Casey looks so different out of her Kate from the Denali clan look.
Maggie Grace Says There Are Twilight Bonds
According to Maggie Grace there was definitely cast bonding on the set of Breaking Dawn
According to Contact Music:
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn stars Casey Labow, Maggie Grace, Julia Jones and Mia Maestro have become best friends on and off the set – and they regularly hook up for coven-like dinner parties.
The foursome clicked on the set of the final Twilight movies – and now former Lost star Grace hopes they’ll be friends for life.
She says, “It was a gaggle of fun girls and we still have these coven reunions, as geeky as that sounds. We did little field trips during the shoot, and we still have dinner parties when we’re all in L.A.”
Casey LaBow Talks Her 5 Auditions to Land the Role of Kate in Breaking Dawn
Casey LaBow didn’t have an easy road to get cast in Breaking Dawn. Here she talks about what she went through to land the role of Kate.
Tell me about your audition.
Casey LaBow: You mean the 5 of them?
Sure, I’ll just sit back and listen.
Casey LaBow: Get comfortable. It took 3 months of them bringing me in and out. Come in with straight hair, here’s some different lines, we need to see it again, can you do this? And I was pulling my hair out. I was going to quit actually. I had come to the consensus at a certain point that, as I was crying on the floor of my shower, that I was not equipped for this kind of pressure. That I was just going to throw in the towel if I didn’t get the job. And I got it.
After the first audition, were you like, “This is awesome. I think I did great.” Why did they keep on calling you back?
Casey LaBow: You know, I think there were so many people that needed to get in line on the decision. The director, the writer, the producers. All these people that had to come together and agree. For whatever reason, initially there was some resistance for me. But I believe, I think it was Bill Condon the director who really responded to me right away and fought for me.That’s a good person to have fight for you.
Casey LaBow: It sure is. I mean, I think. I don’t know for a fact, I didn’t ask him.
But I will tell you this, the very first day that I got on set – the entire audition process was video so I only read with casting. I never read for producers, I never read for the director. It was all video.
Does that make it easier?Casey LaBow: You know what? It did and it didn’t. There was aspects of it. Like, “Maybe if they see me…” But anyway, the first day I got on set and I finally met Bill, the first thing he said to me was, “I’m so sorry.”
Casey also talks about Kate’s powers and more here on Daily Actor In case you missed it, she gave an interview yesterday that talked about being a fan of the series and working with Lee Pace who plays Garrett.
Casey LaBow Talks the Denali Clan, Fans, Lee Pace,and Breaking Dawn Part 2
Casey LaBow who plays Kate was interviewed by
What has it been like being a part of this franchise with this huge fan base?
Casey LaBow: “Incredible. I mean, I have never witnessed that sort of devotion before. When we went down to tent city the day before the actual premiere in November…we went down and we gave out breakfast and signed some autographs and there was just so many people. I’m like, ‘This is true serious love.’ You’re camping out on concrete for five days with no showers. I want to love something that much.”
Nothing in your life so far has hit you like Twilight has hit these fans?Casey LaBow: “No. I’m waiting for something. It’s going to arrive. Maybe my kids will.”
Do you understand the passion of these fans?Casey LaBow: “I do; I get it. I think that probably when I was younger there were things that I got really excited about. [Laughing] Maybe I’m just a little old and bitter – and jaded – now.”
Why sign on to a franchise like this where you know everything is so scrutinized by fans?Casey LaBow: “Really? I don’t think that’s true. I think everybody’s so in love and so enamored and so excited about it and by it, that they’re just happy to see it happen. I haven’t really encountered too much scrutiny. I think that the devotion and passion overrides any box of scrutinization – if that’s even a word.”
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Casey Labow Hints at Denali Clan’s Breaking Dawn Part 2 Look
In Speaking to InStyle at a 3 X 1 Bspoke Jeans events Casey Labow said :
“We were very furs and leather—the Denali clan is like the fancy coven,” she said. “We were all fly.”
At the event, Casey made a pair of jeans, according to InStyle:
We followed Breaking Dawn star Casey LaBow as she designed a pair of made-to-order jeans at Manhattan’s 3×1 atelier. Founded by Paper, Denim & Cloth and Earnest Sewn denim guru Scott Morrison, the 4,000 sq. ft. design studio offers limited edition, custom and bespoke jeans. LaBow was particularly qualified to play designer—aside from spending her pre-actress days working as a stylist’s assistant…
Check out two photos from the experience below and an entire gallery on InStyle.
Casey LaBow Talks Breaking Dawn to Rad Motel
Casey LaBow who plays Kate talks about Breaking Dawn with Rad Motel.
Casey LaBow from Rad Motel on Vimeo.
Casey LaBow: Two Magazine Features: Nylon and Fault
Casey la Bow who plays Kate is being featured in both Nylon and Fault magazines
FAULT: What do you think yourself and your role as Kate have in common?
Casey: Strong personalities and we are both game for anything.FAULT: How would you describe Kate is three words.
Casey: Wry, Strong, Adventurous.
FAULT: What can fans expect from Breaking Dawn?
Casey: Much more mature subject matter, the characters have grown up and are now dealing with heavy subject matters, such as birth and marriage.
Best of the Denali Clan: Myanna Buring, Casey LaBow, Mia Maestro
Here’s the best red carpet interviews from our newest cast members MyAnna Buring, Mia Maestro, Casey LaBow
Casey at the 2:27 mark this video (skip to there)
Breaking Dawn Actors Visit Fans With Breakfast
Welcome to Twitter Casey LaBow
Casey LaBow who plays Kate in Breaking Dawn has just joined Twitter (as confirmed by her fellow Denali coven member and co-star MyAnna Burning)

Updated as of 10/4/11 [Read more…]
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