

The guard is not technically the Volturi though the name loosely applies.  (PC10)  The Volturi choose members of their guard for their special talents.  They rarely leave their city unless duty calls.  “Over the millennia, they have assumed the position of enforcing [the] rules” — keep the existence of vampires secret.  Volterra has been their city “since the time of the Etruscans.”  Since the Volturi do not allow hunting, they bring their food in.  (NM19)  Edward describes them as a “very old, very powerful family of [vampires]…the closest thing…to a royal family.”  (NM1)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus are also known as the “nighttime patrons of the arts.”  Solimena “often painted them as gods.”  (TW16)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus think of themselves as brothers.  (NM21)

Carlisle meets Aro, Caius, and Marcus while studying in Italy.  He admires “their civility, their refinement.”  However, they try to cure Carlisle of his “vegetarian” ways, and he tries to persuade them to give up their “natural food source” with no luck.  Carlisle leaves after a few decades.  (TW16)

Alice and Bella race to Volterra to save Edward when he wants to die because he thinks Bella is dead.  The Volturi are very protective of their city and would stop Edward if he were to “upset the peace.”  Alice warns Bella that they may not survive.  (NM18)  She sees that the Volturi decide not to destroy Edward and will ask him to join them because of this talent.  Aro thinks it is “wasteful” to destroy Edward.  (NM19)

After Edward, Bella, and Alice enter the turret room, Aro asks Felix to bring Caius and Marcus who arrive in long black robes.  Caius has a sour look on his face.  When Aro asks Bella to join the Volturi, Caius questions him.  Aro explains that Bella will have a lot of potential when she becomes a vampire.  Caius says that the law claims Edward, Alice, and Bella since Bella knows that vampires exist.  Edward quickly replies that the Volturi also have some humans that know their secret.  Caius agrees and tells Edward that the humans will sustain them when they are no longer useful.  Since he senses that Edward will not destroy Bella or change her, Caius says that Bella is “a vulnerability” and that “her life is forfeit.”  Aro intervenes and tells Edward that they would be allowed to leave if they intend to change Bella into a vampire.  Based on Alice’s vision, Aro is convinced.  When Caius complains, Aro tells him that there is hope that Edward, Bella, or Alice will join them in the future.  Caius promises that they will visit in the future to ensure that Bella becomes immortal.  (NM21)

Caius believed that the immortal children were not capable of keeping the existence of vampires secret so they were destroyed.  The Denali sisters did not know their mother [Sasha] created an immortal child until they saw him burning in their mother’s arms.  Caius wanted them to burn by association.  However, Aro knew the sisters were innocent so the Volturi pardoned them. (BD2)

Alice sees Caius sending a hunting party that includes Jane and Alec to see if Bella is human.  She sends a wedding announcement to delay them.  (BD27)

Alice has a vision that all the Volturi are coming –- Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard, and the wives.  She says that the decision was made but they are waiting for Irina.  Aro will see the proof in Irina’s thoughts that Renesmee is an immortal child.  Edward says that they will “come to destroy, not to be reasoned with.” (BD28)

The Volturi arrive at the cleaning “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” — “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  Edward confirms that Alistair’s theories were right about Aro and Caius’ goal to “destroy and acquire” and tells the others that they have “many layers of strategy” in place.  After the Volturi stop, Aro and Caius touch hands as they evaluate the scene.  Marcus is touching Aro’s other hand but does not seem to be part of the conversation.  Caius joins Aro in accusing Carlisle of creating his own rules.  He sees Renesmee and knows that the Cullens broke the law.  Carlisle tries to explain, but Caius accuses him of assembling “a battalion to protect her.”  Carlisle tries to convince Caius that there is human blood in Renesmee’s cheeks.  Then Caius calls for Irina and slaps her.  He questions her about Renesmee, and Irina says that she has grown.  Aro intervenes and takes Irina’s hand.  Caius scowls when Edward offers his hand to Aro.  After their wordless exchange, Aro asks to meet Renesmee.  When Caius asks what is going on, Aro tells him “the justice we intended to deliver no longer applies.”  Caius hisses in surprise.  Aro greets Renesmee and tells Caius that she is “half mortal, half immortal.”  (BD36)

Caius starts to argue with Aro immediately.  Aro responds calmly that it is true and mentions Carlisle’s witnesses.  This prompts Caius to look at the Volturi witnesses who are confused about the situation.  Then Caius asks about the wolves and their alliance with the Cullens.  Edward responds that they are shape-shifters and not the “Children of the Moon.”  As if embarrassed, Aro tells Caius that he would have warned him about this if he shared his thoughts with him.  Caius continues to press that the wolves know about vampires, but Aro quickly tells them that they are also a part of the supernatural world and have their secret to keep.  He encourages Caius to move on.  It appears that maintaining their pristine reputation is more important to Aro than Caius.  Caius then questions Irina.  She says that she has no complaint with the Cullens or the wolves and that they should go since there is no immortal child.  Caius then signals the Volturi guard to destroy Irina for her false accusation.  He wants Irina’s defiance to start the battle.  However, Carlisle and Garrett are able to stop Tanya and Kate in time.  The Volturi guard prepares to fight while their witnesses become suspicious.  When Aro decides to question some of Carlisle’s witnesses, Caius’ “tiny cruel smile” returns.  Aro rallies the support of the guard and then goes to counsel with Caius and Marcus.  They join hands “to form a black-shrouded triangle.”  (BD37)

Chelsea tries to break the ties between the Cullens and their witnesses, and Jane tries to attack, but Bella’s shield is protecting them.  Edward tells Tanya that it is normal procedure for the Volturi to incapacitate those on trial so they can’t escape.  Aro, Caius, and Marcus break formation in time to see Alec’s “strange clear haze” hit Bella’s shield.  Caius votes to destroy Renesmee since she is an unknown risk and all those that protect her.  Edward calls to Alice to bring her witnesses.  After Huilen tells her story, Aro asks Nahuel questions and is surprised to hear that his sisters are also half-vampires.  Nahuel tells the story about his father Joham creating a “new super-race.”  When Caius and Aro consider talking with Joham, Nahuel asks them to leave his sisters alone since they are innocent.  Caius is furious but resigned.  Aro turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  (BD38)

Edward says that Caius almost lost a fight with a werewolf and has been terrified ever since.  He had the “Children of the Moon” hunted to near extinction.  (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Jaime Campbell Bower

Prepared by: Anny



Full Name: Marcus

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: Around 1300 B.C. (OIL)

Originally from: Greece

Hair color: Long “flowing black hair” (NM21)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy but “clouded, milky” (NM21)

Height: 6’0″

Physical description: Perfect facial features with skin that is “translucently white, like onionskin [and] looked just as delicate” and appears to be floating when he moves (NM21)

Special Talents: Can see relationships (NM21) (PC10)


Family members: Volturi Coven with Aro, Sulpicia, Caius, and Athenodora – Didyme was his mate (BD Vampire Index)

Personal history: The Volturi are Aro, Caius, Marcus, and two females [Sulpicia and Athenodora] who never go out.  (PC1)  Marcus sees the ties between people.  He can see how to destroy resistance with an enemy, help in a diplomatic situation, and determine the depth of love, loyalty, or devotion of a relationship.  His talent is quite valuable in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.  (PC10) He is physically the youngest of the Volturi, having been changed before he was even twenty years old.  He lived as a nomad for several years but joined with Aro when the two meet.  (OIL)

Hoping that his sister would have a special talent, Aro changes Didyme to a vampire.  Marcus, Aro’s most trusted partner, and Didyme fall in love and are “tremendously happy.”  Marcus is so happy that he is no longer interested in “Aro’s plans for domination.”  After a few centuries, Marcus and Didyme consider leaving the Volturi.  Aro pretends to be happy and gives his blessing.  However, he does not want to lose Marcus’ talent.  When he knows that he cannot be discovered, Aro murders his sister.  Marcus becomes an “empty man” with Didyme’s death.  Aro uses Chelsea’s talent to keep Marcus loyal even though he has no interest in his quest for power.  Marcus does not find out that Aro is responsible for Didyme’s death (SMW) since it happened in battle (PC10).

The guard is not technically the Volturi though the name loosely applies.  (PC10)  The Volturi choose members of their guard for their special talents.  They rarely leave their city unless duty calls.  “Over the millennia, they have assumed the position of enforcing [the] rules” — keep the existence of vampires secret.  Volterra has been their city “since the time of the Etruscans.”  Since the Volturi do not allow hunting, they bring their food in.  (NM19)  Edward describes the Volturi as a “very old, very powerful family of [vampires]…the closest thing…to a royal family.”  (NM1)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus are also known as the “nighttime patrons of the arts.”  Solimena “often painted them as gods.”  (TW16)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus think of themselves as brothers.  (NM21)

Carlisle meets Aro, Caius, and Marcus while studying in Italy.  He admires “their civility, their refinement.”  However, they try to cure Carlisle of his “vegetarian” ways, and he tries to persuade them to give up their “natural food source” with no luck.  Carlisle leaves after a few decades.  (TW16)

Alice and Bella race to Volterra to save Edward when he wants to die because he thinks Bella is dead.  The Volturi are very protective of their city and would stop Edward if he were to “upset the peace.”  Alice warns Bella that they may not survive.  (NM18)  She sees that the Volturi decide not to destroy Edward and will ask him to join them because of this talent.  (NM19)

Alice tells Bella the story behind “Saint Marcus Day.”  According to legend, Father Marcus, a Christian missionary, drove out all the vampires from Volterra 1500 years ago and was “martyred in Romania still trying to drive away the vampire scourge.”  However, Marcus never left since he is part of the Volturi.  (NM19)

After Edward, Bella, and Alice enter the turret room, Aro asks Felix to bring Caius and Marcus who arrive in long black robes.  Marcus appears “utterly bored” as if he has been around Aro’s enthusiasm for too long.  He touches Aro’s palm briefly to tell him his thoughts.  Marcus is surprised by the intensity of Edward, Bella, and Alice’s relationship.  He joins Caius who is seated in one of the wooden thrones.  Aro lets Edward, Alice, or Bella go in hope that they will join the Volturi in the future.  (NM21)

Alice has a vision that all the Volturi are coming –- Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard, and the wives.  She says that the decision was made but they are waiting for Irina.  Aro will see that Renesmee is an immortal child through Irina’s thoughts.  Edward says that they will “come to destroy, not to be reasoned with.” (BD28)

The Volturi arrive at the clearing “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” — “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  After the Volturi stop, Aro and Caius touch hands as they evaluate the scene.  Marcus is touching Aro’s other hand but does not seem to be part of the conversation.  Edward says that Marcus is assessing the strength of their ties and if there are any weak points.  (BD36)


Aro rallies the support of the guard and then goes to counsel with Caius and Marcus.  They join hands “to form a black-shrouded triangle.”  (BD37)  Chelsea tries to break the ties between the Cullens and their witnesses, and Jane tries to attack, but Bella’s shield is protecting them.  Edward tells Tanya that it is normal procedure for the Volturi to incapacitate those on trial so they can’t escape.  Aro, Caius, and Marcus break formation in time to see Alec’s “strange clear haze” hit Bella’s shield.  Marcus does not see any danger with Renesmee and votes to leave in peace.  With the arrival of Alice and her witnesses, Aro casts the deciding vote and announces that he sees no threat from the “half-vampire children.”  He turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  (BD38)

Portrayed in the films by: Christopher Heyerdahl

Prepared by: Anny


Full Name: Aro

Status: Vampire

Date of Birth: Around 1300 BC (OIL)

Originally from: Greece (OIL)

Hair color:  “Long, jet black hair” (NM21)

Eye color: Vampire burgundy but “clouded, milky” (NM21)

Height: 5’10” (OIL)

Physical description: Perfect facial features with skin that is “translucently white, like onionskin [and] looked just as delicate” and appears to be floating when he moves (NM21)

Special Talents: Potent mind-reading gift (SMW) — “hears every thought that your mind has ever had” via physical contact (NM21)

Occupation: One of the three leaders of the Volturi – often acts as the spokes person

Family members: Volturi Coven with Sulpicia, Caius, Athenodora, and Marcus – Sulpicia is his mate, and Didyme was his biological sister (BD Vampire Index/SMW)

Personal history: The Volturi are Aro, Caius, Marcus, and two females [Sulpicia and Athenodora] who never go out.  (PC1)  Aro is freakishly curious.  He keeps the histories, and new stories are one of his favorite things. (PC10)  Aro always wants power.  (SMW)  He can honestly love someone and still kill them if it gets in his way.  Aro is very controlling.  He is the pinnacle and has all the power so he calls the shots.  (From Stephenie Meyer Fan Junket The Villainous Volturi on

Born in Greece in the 1300’s, Aro has always been ambitious and power hungry. He was transformed in his mid-twenties and formed a coven with Marcus and Caius by the 1400’s. Even though they agreed to rule jointly, Aro took over much of the decision making based on his ability to read minds. He was the last of the coven members to form a romantic attachment, opting to find a human and turn her rather than mate with an already existing vampire. He found what he was looking for in an young orphan named Sulpicia, who remains devoted to Aro to this day. (OIL)

Hoping that his sister would have a special talent, Aro changed Didyme to a vampire.  However, her talent wass not what he had hoped for.  Marcus, Aro’s most trusted partner, and Didyme fell in love.  Marcus was so happy that he was no longer interested in “Aro’s plans for domination.”  After a few centuries, Marcus and Didyme considered leaving the Volturi.  Aro pretended to be happy and gave his blessing.  However, he did not want to lose Marcus’ talent.  When he knew that he could not be discovered, Aro murdered his sister.  Marcus did not find out that Aro was responsible for Didyme’s death (SMW) since it happened in battle (PC10).  Aro used Chelsea’s talent to keep Marcus loyal even though he had no interest in his quest for power.  (SMW) Because the loss of Didyme left Marcus nearly debilitated, Aro has taken supreme precaution with his own wife and with Caius’ wife to insure their safety, lest one of the wives die and leave Aro and Caius in a similar state. (OIL)

The guard is not technically the Volturi, though the name loosely applies.  (PC10)  The Volturi choose members of their guard for their special talents.  They rarely leave their city unless duty calls.  “Over the millennia, they have assumed the position of enforcing [the] rules” — keep the existence of vampires secret.  Volterra has been their city “since the time of the Etruscans.”  Since the Volturi do not allow hunting, they bring their food in.  (NM19)  Edward describes them as a “very old, very powerful family of [vampires]…the closest thing…to a royal family.”  (NM1)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus are also known as the “nighttime patrons of the arts.”  Solimena “often painted them as gods.”  (TW16)  Aro, Caius, and Marcus think of themselves as brothers.  (NM21)

Carlisle met Aro, Caius, and Marcus while studying in Italy.  He admired “their civility, their refinement.”  However, they try to cure Carlisle of his “vegetarian” ways, and he tries to persuade them to give up their “natural food source” with no luck.  Aro even went so far as to have a profusely bleeding body delivered to Carlisle just to see what Carlisle would do.  (OIL)  Carlisle left after a few decades.  (TW16)

Alice and Bella raced to Volterra to save Edward when he wanted to die because he thought Bella was dead.  The Volturi are very protective of their city and would stop Edward if he were to “upset the peace.”  Alice warned Bella that they might not survive.  (NM18)  She saw that the Volturi decided not to destroy Edward and asked him to join them because of this talent.  Aro thought it was “wasteful” to destroy Edward.  (NM19)

Aro was wearing a long, black robe when Bella saw him in the turret room.  He was pleased that Jane brought back Edward and was ecstatic to see Bella and Alice, too.  He was curious about the story behind Edward and Bella’s “happy ending.”  Aro asked Felix to bring Caius and Marcus.  Aro was envious of Edward’s ability to read thoughts from a distance.  When Marcus arrived, he touched Aro’s palm briefly to tell him his thoughts.  Aro was amazed that Marcus was surprised by the intensity of Edward, Bella, and Alice’s relationship.  He couldn’t believe how Edward can resist the call of Bella’s blood.  Aro said that Edward reminds him of Carlisle and was pleased that he has succeeded with the “unorthodox path he’s chosen.”  When Aro found out that Bella was immune to his talent, he asked Jane to try her talent on her, too.  Edward lunged towards Jane to protect Bella.  Even though no one touched him, Edward was on the ground in agony as Jane smiled at him.  When Aro called to Jane, she looked away, and Edward relaxed.  Aro then motioned to Bella, and Jane smiled at her with no reaction.  Jane was so frustrated that she prepared to spring, but Aro calmed her down.  Aro told Edward that he was brave to endure Jane’s torture in silence.  He understood since he was curious and asked Jane to test her talent on him.  In turn, Aro asked Edward then Alice if they would join the Volturi.  Both politely refused.  When Aro asked Bella, Caius questioned him.  He explained that Bella has a lot of potential when she becomes a vampire.  Bella also refused Aro’s offer.  After Caius claimed that Bella needs to be destroyed, Aro intervened.  He told Edward that they would be allowed to leave if they intend to change Bella into a vampire.  Alice steped forward so Aro can touch her hand and read her thoughts.  Alice’s vision of Bella’s future convinced Aro.  He was amazed with Alice’s talent.  When Caius complained, Aro told him that there is hope that Edward, Bella, or Alice will join them in the future.  Aro took Felix’s cloak and gave it to Edward so they could safely leave.  (NM21)

Edward tolds the Cullens and Bella that Aro wants him and Alice – the power of the present and future.   He also told them that Aro is jealous of Carlisle since he has the things that he wants and wouldn’t mind “rooting out the competition.”  (EC13)

Because of Alice’s talent, Aro deviated from the pattern and let Jane make the decisions [about how to deal with the newborns in Seattle].  ( The Villainous Volturi)  Jane passed on Aro’s regards to Carlisle when she arrived after the fight with the newborn army.  (EC25)

Aro studied the immortal children to see if they could be tamed.  He came to the same conclusion as Caius and agreed that they could not exist.  The Denali sisters did not know their mother [Sasha] created an immortal child until they saw him burning in their mother’s arms.  Because Aro knew the sisters were innocent, the Volturi pardoned them.  (BD2)

Alice sees a vision that Caius sends a hunting party that includes Jane and Alec to see if Bella is human.  She sends a wedding announcement to delay them.  In response, Aro sends an ornate box with a diamond necklace inside along with a note that said he was looking forward to seeing Bella.  Bella believes Aro is a collector and his prized possessions are his “living pieces” since they are extraordinarily talented and rare.  She is worried about what would happen if Aro saw Renesmee.  (BD27)

Alice has a vision that all the Volturi are coming –- Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard, and the wives.  She says that the decision was made but they are waiting for Irina.  Aro will see the proof in Irina’s thoughts that Renesmee is an immortal child.  Edward says that they will “come to destroy, not to be reasoned with.”  (BD28)

Eleazar is able to tell Aro if any vampires had special talents that could give the Volturi trouble in battle or could be useful to them.  Aro would have Eleazar test humans that wanted to join the Volturi to see if they had potential talents.  (BD30)

Renata is Aro’s personal bodyguard.  However, she will also protect Caius and Marcus when needed.  Aro sent Eleazar all over the world to find rare talents.  Edward says that Aro wants Alice and her talent.  (BD31)

The Volturi arrive at the clearing “with pageantry.”  They are in a “rigid, formal formation” that seemed to flow in “perfect synchronicity” – “it was the pace of the invincible.”  The entire guard, the wives, and their witnesses are also present.  Edward confirms that Alistair’s theories were right about Aro and Caius’ goal to “destroy and acquire” and tells the others that they have “many layers of strategy” in place.  After the Volturi stop, Aro and Caius touch hands as they evaluate the scene.  Marcus is touching Aro’s other hand but does not seem to be part of the conversation.  Aro searches and is disappointed when he does not see Alice.  Carlisle greets Aro who steps out of formation with Renata following close by.  Aro accuses Carlisle of assembling an army to kill them.  Carlisle encourages Aro to touch his hand to know that “no one has broken the law.”  Caius joins Aro in accusing Carlisle of creating his own rules.  Caius questions Irina about Renesmee, and Irina says that she has grown.  Aro intervenes and takes Irina’s hand.  He admits that there is a mystery, and Carlisle again offers to explain.  However, Aro wants to “have the evidence directly from” Edward.  He is “delighted” with Edward’s attitude.  Aro takes Edward’s hand and learns about everything over the past month.  He asks to meet Renesmee.  When Caius asks what is going on, Aro tells him “the justice we intended to deliver no longer applies.”  Edward suggests that Aro bring a few others to make the guard more comfortable.  Aro has Felix and Demetri accompany him along with Renata.  Aro compliments Bella on her immortality and sees that she is wearing the necklace that he gave her.  Bella thanks him for his generosity.  Aro greets Renesmee and tells Caius that she is “half mortal, half immortal.”  Renesmee touches Aro to give her explanation then asks “please.”  Aro tells her that he will not harm her loved ones.  Maggie hisses at Aro’s lie.  Aro thinks about having the wolves as guard dogs, but Edward tells him that it would never work since the wolves protect human life.  When the wolves snarl, Aro says that it is clear which side they have picked.  (BD36)

Aro then waves the guard forward.  Caius starts to argue with Aro immediately.  Aro responds calmly that it is true and mentions Carlisle’s witnesses.  This prompts Caius to look at the Volturi witnesses who are confused about the situation.  Then Caius asks about the wolves and the alliance with the Cullens.  Edward responds that they are shape-shifters and not the “Children of the Moon.”  As if embarrassed, Aro tells Caius that he would have warned him about this if he shared his thoughts with him.  Caius continues to press that the wolves know about vampires, but Aro quickly tells them that they are also a part of the supernatural world and have their secret to keep.  He encourages Caius to move on.  It appears that maintaining their pristine reputation is more important to Aro than Caius.  Caius then questions Irina.  Based on her response, Caius signals the Volturi guard to destroy Irina for her false accusation.  Carlisle and Garrett are able to stop Tanya and Kate in time.  The guard prepares to fight while their witnesses become suspicious.  Aro’s need for an audience is backfiring.  To be thorough, Aro decides to question some of Carlisle’s witnesses.  He talks with Amun who gives his witness and then asks if Renesmee “should be allowed to live.”  Amun says that he does not see any danger and requests to leave.  Aro agrees but with a veiled threat to see him soon.  He then moves on to Siobhan.  She believes that Renesmee blends well with other humans and will not expose the vampire world.  However, Aro responds that Renesmee is still a danger since “only the known is safe…the unknown is a vulnerability.”  He compliments Garrett for his impassioned speech about how the Volturi are determined to destroy the Cullens and Denali clan.  Aro then asks some of their witnesses what they think.  Makenna and Charles agree with Garrett that the Cullens are innocent.  Aro rallies the support of the guard and then goes to counsel with Caius and Marcus.  They join hands “to form a black-shrouded triangle.”  (BD37)

Chelsea tries to break the ties between the Cullens and their witnesses, and Jane tries to attack, but Bella’s shield is protecting them.  Edward tells Tanya that it is normal procedure for the Volturi to incapacitate those on trial so they can’t escape.  Aro, Caius, and Marcus break formation in time to see Alec’s “strange clear haze” hit Bella’s shield.  Aro then offers Edward, Bella, Benjamin, Zafrina, and Kate a chance to join them, but there is no response.  Before Aro can cast the deciding vote, Edward clarifies the issue -– there would be no need to counsel if it can be certain that Renesmee could keep the existence of vampires secret as she grows.  Aro agrees if they could be “absolutely sure.”  Edward calls to Alice to bring her witnesses.  After Huilen tells her story, Aro asks Nahuel questions about when he reached maturity, what he eats, and about creating an immortal.  He is surprised to hear that Nahuel’s sisters are also half-vampires.  Nahuel tells the story about his father Joham creating a “new super-race.”  Aro stares at Bella then announces that he sees no threat from these “half-vampire children.”  When Caius and Aro consider talking with Joham, Nahuel asks them to leave his sisters alone since they are innocent.  Aro turns to the Volturi guard and tells them that they will not fight today.  The guard resumes their formation and departs along with the wives and their witnesses.  Aro tells Carlisle that he is glad that there was a peaceful solution and hopes that he will forgive him in time.  Carlisle replies if he can prove to be a friend again in time.  Aro bows his head in remorse then disappears.  (BD38)

Edward says that Alice gave Aro the excuse to avoid a fight since he was terrified of Bella’s shield.  Aro knew that there was a possibility that the Volturi could lose.  (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Michael Sheen

Prepared by: Anny

Swan, Isabella


Full Name: Isabella Marie Swan Cullen

Date of Birth: September 13, 1987 (TL)

Date of Change to a Vampire: Sept 13, 2006

Originally from: Phoenix, Arizona (TW1)

Hair color: Brown (SMW)

Eye color: Brown (SMW)

Height: 5’4”

Physical description: “Bella is very fair-skinned, with long, straight, dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her face is heart-shaped—a wide forehead with a widow’s peak, large, wide-spaced eyes, prominent cheekbones, a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin. Her lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line. Her eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than they are arched. She’s slender but not at all muscular, and weighs about 115 pounds. She has stubby fingernails because she has a nervous habit of biting them.” (SMW)

Distinguishing human quality: Extremely accident prone; “Bella has a very private MIND. No one can touch her there.” (PC10)

Special talents: Can project a shield with her mind.

Occupation: Graduate of Forks High School.  Held a part time job at Newton’s Outfitters. (NM1)

Family members: Mother – Renee Dwyer, Stepfather – Phil Dwyer (PC4) Father – Charlie Swan (TW1) Married to Edward Cullen. (BD3) Natural mother to Renesmee. (BD18)  Part of the Cullen family.

Nick Names: Bella to friends – Bells or Bell to Charlie

Car: 1953 Chevy Pickup Truck – red (TW1) Repaired Motorcycle (NM5), Mercedes Guardian (BD1), Ferrari F430 – red (BD33)

Personal history: Bella was born in Forks, but her mother and father split up when she was six months old. (TL)  She spent the majority of her young life in California (TL) and then later Phoenix, Arizona where she wasn’t very popular and never felt as if she fit in.  She is far too clumsy for her own good and tries to avoid sports and dancing.

When her mother remarried, Bella decided to move back to Forks to live with her father.  She felt a bit guilty that her mother wasn’t able to spend as much time traveling with her new husband because of her, and so willingly, but not enthusiastically, she moved in with her dad.  He bought her a truck and has tried to make her feel comfortable in her new home. (TW1)

At school, Bella was greeted with great interest and made friends with a few people right away.  She first saw Edward and his family at lunch time and was told that they generally kept to themselves.  In biology class, Bella was forced to take a seat next to Edward, as it was the only empty seat in the room.  He reacted strangely to her, making her think he hated her.  (TW1) It wasn’t until two weeks later that Edward returned to school and Bella was able to properly meet him. (TW2)

After a while, Bella came to guess Edward’s secret and accepted him as a vampire. (TW10)  He saved her life several times and made it his mission to keep her safe.  The two fell in love despite the odds against them. (TW13)  Bella became the victim of a tracker named James and was saved when Edward drank her blood and stopped the venom from spreading through her system. (TW23)

On her 18th Birthday, Bella got a paper cut and was put in great danger at the Cullens home. (NM1) Because of this, Edward decided to leave her. (NM3)  Bella existed in a near catatonic state for weeks afterwards and only just managed to go to school and work.   She decided to take risks to “hear” Edward’s voice and enlisted the help of Jacob Black in rebuilding a motorcycle. (NM5)  The two became very good friends until Jacob appeared to have joined a cult. (NM9)  Bella learned that Jacob and the other teenage Quileute boys are werewolves. (NM12)

When Alice returned to Forks, she told Bella that Edward thinks she is dead and has plans to kill himself. (NM18) The two raced to Italy where they stopped Edward and were taken in by the Volturi. (NM20) They returned to Forks with the promise that Bella will become a vampire. (NM21)  At home, Edward agreed to change Bella as long as she married him first. (NM24)

After a few weeks of being grounded, Bella was put on “parole for good behavior” so long as she agreed to make time for Jacob and her other friends as well as Edward and the Cullens.  She was accepted into the University of Alaska even though she didn’t really plan on attending.  She also was made aware, by Edward, of an irresponsible vampire creating newborns around the Seattle area.  (EC1)

Edward took her to Florida to see her mother, and when she got back she tried to contact Jacob, which Edward did not approve of.  She also found out that while she was gone there had been a bit of a battle between the Cullens and the Wolves over the hunt for Victoria. (EC3)  She managed to get in some time with Jacob while Edward was hunting.  (EC4)  As “punishment” Bella was forced to stay at the Cullen’s home for the duration of Edward’s next hunting trip, where she talked to Rosalie and learned all about her transformation into a vampire and why she is against Bella joining the family.  (EC67)  Jacob helped Bella escape from Alice at school and she told him she would be joining the Cullen family soon, which Jacob did not respond well to.  When Edward returned he agreed to allow Bella time with Jacob so long as she told him when and where first.  (EC8)

When Edward picked up the scent of an unknown vampire having been in Bella’s bedroom, his concern lead to the prospect of battle with the newborns in Seattle. (EC9) Graduation came and Bella pointed out to Edward and the Cullens that she believed Victoria was the one creating the newborns in Seattle. (EC16)  This new information surprisingly brought an alliance between the Cullens and the Quileutes to not only protect Bella, but also stop the newborns from attacking anyone else. (EC17) Fearing that Edward could be injured, Bella asked him sit the battle out and stay with her. (EC19)  Bella and Edward reached another compromise that she would marry him in exchange for them making love while she is still human. (EC20)

Bella helped Edward set up the newborns by planting her scent in the field where the battle will happen. (EC21) Freezing in the cold, Bella slept in Jacob’s warm arms and listened to Edward and Jacob talk about her.   (EC22),   In the morning, she made her good-byes to Jake and gave him a real kiss. (EC23)  She assured Edward that she loves him more and wants to be with him forever.  The battle ensued bringing Victoria and her personal helper, Riley, to the camp.  Bella watched as Edward and Seth Clearwater killed them and burned them. (EC 24)  When Bella learned that Jacob was wounded in the battle, she suffered a bit of a breakdown.  When Jane and the Volturi arrived to clean up the mess, Bella stuck to Edward’s side as he begged for the lives of a few of the newborns, but was unsuccessful. (EC25)

Bella went to see Jacob and told him that even though she loved him, she can’t live without Edward and has chosen him.  On her way home, she stopped her car and started crying, and stayed there until she was rescued by Edward.  In the morning Bella told Edward again that she has made her choice and that the time has come to enlist Alice’s help with their wedding. (EC27)  We learned from a letter that Edward sent Jacob that the wedding date has been set and that the invitations have been sent out.  (EC Ep)

Bella was with Edward when he asked Charlie for her hand in marriage.  Once Charlie consented, it was left up to Bella to tell Renee.  Bella was surprised at her mother’s reaction and support of her marriage, but welcomed it.  She spent the days leading up to her wedding getting ready for her new life, but also looking for Jacob who had gone missing.  (BD1)

Bella married Edward at the Cullen home on Aug. 13, 2006 surrounded by her family and friends, both human, vampire, and werewolf.  (BD3) To her surprise, Jacob showed up at the reception.  Things went well until Jacob learned that she intended to make love to Edward while still human.  (BD4)

Edward took Bella to a private island for their honeymoon where, as promised, they made love for the first time. When she awoke, Bella found that she had bruises on her skin from where Edward had touched her.  She told him that she was fine, but Edward, repulsed by what he had done to her, swore he would never make love to her again until after she was a vampire. (BD5) Unhappy with this decision, Bella tried to convince him to try again and had vivid dreams that drove her to tears.  She woke up from one such dream unable to accept that it wasn’t real and begged Edward to try again, which he was unable to resist. They made love again without any problems. (BD6)

Over the two and a half weeks that they spent on the island, Bella grew increasingly hungry and slept for unusual amounts of time.  For a while she dismissed her odd behavior as being in a foreign place, but when she realized that she had missed her menstrual cycle she knew exactly what the problem was – she was pregnant.  She told Edward, who reacted in frozen disbelief.  A phone call from Carlisle confirmed the possibility, and Edward insisted that they return to Forks so that Carlisle could terminate the pregnancy.  Unwilling to give up the baby, Bella called Rosalie and asked for her help.  (BD8)

When they returned to Forks, Carlisle confirmed that Bella was indeed pregnant and that the pregnancy was taking its toll on her human body.  The pregnancy developed at an alarming rate, and the strength of the fetus left bruises on Bella’s abdomen.  Additionally, nothing Bella ate seemed to stay in her system as the fetus drained her of all nourishment.  Edward continued to beg her to end the pregnancy, but she wouldn’t do it. (BD9)

When Jacob came to see her, he offered, at Edward’s request, to have a child with her if she agreed to end her current pregnancy to save her life.  Repulsed by the very idea, Bella insisted that she could make it through the pregnancy and be changed into a vampire after the birth.  (BD10)

The few weeks that she was pregnant, Bella suffered buffered several broken bones including ribs and her hip and continued to grow weaker and weaker.  It wasn’t until Edward suggested, after hearing a stay thought from Jacob, that Bella should drink blood to give the partially vampire fetus the nourishment that it craved.  (BD12)  As disgusting as it sounded, Bella found that it did taste good and her health did improve somewhat. (BD13)  The real turning point came when Edward was able to hear the thoughts of the baby.  He stopped fighting Bella’s decision to keep the baby and began to support her.  (BD16)

A few days shy of her nineteenth birthday, Bella’s placenta dethatched and the baby fought to be born.  In the process, Bella’s spine was broken, leaving her paralyzed and unable to feel anything from the waist down.  Since Carlisle was away, Edward was forced to deliver the baby on his own.  Jacob stayed in the room for support. (BD18)  Wracked with pain, all Bella knew was that her baby was in danger.  She begged for Edward to get the baby out, which required him to bite through the strong wall of the placenta.  Wanting to hold her baby, which was a girl, just once, Bella reached for her.  But when the child tried to drink from Bella, Edward gave the baby to Rosalie to tend to.

As planned, Edward filled Bella’s body up with morphine to help dull the pain of transformation and then gave her a shot of his own venom right into her heart.  Near death and unable to understand what was going on, all Bella could feel was the growing warmth as the venom spread through her body.  The morphine, which did nothing to subdue her pain, left her unable to move or show any sign of what she was feeling.  Her pain lasted for two days until her heart beat for the last time and she was completely transformed. (BD19)

When she awoke as a newborn vampire, she found that she could control her thirst and resist killing humans by holding her breath around them.  (BD21)  She also discovered that her daughter, Renesmee, continued to grow at an extreme rate, and that Jacob Black had imprinted on her.  (BD22)  Lastly, Bella learned that her mind was still closed to Edward’s abilities, which she would later learn is known as having a shield.  (BD31)  Edward took Bella to a small cottage on the Cullen property that had been converted for their use as a family and made love to her. (BD24)

Even though she wanted to see her father, Bella was upset when she learned that Jacob had partially told Charlie about the many secrets being kept in Forks.  Charlie was able to see Bella and his granddaughter, which pleased Bella. (BD25)

Bella’s life was turned upside down when Irina from the Denali coven spotted Renesmee playing in a field with Jacob and informed the Volturi that the Cullens had created an immortal child which was against vampire law. (BD27-28)  With the Volturi now heading to Forks, the Cullens separated to go and find as many of their friends as possible to come and stand as witnesses on behalf of Nessie. (BD30)  Bella stayed at home to protect her daughter and to make sure all of the guests knew Nessie was no threat to anyone. (BD32)

With help from Zafrina and Kate, who were both talented, Bella learned to extend her shield to protect others around her.  This would help in the possible oncoming battle with the Volturi. (BD32)

Based on a note left by Alice, Bella went to Seattle to talk to J. Jenks about various sets of papers that would allow Jacob to take guardianship of Renesmee should the rest of the Cullens fall victim to the Volturi. (BD33)

When the Volturi arrived, Bella’s family was supported by dozens of friends and all of the Quileute werewolves.  (BD36)  When Aro and Ciaus refused to believe that Renesmee posed no threat and had Alec, Jane, and Chelsea attack, Bella used her shield to protect everyone.  She managed to hold them at bay long enough for Alice and Jasper to return with Nahuel, another hybrid vampire, the Volturi had no choice but to concede and return to Italy. (BD38)

After saying good-bye to her new friends, Bella went home to her cottage with Edward and Renesmee.  It was then that she was able to drop her shield enough to allow Edward to hear her thoughts for the first time. (BD39)

Portrayed in the films by: Kristen Stewart
