Billboard Music Conference Wrap Up

Our friends Lauren, from Twilight Facebook, and Matt and Andrew, from Imprint/Twilight Source, attended Billboard’s Film and TV Music Festival. Here is their report:

“Some of music’s top film and television producers, supervisors and editors were out in full force for Billboard’s Film and TV Music Festival on Thursday, October 29th at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, CA. People from all corners of the industry were in attendance to cultivate and learn new information to apply to their careers, or even just to see what made these music supervisors so successful. Companies such as ABC/Disney showed off their impressive musical choices that have garnered them so much attention such as working with The Fray in Grey’s Anatomy and the ever popular show, Hannah Montana. However, the big buzz that surrounded this conference wasn’t because of a 16 year old girl with split personalities. That honor bestows upon this year’s hottest soundtrack and highly anticipated theatrical score for The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

The Official Twilight Facebook page and Twilight Source were on hand to experience two panels devoted to a behind the scenes look into the making and popularity of the series’ soundtrack and instrumental score. The first discussion involved Alexandra Patsavas (Chop Shop Music), Livia Tortella ( Marketing, Atlantic Records) and Paul Katz ( Music Consultant, Summit Entertainment, LLC.) These “masterminds” behind the multi-million selling soundtrack to “Twilight” discussed how exactly they put together the newest ensemble of songs for the film’s sequel, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon…”

See the rest of their report here.

Chris Weitz On Bad Jane

For Fanning, it was the chance to be the bad girl for once.

“She’s never really gotten to play a bad person before, probably because she is a very good person. She is really a lovely young person. But I think she had some fun playing, really, the most evil of all the bad guys,” Weitz said. “[Jane]’s bad news. Very bad.”

See the rest on MTV.

Chris Weitz Audio Interview: Sc-Fi TV Zone

There is no written transcript, but this interview is FANTASTIC!

Listen to it here! Via TwiMoms

Chris Weitz Talks to The Hollywood Reporter

Chris Weitz gives an indepth interview to The Hollywood Reporter (illustration Chris Morris), not shying away from any questions or answers:

THR: How much did you interact with Stephenie Meyer?

Weitz: A lot; we’ve had a real good collaboration. Crucially, she approved me as director, and she didn’t have to. We had some discussions that were very important — my convincing her that I didn’t want to take her baby and run away with it, or tell a story that was counter to the spirit of what she was trying to tell. I see myself, in the last few movies I’ve done, as adapting literary properties into film, so that’s how I treated this one. We got along like a house on fire.

THR: What kind of suggestions did she give you?

Weitz: It would normally be me e-mailing her and running things by her when I felt I was on the edge of getting a detail wrong, everything from the powers of a given vampire to the look of a particular scene or what she imaged a location looked like. And sometimes, when I felt that I was creating something new within the framework she had set up, making sure she was aware of it and that it didn’t make her sick.

THR: For example?

Weitz: A good example is the headquarters of the Volturi. The oldest vampire family lives in Italy, and it was important to me there be nothing in their surroundings that reeked of any other vampire movie. So the interiors are done in a very classic Renaissance style and are very crisp and very bright, which you would not normally expect from a vampire movie”

See the rest on THR

Chris Weitz: Fansite Friday Interview Part II

This is our final Fansite Friday. we’re sure that you won’t be disappointed in the rest of what Chris Wietz had to say. All totaled it was an unheard of 25 minutes of interview on set that was filming. We’d again like to thank our set visit buddies. In many fandoms, site don’t get along. This isn’t the case here. Shout out to Twilighters Anonymous, His Golden Eyes, Twilight Moms, Twilight Series Theories, Twilight Source/ Imprint!

Q: I’m wondering since you’re so good with CGI, and it’s your forte, how’s the design for the werewolves coming?

Chris: I think it’s going to be good. We’re taking Stephenie’s lead really they’re supposed to be wolves the size of horses. The temptation…we’ve avoided any temptation to kind of go Lon Chaney with it, or to make it kind of humanoid. The werewolves are very much creatures of nature.

Phil Tippet is doing the …it’s not me, I’m not the one who’s good at doing CGI I just happened to have lucked into working with people who are very good at it. So, I just know a good thing when I see it, and Phil Tippet who is a multi-Oscared guy (ILM) worked on Stars Wars and all that stuff is doing the wolves, and they’re going to be great. They’re going to be fantastic.

So and at the same time they are going to fit that world that’s already there. You can’t suddenly hop out of reality. Somehow what Stephenie manages to do is to mix the emotions that everybody feels at some point in their lives with these kinds of supernatural things: vampires and werewolves and stuff. It would be wrong if you suddenly saw a werewolf in a different kind of movie. They have to be carefully integrated. If there’s one thing I’m good at with CG is that I don’t like it to jump to the foreground too much. I like it to settle in like any other aspect.

Q: So it looks natural?

Chris: Yeah, Yeah. [Read more…]

Fansite Friday: Chris Weitz on the Set of New Moon part 1

Chris Weitz talked with us for thirty minutes. After five we  knew New Moon was in good hands, after ten we knew he was a genius, and after fifteen well…you read and you decide. He’s definitely one of those “who would you want in a foxhole” kind of guys.

Chris Weitz Interview- part 1

New Moon Fansites Set Visit: His Golden Eyes,Twilighters Anonymous,Twilight Lexicon,Twilight Moms,Twilight Source/Imprint,Twilight Series Theories

Transcript by Kara of Twilight Moms, Matt of Twilight Source/Imprint, Laura of Twilight Lexicon

Chris: Where Bella meets Laurent in the meadow, it was a two day scene and in between the two days it snowed and so we arrived in the morning at 6:00 and it was snowing, about 4 inches of snow. So, we had to scramble to shift our schedule around. Do all kinds of stuff.

Q: How do you deal with lighting continuity when you are dealing with such drastic weather situations?

Chris: Well of course what we hope for in all cases is gray weather. We’re in this weird position of wanting bad weather. We want light rain or gray at all times. We don’t always get it, so when we don’t, we use gigantic scrims hanging from big condors to block off as much as we can. But then there’s this continual torture to Javier our DP (director of photography) because you can sort of shade off an area where actors are acting but in the background we bright—shafts of light coming through—and of course there’s vampire weather as well. Sometimes we can get away with a sunny day in Forks, but never on a day when Edward is around because we don’t want to give away the diamond stuff. So, it really, you know I’ll be so happy when we get to a stage in about a week and we can stop worrying about the weather.”

Q: So, you’re moving to an interior set?

Chris: We’ll be moving to the interiors in a week from today. So there‘s just only one more week to freak out about the weather a bit. We’ve been knocked around a bit. There’s like a Twilight weather curse, slightly. You end up not getting the weather you want on a given day. It will be sun on the day you want rain and then the one day you want sun…

So is all this [indicating the Bella’s house set] going to stay up though?

Chris: You know it’s funny I’ve been knocking it around in my head what the best thing to do would be. I would imagine what they are going to do is to disassemble it. Because I mean you know it looks great, but it’s not really up to code. I’m not sure that it would withstand a BC winter and everything. I think probably what they’ll do is take it apart and put it into storage and build it back up again while still I imagine maintaining a rent on this land would be my best guess. [Read more…]

Fandango Talks New Moon and Fall Movies

Fandango talks fall movies and of course New Moon is one of the highly anticipated movies coming out this fall. Chris Weitz talks vampires and werewolves:

The vampire-werewolf feud makes for a nice exploration of our own psyches, said “New Moon” director Chris Weitz.

“I suppose they’re the two most relatable human monsters that we can think of. They nicely encapsulate restraint and passion,” Weitz said. “Vampires are cold-blooded, literally, and werewolves are hot-blooded.”

Be sure to check out the completely article HERE.

No Edward? Not a Problem, Jacob to the Rescue.

Chris Weitz also expands on the CGI for pivital scenes.

Vamping It Up In The Weitz Blood

MTV talks with Chris Wietz’s equally talented brother Paul about his upcoming vampire project, and how the family’s vampire entertainment roots go back to their 99-year-old grandmother!

Chris Weitz: Rotten Tomatoes Gives An Up Close Look

In today’s New Moon Monday,Jen Amato of Rotten Tomatoes takes a look at the career of the man helming New Moon, Chris Weitz.

“During our visit to the set of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, we watched from afar as director Chris Weitz ran a seemingly tidy ship. His quiet, polite mannerisms, even during take after take, and his relative expedience moving from one set up to another spoke to a sea change from the type of set Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke reportedly ran: the focused, well-mannered workman vs. the wonderfully eccentric artist. The fans will be pleased, we thought to ourselves. Weitz looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

Read the full analysis on Rotten Tomatoes. What do you think about Chris’s energy and style vs. Catherine Hardwicke’s?