Bill Condon’s Message to Fans

Bill condon handBill Condon, the director of Breaking Dawn, has posted another letter to fans of the series.  He introduces us to the rest of his film making team, many of whom are award winning and known for their great work!

Hello fans!

Has it really been five months (and a day) since my last dispatch? In my defense, they’ve been five months spent immersed in the world of TWILIGHT – something I’m sure you can all appreciate. We’re in the thick of pre-production now, juggling everything from casting to storyboarding to location scouting, getting it all ready to go, but I do want to take a moment to announce to you exclusively a few of the amazing production team members who are hard at work alongside me, bringing these movies to life.

Read the rest of the letter at the Official Twilight Saga Facebook Page.

Summit Announces Denali Coven

Summit LogoThis just in from Summit:

Summit Entertainment announced today the following have been cast in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN for roles in The Denali Coven as outlined below.

* The Denali Coven is comprised of Christian Camargo (THE HURT LOCKER, Dexter) as Eleazar; Casey LaBow (Moonlight) as Kate; Mia Maestro (Alias, POSEIDON) as Carmen; MyAnna Buring (DOOMSDAY) as Tanya; as well as previously announced Maggie Grace (Lost, TAKEN) as Irina.

Christian Camargo

Casey LaBow

Mia Maestro

MyAnna Buring

Maggie Grace

Maggie Grace Cast as Irina in Breaking Dawn

Gossip Cop has the scoop. Given the description it has to be Irina.

“Her “Twilight Saga” character is a member of the Denali coven who blames the Cullen clan for the death of her lover.”

See more on Gossip Cop

Most people will probably remember Maggie from LOST where she starred as Shannon.

Breaking Dawn Not Shot in 3-D

A site claiming to have information on Breaking Dawn being shot in 3-D has been debunked by Gossip Cop. Gossip Cop has checked and according to Summit:

A rep for Summit tells Gossip Cop, “Neither film is being shot in 3D,” and calls the rumors “fabricated.”

And a source informs Gossip Cop that while 3D effects can be added during post-production (as they have with some recent releases), right now it is too premature to say whether either part of Breaking Dawn will be converted.

See the entire statement on Gossip Cop.

One site running the rumor has now edited their post to remove the previously incorrect material. They have previously incorrectly cited the following information regarding Stephenie Meyer projects:

  • Breaking Dawn would be made into three movies.
  • Lana Veenker as a casting director for Breaking Dawn resulting in a flurry of calls and emails to her office.
  • The Host movie would be shortly cast in Culver City and shot in early 2011.
  • At one point a site claiming to have casting information took the unusual step of issuing a press release  stating the film would shoot in Portland by Gus Van Saant.

So to recap Breaking Dawn info:

  • 2 movies released in November 2011 and 2012 respectively
  • Not currently shooting in 3-D, but it could be added in post production like it was for The Last Airbender.
  • Directed by Bill Condon
  • Shooting in Louisiana, Vancouver and potentially Brazil (still under negotiation)
  • Info on casting found here.

Baton Rouge Gearing Up For Breaking Dawn

Bill condon handBaton Rouge businesses are looking forward to the economic boom that the filming of Breaking Dawn is likely to bring from those directly involved with the film to visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor.

According to the local ABC affiliate:

“For confidentiality reasons, we can’t talk specifics about productions that we’re dealing with,” said Patrick Mulhearn, Director of Studio Operations at Celtic Studios.

“Well, there’s not too much I can say about the details of ‘Twilight,'” said Chris Stelly, Director of Film Industry Development with the Louisiana Economic Development.

While the movie’s publicist will only say the “when” for production kickoff is late this fall, a commercial real estate agent says one of his lease properties is where pre-production is in full swing.”

Both Melissa Rosenberg and Bill Condon(seen above) have been spotted in town from time to time. It’s been widely publicized that actual filming will take place in November and principal photography might be slightly ahead of that schedule. The actual filming is likely to  be mostly indoors on a soundstage making getting a look at actual filming unlikely.

Similar secrecy surrounded Eclipse with only some outdoor scenes involving Xavier Samuel and Bryce Dallas Howard being spotted by fans waiting on sidelines.

Via TwiFans

Melissa Rosenberg Talks Birth Scene with People Magazine

Melissa Rosenberg made some recent comments to People Magazine regarding the birth scene in Breaking Dawn and working on rewrites of the script with Bill Condon.

“I don’t think it’s about the amount of blood you show,” she says. “It’s on their faces. It’s all from Bella’s point of view when you’re seeing what’s going [on]. It should feel visceral. I think it’s going to be pretty intense.”

Be sure to check out the entire article as well as other Twilight news at

Breaking Dawn Casting Announcement: Meet Benjamin

ET got the scoop at their post Emmy Awards party. Rami Malek (no doubt his IMDB ranking is going through the roof as we speak) will be playing Benjamin. He is probably best known for his roles in 24, The Pacific, and Night at the Museum.

Benjamin, who is mated with Tia, was created by Amun knowing that the boy would be special. Amun has since been trying to turn Benjamin’s ability to manipulate earth, air, fire, and water into a weapon, but Benjamin is very independent and won’t be used.  He bonds quickly with many of the covens and nomads gathered at the Cullen’s house and declares that he will stand with them if the Volturi attack. They are all members of the Egyptian coven.

We are going to go out on a limb and say it also seems highly probable that this is Rami’s real Twitter in that it was made months ago, and it covers his former and upcoming work. We are checking official channels to be sure.

Via Hollywood Crush

Breaking Dawn Brazilian Filming Possibilities

There is some concern within the Brazilian filming commission that recent crime in the Rio de Janeiro(photo credit) area may cost Brazil being used as a filming location. According to the AFP:

“The cast and crew of the hit “Twilight” vampire movie series may abandon plans to shoot scenes from the final movie in Rio after a deadly shoot out there last weekend between police and a gang who took hostages in an upmarket tourist hotel.

Riofilme, the city’s agency for promoting movie production, told AFP that “Twilight”‘s US production company Summit Entertainment was in talks with Rio de Janeiro state officials who were trying to convince them to stay.

The original plans were for scenes from the movie “Breaking Dawn,” the fourth and final installment in the vampire fantasy, to be played out in the Brazilian city which is famed in equal measure for its spectacular beaches and its rampant street crime.

But the real-life drama Saturday of drug gang members taking 35 people hostage in Rio’s Intercontinental Hotel as they tried to escape police has proved scarier to the production crew than the fictional vampires and werewolves they deal with.

After a blazing firefight that killed one person and wounded six others, the gang surrendered. There were 1,550 people in the hotel at the time. About 40 percent were foreigners, though none of them was hurt.”

See more on the AFP.

We asked Summit for an official comment on the story. Here is their statement, “The possibility of filming portions of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN in Brazil has always been under consideration and we are continuing to scout locations within the country.”

So, for those of you in Brazil, fear not. The possibility of Twilight coming to you is still in the cards!

Breaking Dawn Official Casting Directors Hired

Summit LogoThis just in from Summit Entertainment:

Official local casting directors have been hired for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN. Stuart Aikins reprises casting duties for Vancouver-based casting. Fincannon and Associates Casting is handling talent searches for Louisiana-based casting. Both work under LA-based casting director Debra Zane. There are no other casting organizations involved with the production at this time.

Contact information for official casting directors:

Debra Zane Casting
5225 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Aikins / Cossey Casting
#403 1755 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 4S5

Fincannon and Associates
1235 N. 23rd St
Wilmington, NC 28405

Summit Answers Breaking Dawn Rumors

Summit LogoWe received official confirmation from Summit regarding the recent Breaking Dawn Rumors:

  • There is only one casting director working on THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN films right now – Deborah Zane. As of right now no local auditions are being held. If Deborah’s name is not attached to it in some form or another, it is not legitimate. She is also not putting out nationwide casting notices. Once again – as was the case with NEW MOON and ECLIPSE – any ads you see are completely false. She has set up an e-mail address specifically for casting inquiries ( We ask you please spread this news to your readers, as we don’t want them getting taken advantage of by casting scams!
  • Lexicon touched base regarding a rumor about Renesmee’s name changing in BREAKING DAWN. I cleared it up with them, but let me tell you as well – it is FALSE.
  • Amanda (Twi Examiner) asked about Riley’s appearance in BREAKING DAWN because it was listed on Xavier’s IMDb page. I already told her, but in case you did not see her post, Riley will not appear in the BREAKING DAWN films. It is a rumor
  • Also not confirmed is anything you have heard about the US release date of the ECLIPSE DVD. We have not announced it yet, so unless it is international and confirmed by an international distributor, it is a rumor