Alex Meraz, A Photoshoot, and a Trip Down Twilight Memory Lane


Just Jared has an article up covering a photo shoot Alex Meraz did with two other up-in-coming Hollywood actors.

“A trio of young gents are featured in the “L.A. Story” photo spread from the April/May 2010 issue of Da Man Magazine (with Vampire Diaries star Paul Wesley on the cover) — Twilight werewolf Alex Meraz, Colton Haynes from the upcoming ABC series The Gates and artist/editor Eric France.”

Now, for those of you who have been following Twilight for awhile, we have a trivia question for you. Why did this story cause Pel to do a spit take. If you’ve  ever attended a Lexicon Movie Madness Panel at a Twilight Convention you’ll know why.  Hint: Paul Wesley and Eric France weren’t what caused the spit take. (In fact just to make it interesting, the first person who posts what Pel judges to be the bast answer on why she did a spit take will get a free copy of the Twilight Graphic Novel from us.)

Anyway, congrats to the guys and here’s to successful careers.

Alex Meraz Says Paul is Angrier in Eclipse

For more info see On the Carpet

Local ABC Station Covers Twilight Naval Exchange Visit

Thanks to the video we now know what Christian Serratos’ favorite book in the series is.

Twilight stars Visit Naval Exchange

According to the local Fox affiliate:

“Yeah, it’s a lot of pressure,” said actress Christian Serratos, who played ‘Angela’ in the movie. “I mean nobody really wants to disappoint these fans.”

Organizers say the event was a way to thank the military families for all they go through.

“It’s really geared towards the military families, the active duty and their dependents, “Robin Joseph, General Manager of the Navy Exchange Oceana Complex told WAVY News 10. “And it’s just a great opportunity for the stars to give back to the military community.”

That goal wasn’t lost on Serratos.

“One, you’re getting to see some really cool stuff and on the other hand you’re grateful to these people who are risking their lives,” she said. “It’s awesome.”

After their appearance at the Exchange, the cast members toured the base, visited a squadron and saw a F/A-18 Super Hornet.”

TY to ~Nintieka~

Tyler Shields Video Features Anna Kendrick and Alex Meraz

Tyler Shields who shoots a lot of what could be called proactive art house videos and photos has a new video. This one has some old footage of Alex Meraz coupled in with some new footage of Anna Kendrick. There are also at least 30 vignettes by other rising Hollywood talent.

Tyler’s work is not everyone’s cup of tea. Please be warned that the video is not of a PG-13 nature. It’s sexually suggestive and has images of simulated violence that some may find disturbing.

Contests Contests!

If you live in the UK you are eligible for this one. Twilight is up for the Audiobook download of the year. Vote and you could be the winner. Prizes include a SAT Nav.

Alex Meraz is appearing in Michigan on December 12th at the Grand Rapids Griffins Twilight Night. The Griffins are a local hockey team.  Michigan Live has details on how you can win tickets.

This one isn’t so much of a contest as it’s a chance to lend a helping hand. Cameron Bright has donated a signed New Moon movie poster to raise money for a Canadian girl’s battle against compartment syndrome. A Q&A with Cameron appear in the local papers and you can find the auction info here.

Along the same lines, there’s a signed Twilight Script up for auction that benefits homeless youth.

The Wolf Pack Does Jay Leno

Chaske Spencer, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon, and Bronson Pelletier spoof what happens to them in real life when recognized.


Aced Interviews Kiowa Gordon and Alex Meraz

When you work with computer generated images (CGI) as they have to do to bring the werewolves to life, you really don’t see the results of their work until you see the completed film. What was it like working with CGI?

Alex: Working with so much CGI really worried me. We know with big-budget films there is always lots of CG going on, so the actors can be treated like objects you know … like stand here and don’t move … and everything else happens around you, and you don’t really know what you are doing. But, Chris brought in an amazing special effects team that he worked with on Golden Compass, so it was really incredible, and an organically involved process. I have a transformation scene where I try to kill Kristen’s character, and I get into a fight with Taylor’s character. They showed me a composite of what it was going to look like on the laptop so I could imagine it — it gave me really good references.”

Kiowa: Well in the actual making of the scene he just kind of huffs and puffs and then jumps out of the scene, and we are working with a cardboard cut out of a wolf, and we have to pretend it is this big ferocious beast”

See more on Aced.

Kiowa also has another interview with his hometown paper

Alex Meraz: Abs Like Me

Mario Lopez even got in on a bit of the fun!

ET Meet the Wolfpack