One of our favorite websites is Collider. The have excellent interviews that don’t just rehash the same old questions all of the time,and they’ve always given Twilight fans a really fair deal by not running a parade of snide comments and cheap shots with their movie news. The owner of the site, Steve, last year reached out to us looking for a reviewer for the Eclipse DVD because he wanted a fan to state if it had what fans wanted. Not being a fan himself, he wanted some “expert” advice. He found a fan reviewer, Gretchen, and she was terrific. This year he is reaching out again. Check out the details on Collider.
Collider Looking For a Breaking Dawn DVD Reviewer
Video: New Clips from Breaking Dawn Part 1
Collider has a series of new clips from Breaking Dawn Part 1 including the clip we saw yesterday where Jacob talks to the Cullens, another where Bella discovered she is pregnant, and Jacob and Carlisle discuss when Bella will deliver. Not everything is new, but if you are looking for something to get you by for the next few days, this might do it!
All Summit Behind the Scenes Breaking Dawn Footage in One Clip
Our friends over at Collider have cut all the Breaking Dawn footage that was released last week into one clip. They write, “For those that missed the behind-the-scenes footage from last week, I’ve edited everything into one clip and it’s in the player below. You’ll notice the new footage has a few moments you’ve probably already seen, but for the most part it’s all new and it focuses on Taylor Lautner.”
Jackson Rathbone Talks to Collider About Aim High
In their on going promotion of the Facebook series Aim High, Jackson Rathbone and Aimee Teegarden talked with Collider about how they became involved with this project, the difficulties they faced with the characters, and closing the book on a huge chapter of their lives with Breaking Dawn and with Teegarden’s Friday Night Lights.
Collider: What did doing this as a web series allow for, that you wouldn’t have been able to do on TV?
RATHBONE: It’s interesting, we got out of the constraints of network television. Even if you look at network television, the constraints are getting a little wider. They’re pushing the boundaries, constantly. What we wanted to do was push the boundaries on the internet, a little bit. It’s not that racy. We’re not saying anything that’s highly inappropriate. It’s not a Quentin Tarantino script. But, it’s really fun, it’s edgy and it’s that dark comedy. It rides the line. It toes it and sneers at it.
Read the whole interview at Collider.
Collider Talks to the Breaking Dawn Special Effects Team
Phil Tippet and company are back again for Breaking Dawn. Collider had the opportunity to slip in some Breaking Dawn questions while talking to Tippet and crew about another project. Collider writes:
Earlier today I got to talk with Dennis Muren, Phil Tippett and John Rosengrant about their amazing work on Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. They were talking to the press this morning to help promote the October 25th Blu-ray release. While I’ll have the full interview online next month, for all you Twilight fans, I was able to ask Tippett and Rosengrant about their involvement in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn.
Check out the video. Tippet is a Hollywood SFX legend and he gives high praise to Bill Condon!
Collider Interviews David Slade for the Eclipse DVD Release
As usual there is great stuff over at Collider. Christina Radish, who used to be at IESB, is now over at Collider. Christina has always provided great Twilight coverage no matter what site she works for:
“Earlier today, Collider had the opportunity to do an exclusive interview with director David Slade, in which he talked about all of the special features and extras that even the most hardcore fans are sure to enjoy, how every aspect of making the film was daunting, that one of his favorite scenes was the kitchen scene between Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Charlie (Billy Burke), and how he doesn’t judge a film by it’s financial or critical success, but rather how closely it achieves his original vision. He also said that he’s currently narrowing down what he’s going to be working on next, and that all of his choices are very different from his previous work.
Question: What will fans get most excited about, in regard to the special features and extras that you’ve selected for this DVD?
DAVID SLADE: You know, I don’t know. That’s bad. I made the film and haven’t even seen these things, except to approve them. What I will say is that I think it’s a point worth making that, for a film like this, because of the fan base, I liken it to a subculture. It’s not quite punk rock, but it’s a fan culture, like Star Wars fans. It’s a positive thing and I’ve always been very, very supportive of fan cultures. I’m a fan of all kinds of things. With a DVD, you want something you can own, you can watch, you can come to grips with and you can explore. It’s something larger than the film, when it’s going out to a fan base like this. So, I guess that’s my answer. I hope that they like all of it.
The thing that I remember doing myself is the commentary on the deleted scenes. I don’t do commentaries on films because A) I’m not very good at it and B) it’s an odd thing that I discovered, on my first film, that you go through this really intense experience of making a film and then you sit in a little room with a monitor and you reduce the thing to a bunch of silly anecdotes. It’s really unfulfilling and I’ve never really enjoyed listening to them anyway, so I just don’t do them. I’ve made a point, since then, of not doing them.
But, one of the things I thought was important, particularly because of this fan base and because of how much stock they put into the stories, was just to talk about the stuff we took out – that we shot and we didn’t put in – and the reasoning behind it. I felt it needed a bit of justification. There were some scenes that I actually really liked and would like to have put them in. And who knows? They may be favorites of people within the fan cultures. Film becomes a living organism. After awhile, it begins to tell you what it needs and you’re usually best listening.”
Collider Looking For a Twilight Superfan For DVD Review
One of our very favorite entertainment blogs is run by Collider. He doesn’t gush over Twilight, but he covers the story without getting snarky, and really that’s what we think many fans want from an entertainment site. Anyway, Steve (AKA Frosty) who runs Collider wants some help:
“This is either going to be the best or worst decision I’ve made this month.
While we have a lot of great writers on Collider, I’ve decided to try and find a Twilight super fan to review our copy of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on Blu-ray. Now I’m not looking for someone who thinks it’s the greatest movie ever made, and I’m not looking for someone who hates it either. I’m going to try and locate someone who loves the books and the films and can do an impartial review, while also writing about all the special features, commentaries, and the extra things on the Blu-ray.”
If you think you’ve got what it takes, check out the full details here.
Collider: Nikki Reed and Jackson Rathbone 7 Minutes on the Red Carpet
Collider gives a timeline of what you can expect in the video:
Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed
* T-shirt talk
* What is it like being at the Scream Awards
* :45 – What is it like being in the center of a very popular franchise
* 1:40 – Nikki sneaks up
* 1:55 – Rathbone reveals Reed will be directing a video for his band 100 Monkeys
* 2:25 – Rathbone talk about Reed directing and what he likes about her
* 3:00 – They reveal they haven’t met Bill Condon yet. They call the script amazing
* 3:25 – Reed reveals they’ve read the script for both parts
* 3:40 – Are they shooting it in 3D?
* 4:05 – When are they going to Baton Rouge to film
* 4:30 – Rathbone and Reed talk about what they’re going to be doing in Louisiana as Rathbone grew up there
* 5:15 – We talk about music videos and how do you get it to stand out
* 7:50 – What are things are going on with him right now. Talks about another movie called Girlfriend and a new media project called Aim High
Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed Red Carpet Interview 2010 SCREAM AWARDS; They Talk BREAKING DAWN and More from ColliderVideos on Vimeo.
Collider: Eric Leven, the Special Effects of Eclipse vs New Moon
Collider has a great interview about what happens behind the scenes. They talked to Visual Effects Supervisor Eric Leven to get the details.
Eric Leven Visual Effects Supervisor on THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE from ColliderVideos on Vimeo.
Collider: Wyck Godfrey Breaking Dawn Preparation
Here’s a synopsis of the video below from Steve “AKA Frosty” from Collider:
Producer Wyck Godfrey
•Didn’t we just talk…he talks about the crazy production schedule
•Says he is very busy prepping Breaking Dawn. Says they are shooting in Louisiana
•1:00 – What was the biggest hurdle to overcome on Eclipse
•1:45 – How involved is he in the IMAX release
•2:15 – How much talk was there to do Eclipse in 3D. Says they are talking about it for Breaking Dawn. How does he feel about post converted 3D?
•3:20 – How much got cut out of Eclipse that will be on the DVD/Blu-ray. Says at least 3 scenes that were either cut or cut down
•4:00 – Has there been any talk about doing an ultra box set for all the Twilight movies on DVD/Blu-ray
•4:25 – Do they have anything that they’re saving for the big box set
•5:05 – Bill Condon talk. How surprised was he that they got him for Breaking Dawn
•6:05 – Are they planning on changing stuff out of Breaking Dawn the book versus the movie
•7:20 – How long does he think each Breaking Dawn movie will be? Will they both be 2 hr movies?
•8:02 – Says they are shooting Breaking Dawn in Vancouver and Louisiana
•8:25 – What else is he involved with? Talks about his Wizard of Oz project at Warner Bros./New Line. Says his film is a faithful adaptation of the book
•9:15 – With two competing projects happening does he think whichever one goes first will get made
•9:45 – Talks about a Channing Tatum 10 year High School reunion movie that he’s working on. Also a Janice Joplin movie with Amy Adams directed by Fernando Meirelles
TWILIGHT Producer Wyck Godfrey TWILIGHT: ECLIPSE, BREAKING DAWN – Click here for this week’s top video clips
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